In line with the Office of the Inspector of Prisons’ Policy on the Monitoring of Recommendations (2021), the Office of the Inspector of Prisons (OIP) monitors the implementation of its recommendations and corresponding Action Plans developed by the Irish Prison Service (IPS). It does this in two ways: (i) twice-yearly IPS Self-Assessments, and (ii) OIP inspection assessments.
The OIP provides the IPS with a Self-Assessment template, whereby the IPS is requested to provide a status update on recommendations accepted by the IPS and those that the IPS has deemed as having an ongoing status. The OIP inspections assess progress of implementation of all recommendations accepted by the IPS.
The Inspections Recommendation Monitoring online database allows for a tracking of status updates provided by IPS Self-Assessments and OIP inspection assessments, and is updated following receipt of IPS Self-Assessments or the publication of inspection reports.
Recommendation Date | Facility | Primary Keyword | Secondary Keyword | Recommendation ID | Recommendation | OIP Focus Area | IPS Response | Date of IPS Action Plan | IPS Action Plan | IPS Action Required | Recommendation Action Owner | Timeline | Q2 2024 Assessment Date | Q2 2024 Assessment Type / Status | Q2 2024 Status Update Information | Q1 / Q2 2023 Assessment Date | Q1 / Q2 2023 Assessment Type / Status | Q1 / Q2 2023 Status Update Information | Q2 2022 Assessment Date | Q2 2022 Assessment Type / Status | Q2 2022 Status Update Information | Recommendation & Status Update |
16/03/2021 | Mountjoy Men's Prison | COVID-19 | Vaccination | MJCT1 | Mountjoy Men’s Prison should endeavour to embark on a robust and timely information campaign intended to provide consistent and research-informed information about the effects and side-effects of the COVID-19 vaccines (particularly those that will be administered to prisoners). | Respect & Dignity | Accepted | 15/04/2021 | The Irish Prison Service has enhanced prisoner communications since the outbreak of Covid-19. Specific information “question and answers” literature on the Covid-19 vaccine have been developed by the IPS Vaccination Committee and provided to prisoners via cell drops. The Irish Prison Service has also introduced a new Prisoner Information TV Channel, to provide information and learning support for prisoners. Bespoke Covid-19 Vaccination Videos have been developed and are shared with prisoners via the Prisoner TV Channel. The IPS, via the Red Cross Volunteers, conducted an attitudes survey of prisoners on the Covid-19 vaccine to inform vaccine roll out. | The IPS will continue to provide updated information to prisoners on Covid-19 related issues, including the vaccine. | Vaccine Committee; Communications; Prison management | In place and will be reviewed and augmented on an ongoing basis | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | The Irish Prison Service vaccination committee developed a comprehensive Questions and Answers document to provide information to prisoners on the Covid-19 vaccine. In addition, the Irish Prison Service Communications Unit developed a Q&A video with content provided by Healthcare which was published in all prison TV channels. As a result of the action, and collaboration with the Ambulance Service, the Irish Prison Service has achieved the highest prisoner vaccination rate in Europe. | |
16/03/2021 | Mountjoy Men's Prison | COVID-19 | Isolation/Quarantine Information | MJCT2 | In line with Rule 54 of the Nelson Mandela Rules, the Irish Prison Service should ensure that written and oral information is provided to prisoners upon entering quarantine and on an ongoing basis over the course of quarantine. This information should be designed to assist newly committed prisoners in adapting to quarantine, and should clearly outline what they can expect while in quarantine. The information should be provided in a language and form that can be understood by the prisoner; this may require the assistance of interpreters. Prisoners should be provided with ongoing opportunities to raise questions and to be informed of all matters necessary to adapt to quarantine and prison life in general. | Respect & Dignity | Accepted | 15/04/2021 | The Irish Prison Service provides a comprehensive Prisoner Information Book to all new committals to prison. The Book is printed in several languages and gives basic information about regimes and services within prisons. A bespoke booklet titled “Covid-19 – Living in Cell” was developed by the Red Cross Volunteers to provide detailed information to prisoners on isolation/quarantine and gives specific information on the Covid-19 testing process. | The Irish Prison Service will continue to review the information for new committals on an ongoing basis. Prison management will ensure that this booklet is given to all new committals | Corporate Services; Prison Management Prison management | In place and will be reviewed and augmented on an ongoing basis In place and will be reviewed and augmented on an ongoing basis | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | A ‘Living in Cell’ booklet has been provided throughout the covid-19 pandemic and has been updated on a number of occasions to reflect latest procedures. The booklet is circulated via the Covid-19 prison liaisons group. The document is developed in collaboration with the Prison Red Cross Volunteers and is approved by NALA. A new recording studio has been introduced in Loughan House and it is proposed that future communications will be broadcast via the Prisoner TV Channel. The Service continues to provide a comprehensive Prisoner Information Booklet to all new committals which is available in up to 7 different languages. | |
16/03/2021 | Mountjoy Men's Prison | Food | Meal Scheduling | MJCT3 | In line with the Nelson Mandela Rules, Rule 22 and European Prison Rules, Rule 22.4, the Inspectorate recommends that the scheduling around meal times be amended to ensure meals are served at reasonable intervals and at usual times: lunch (midday) and dinner (evening). | Respect & Dignity | Accepted | 15/04/2021 | In 2019, the Irish Prison Service introduced a pilot alteration to the schedule of meal times in Castlerea and Mountjoy Prison (Progression Unit). The purpose was to examine the impact of providing the main daily meal in the evening. The results of the pilot were positive and the IPS decided, in 2019, to roll out this meal schedule to all prisons. However, the roll out of this initiative has been prevented due to industrial relations issues. The current prison day is structured in prisons to take account of the need to open cells on a landing basis due to Level 5 restriction. In Mountjoy the meals times are: Breakfast – 8.10am Lunch – 11.40 - 12.20 Evening meal- 3.40 – 4.20 Prisoners are released from cells to collect meals at the servery on a rotational/landing basis to prevent the mixing of larger group of people. The return to divisional unlock, following the lowering of the restriction level, will result in a return to more normal meal time schedule. | IPS will continue to engage with the staff representative association with regard to the alteration of the existing prisoner meal schedule The IPS will reintroduce divisional unlock when Level 5 restrictions are eased. | Care and Rehabilitation Prison management | Ongoing TBC | Q2 2024 | IPS - Complete | A review of Prisoner meals was undertaken in 2022/2023. A new prison 28 day menu was rolled out to male prisons in August 2023. A review of the female 28 day menu is due for completion in Q4 2023. An enhanced evening meal is now standard across all male prisons.] | 2-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | A Steering Committee gave oversight to the review process. A sub-committee comprising 2 members from Care & Rehabilitation and 2 members from the Staff representative association carried out the review in 2022 by visiting 4 prisons; Castlerea Prison, Cork Prison, Wheatfield and the Progression Unit. The review was limited to reviewing the practicality of changes to the scheduling of the main daily meal, no changes are being proposed to the serving times or intervals between meals in prisons. The following were the recommendations from the review accepted by the steering Committee: 1. Revision and modernising of menu 2. Standardisation of the serving times across all prisons in line with standard prison day to maximise access to prisoner services. Prisoners will remain in their morning structured activity until at least 12:15pm and in the afternoon until at least 4:15pm. 3. Provide enhanced tea/evening meal offering 4. Increase range of menu options for special dietary requirements. 5. Provide only a small range of menu alternatives. 6. Strict adherence to menu and alternatives. 7. Provision of amended menu options for female prisoners The work of drawing up the menu and testing dishes is underway and expected to complete in early April 2023. The new menu is expected to be complete and ready for implementation in Q3 2023. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | An alteration to the prison of the main meal was completed in Castlerea Prison and the Mountjoy Prison Progression Unit. The Irish Prison Service has identified the review of prisoner mealtimes as a priority action in the Public Service Agreement 2021/2022 and continues to engage with the staff representative association in this regard. The Irish Prison Service will continue to engage with the staff representative association with regard to the alteration of the existing prisoner meal schedule. | |
16/03/2021 | Mountjoy Men's Prison | Food | Meal Options | MJCT4 | As recommended by the Inspectorate in the “Ameliorating the Impact of Cocooning on People in Custody – A Briefing “ Report, prisoners under COVID-19 related restricted regimes should be “informed about what (food) is on offer and asked which portions they do and do not want.” | Respect & Dignity | Part Accepted | 15/04/2021 | The provision of meals in prisons represents a significant logistical challenge. The IPS operates a 28-day menu cycle to ensure a balanced diet is provided to people in custody. Certain dietary needs are met on request including a vegetarian option or options for religious reasons, such as halal options. It is not possible to provide for personal choice or menu options for meals as this would require significant additional resources. Portion control measures are followed in the distribution of food to ensure prisoners are provided with the required food portion. Consideration is being given to the use of a tri-compartment food tray for the provision of certain meal type which have a meat potato and vegetable offering. | The Irish Prison Service will trial the use of alternative food trays for prisoners in quarantine/isolation to allow for better segregation of foods. The use of these trays will be reviewed and rolled out to other locations if successful. | Care and Rehabilitation | End May 2021 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | Multi-compartment food boxes have been sourced are available for use in prisons if required. As the serving of meals has returned to pre pandemic processes multi-compartment boxes are not required. | |
16/03/2021 | Mountjoy Men's Prison | Religion | Access | MJCT5 | The Inspectorate recommends that the Irish Prison Service, in consultation with the Chaplaincy Service, consider innovative strategies for maximising use of the large church facilities. This would allow for socially distanced engagement with religious services, as well as other services such as psychology and addiction counselling. | Respect & Dignity | Not Accepted | 15/04/2021 | Infection control measures, such as the cessation of religious services, are introduced based on guidelines published by Government. The Irish Prison Service will commence the reintroduction of religious services in line with the guidance set out by Government in the Covid-19 Resilience and Recovery – The Path Ahead . The return of religious services will be considered by Government, as part of the next stage of easing restrictions, to be announced on 4th May 2021. The prison chapels are not suitable locations for the delivery of confidential services such as Chaplaincy and Psychology. | Prison management will facilitate the streaming of religious services through the Prisoner TV Channel. | Prison management NPHET | End April 2021 4 May 2021 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | All prison chapels have been returned to full capacity (October 2021) in line with Government and public Health guidance. | |
16/03/2021 | Mountjoy Men's Prison | Staff Training | Human Rights | MJCT6 | The Inspectorate urges Mountjoy Men’s Prison and the Irish Prison Service to address the specific matters outlined in Section 2.4, and to consider in a more general sense the training and culture required in the prison to ensure that such behaviours are never acceptable and the risk of re-occurrence is mitigated. | Respect & Dignity | Accepted | 15/04/2021 | The incident referred to in section 2.4 is unacceptable. It should be noted that the entry referred to represents one entry in a journal of which there are 192 daily journals in operation within the prison. The remark made was an isolated incident is not viewed as representative of the views of the workforce within the prison. All journals are reviewed by prison management and signed by Governors and Chief Officers. | Mountjoy Prison management have reminded staff of the need to ensure that all official journals are completed in a professional manner. Prison management will continue to review journals on a regular basis and will address any issues that arise. | Prison Management; Corporate Services (E,D&I Lead) | Completed | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | Mountjoy Prison management have reminded staff of the need to ensure that all official journals are completed in a professional manner. Prison management will continue to review journals on a regular basis and will address any issues that arise. The introduction of digitalisation will form a central component of the next Irish Prison Service Strategic Plan. | |
16/03/2021 | Mountjoy Men's Prison | Overcrowding | Reduce Population | MJCT7 | With concern for the increase in the prison population in recent months, the Inspectorate recommends that the Irish Prison Service engages with the Department of Justice to maximise all opportunities available for reducing the prison population. | Safety & Security | Accepted | 15/04/2021 | In March 2020 the Irish Prison Service took decisive action to reduce the prison population to ensure effective infection control measures. The Irish Prison Service has continued to maintain the prison population at or below 3,800 to ensure safe custody. The IPS has completed an assessment of the prison estates to determine a “Covid-19 Capacity” for safe custody levels. The IPS has engaged with the Department of Justice to examine potential solutions to manage the prison population in a way that ensures effective infection control measures. In addition, the Criminal Justice Efficiencies Group has tasked data analysts from across the sector with examining the potential impacts on prison numbers over the next 12 months. It should be noted that, while temporary release is judiciously used to regulate prison numbers, not all prisoners are suitable for temporary release and the overriding concern when deciding on temporary release is public safety. | In consultation with the Department of Justice the IPS will introduce a new Covid-19 Capacity in all prisons. The IPS will continue to review the Prison Population Management Plan and will introduce new measures to address prison overcrowding as necessary Data analysis on the impact of increased committals to be completed | Operations Directorate Operations Directorate Criminal Justice Efficiencies committee | April 2021 Ongoing | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | Acknowledging that control of the prison population is not within the remit of the Irish Prison Service, the Irish Prison Service continues to engage with the Department of Justice to maximise all opportunities available for reducing the prison population. Additional accommodation has opened for both male and female prisoners at Limerick Prison, temporary release is utilised as appropriate, and opportunities for further expansion of the prison estate are being identified for the Capital estimates process on an ongoing basis. | 13-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | The Minister for Justice has approved amendments proposed by IPS to the Community Return Scheme and Community Support Scheme to allow for prisoners to be considered for both schemes at an earlier stage of their sentence. It should be noted that prison Governors are required by law to accept all prisoners into their custody who have been committed to prison by the Courts. The Irish Prison Service therefore has no control over the numbers committed to custody at any given time. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The Minister for Justice has published the Review of Penal Policy which includes actions to reduce reoffending and incorporate the principle of imprisonment as a last resort. The Training Unit has reopened in July 2022 providing an additional 96 prisoner spaces. An additional 90 male spaces and 22 female spaces are due to come on stream in late Q4 2022/Q1 2023 with the opening of new prisoner accommodation in Limerick Prison for male and female prisoners. (Subject to the availability of staffing resources). | |
16/03/2021 | Mountjoy Men's Prison | COVID-19 | Access Test Results | MJCT8 | In line with practice in the general community, and with the Principle of Equivalence, the IPS should ensure that people in prison are provided with written information about their test results. | Health & Wellbeing | Not Accepted | 15/04/2021 | The Irish Prison Service has worked closely with the HSE/Public Health on the management of Covid-19 outbreaks in prisons. The completion of mass testing of all prisoners and staff is a huge logistical operation and this is completed twice per outbreak. People in the community are provided with test results via text message, which is not available to people in custody. The implementation of this recommendation would require the manual provision of individualised letters which is not currently feasible from IT and resource perspective. | Not accepted | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | |||
16/03/2021 | Mountjoy Men's Prison | COVID-19 | Vaccination | MJCT9 | The Inspectorate recommends that the Irish Prison Service continues its ongoing efforts to lobby for the prioritisation of COVID-19 vaccinations for people living and working in prisons. | Health & Wellbeing | Accepted | 15/04/2021 | The IPS continues to engage with the relevant Departments and agencies with regard to access to the Covid-19 vaccine in line with the grouping published by the Government. | The IPS will continue to engage with the appropriate agencies with regard to access to the Covid-19 vaccination. | Care and Rehabilitation; NICT | Ongoing | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | A bespoke Prison Vaccination Programme was introduced in April 2021 resulting in over 80% of prisoners being vaccinated; the highest prisoner vaccination rate in Europe. The Irish Prison Service continues to engage with the Health Authorities regarding the provision of vaccines including the booster vaccine. On 9 June 2022 almost 2,000 booster vaccines had been administered and over 9,000 vaccinations have been administered in total. | |
16/03/2021 | Mountjoy Men's Prison | Prison Conditions | Repairs | MJCT10 | In line with Rule 24.1 of the European Prison Rules, and in order to mitigate the impact of restrictions imposed on family contact by Rule 36A, the Inspectorate recommends that every effort be made to promptly identify, prioritise and repair faulty phones. | Health & Wellbeing | Part Accepted | 15/04/2021 | The Irish Prison Service has enhanced the availability of telephones to allow prisoners to continue to keep in contact with friends and families. Additional entitlement to phone calls have also been granted. Given the importance of family contact Mountjoy Prison trades staff ensure that broken handsets are repaired as soon as possible. Unfortunately it is the case that telephones get damaged, due to vandalism, and every effort is made to ensure that damaged phones are repaired in a timely manner. In 2020, 31 repairs were carried out to telephones. | Telecommunications equipment will be continuously assessed and replaced if faulty. | Prison management | Completed | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | Mountjoy Prison management continues to monitor the phones and Trades staff ensure that any damaged or faulty phones are repaired or replaced as soon as possible. | |
16/03/2021 | Mountjoy Men's Prison | Postal Correspondence | Timely Delivery | MJCT11 | In line with Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, the Inspectorate recommends that all postal communications are collected and delivered to prisoners in a timely manner, and to ensure that all class offices are adequately stocked with paper, pens and envelopes that are proactively distributed to people in prison. | Health & Wellbeing | Accepted | 15/04/2021 | The censors resources have been enhanced during the pandemic to prevent a backlog in post, a daily report is provided to the dedicated governor to allow monitoring of post. There are currently no delays being experienced in the distribution of post to prisoners. | The Irish Prison Service is piloting the use of eCorrespondence for prisoner communications in Mountjoy Prison (and Midlands Prison). If successful, consideration will be given to rolling out fully within Mountjoy Prison, and to other locations across the estate, which will allow for a more timely distribution of correspondence. | Prison management | End Q4 2021 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | E-correspondence has been rolled out in Mountjoy Prison, Cloverhill Prison and Midlands Prison. | |
16/03/2021 | Mountjoy Men's Prison | COVID-19 | Access to Showers | MJCT12 | In line with the European Prison Rules Rule 19.4, prisoners in quarantine/ isolation must be permitted to shower, if not daily, at least two times in a seven day period. | Health & Wellbeing | Part Accepted | 15/04/2021 | Due to the structural age of Mountjoy Prison, cells are not equipped with showers and, due to current Infection control restrictions, showering while in quarantine is not feasible due to the high risk it poses to prisoners and staff. The cells do however facilitate in cell sanitation. All prisoners confined to their cell for the purpose of quarantine have access to hot water and soap to maintain adequate hygiene. This is in line with the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT), Statement of Principles relating to the treatment of persons deprived of their liberty in the context of the Coronavirus disease. The Irish Prison Service continues to review infection control measures on a weekly basis and any change to infection control measures is made in line with the Government decisions on the easing of restrictions, and in consultation with Public Health. | The provision of showers during the quarantine period is under active consideration in light of reducing levels of community transmission. | Care and Rehabilitation; Human Resources | Ongoing | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | The Irish Prison Service introduced a new Standard Operating Procedure (10/08/2022) setting out the correct procedures for the showering of prisoners in quarantine/isolation. It was agreed to allow prisoners up to 2 showers in a seven day period. | |
16/03/2021 | Mountjoy Men's Prison | Bedding / Clothing | Quarantine / Isolation | MJCT13 | Prisoners in quarantine/isolation must be provided with a daily change of clothing and a weekly change of bedding. | Health & Wellbeing | Not Accepted | 15/04/2021 | It is not possible to provide laundered clothing to prisoners on a daily basis due to the capacity of the Mountjoy Prison laundry. Prisoners in quarantine are already provided with a weekly change of bedding as recommended and a daily change of underwear is provided. | Prison management | Not accepted | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | ||
16/03/2021 | Mountjoy Men's Prison | COVID-19 | Meaningful Human Contact | MJCT14 | Two hours of meaningful human contact (as defined in section 5.3) must be facilitated each day for people in quarantine/isolation. | Health & Wellbeing | Not Accepted | 15/04/2021 | A critical infection control measure introduced by the Irish Prison Service has been the segregation of new committals from the general population for the purposes of quarantine. Prisoners in quarantine have restricted out of cell time, in accordance with Rule 32A of SI 250/2020 Prison Rules 2020. So far 53 prisoners, committed to custody from the community, have tested positive with Covid-19. There have been no prison based Covid-19 outbreaks, as a result of a new committal, due to the infection control measures introduced. All new prisoners are tested on day 1, with a 2nd test completed on day 7. If negative, and not symptomatic, prisoners exit quarantine after 8 days. The majority of quarantine prisoners have not required 14 days isolation. Prisoners in quarantine/isolation are managed in line with IPS national protocols developed by the Emergency Response Planning Team. Prisoners in quarantine/isolation have their door opened on a minimum of 2 occasions per day and are visited by the class officer, the Governor, medical staff, Chaplains. Restrictions on physical contact are necessary for infection control measures. A minimum of 1 hour continuous out of cell time is facilitated however, in general, prisoner receive more than 1 hour when numbers in isolation allow. | Not accepted | Q2 2024 | IPS - Complete | The Irish Prison Service has wound down Covid-19 restrictive measures. | 8-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | A project for the installation of in-cell telephones to all prison cells is ongoing. In-cell phones are operational in Castlerea, Cloverhill, Cork, Limerick and Midlands Prisons. Projects in Portlaoise Prison and Dóchas Centre are currently ongoing and will be completed by the end of Q2 2023. Tenders for Arbour Hill, Mountjoy Prison including the Training Unit and Progression Unit will be completed before the end of Q2 2023 with the installation completed by the end of 2023. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | Throughout the pandemic every effort was made to ensure all prisoners could continue to have meaningful contact with others. Prisoners who were confirmed as Covid-19 positive or suspected as having Covid-19 were isolated, in line with Standard Operating Procedures, to prevent the spread of infection. This is in line with action taken in the community. The Irish Prison Service introduced video visiting technology to allow prisoners to communicate with family and friends when physical visits were suspended. This option has been retained as an additional communication tool to support family contact. In-cell telephones were introduced in all locations as a temporary measure during the pandemic however, a major project to install in-cell telephones in all cells across the prison estate on a permanent basis has been commenced. As a result in-cell telephones have been installed in is complete in Castlerea, Cloverhill, Midlands, Cork and Limerick prisons. The Service anticipates the completion of in-cell telephony to the Dóchas Centre, Portlaoise and Wheatfield Prisons by the end of this year. Subject to the availability of necessary resources, the Service intend to provide in-cell telephony in Arbour Hill and Mountjoy Male prison in 2023. While physical visits were suspended for periods during 2020 and 2021 (for infection control reasons) the Irish Prison Service ensured that suspension of physical visits was lifted as soon as it was deemed safe to do so. The Service has continued to unwind restrictions on physical visits with visits now permitted every fortnight and no restrictions on capacity. It is expected to return to weekly visits in Q3 2022 subject to available resources. | |||
16/03/2021 | Mountjoy Men's Prison | COVID-19 | Isolation/Quarantine Fresh Air | MJCT15 | Prisoners in quarantine/isolation must have at least one hour in the open air each day. | Health & Wellbeing | Accepted | 15/04/2021 | All prisoners in isolation/ quarantine receive a minimum 1 hours open air exercise per day. All exercise takes place in the open air as landing recreation areas are currently closed for infection control purposes. | Prison management | Completed | NA | NA | NA | 7-Mar-23 | IPS - Complete | New committals are tested on day one and if negative, can enter general population. The isolation period for positive Covid cases is consistent with public health advice. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | It was not possible to allow prisoners in isolation or quarantine out of cell time to prevent the spread of infection. The Irish Prison Service continued to review the Standard Operating Procedure for quarantine and isolation throughout the pandemic. This included the reduction of the isolation period in line with guidance from the Health Authorities. As a result all new committals are now tested on day one of committal and, if the return a negative test, they may enter general population on day 4. | ||
16/03/2021 | Mountjoy Men's Prison | COVID-19 | Mental Healthcare | MJCT16 | Measures must be taken to mitigate the detrimental effects of isolation or quarantine, including psychological support during and after quarantine/isolation in order to assist prisoners in coping with the impact of COVID-19 and subsequently imposed restrictive measures. | Health & Wellbeing | Accepted | 15/04/2021 | A Covid outbreak-specific mental health protocol has been developed by the IPS Psychology Service. The approach incorporates a three-tiered layered care model which includes preventative, enhanced and acute mental health care interventions. It includes the use of tablets to proactively engage people on significantly restrictive measures, where required. The initiative is being piloted in Cloverhill Prison with committals in the coming weeks. | The use of tablet computers for video link with psychology to be trialed in Cloverhill and rolled out across the estate if successful. | Care and Rehabilitation; Psychology Service | End June 2021 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | A Covid outbreak-specific mental health protocol has been put in place by the IPS Psychology Service. | |
16/03/2021 | Mountjoy Men's Prison | Activities / Services | Access | MJCT17 | The inequity in out-of-cell time for non-protection prisoners should be addressed, not by reduction of out-of-cell time, but by determining ways to increase the out-of-cell time for prisoners currently receiving less time. | Rehabilitation & Development | Not Accepted | 15/04/2021 | Similar to the community the Covid-19 infection control measures have resulted in restricted prisoner movements. The IPS accepts that the introduction of enhanced infection control measures has impacted on the regime offered to prisoners on a daily basis and has resulted in reduced out of cell time in many areas. This is a regrettable consequence of the implementation of measures aimed at protecting the health and safety of prisoners. Efforts are already made to ensure that prisoners receive maximum out of cell time whilst restricting contact amongst prisoners. Due to Level 5 restrictions all prisoners are unlocked by landing from cells. This results in prisoners being unlocked on a rotational basis. In order to facilitate exercise some prisoners are unlocked on the reserve period which is shorter than other periods. Unlock on the reserve period is rotated amongst landings resulting in a fair distribution of out of cell time amongst groupings. The return to divisional unlock with the easing of restrictions will result in a return to more normal unlock periods. The average out pf cell time for non-restricted regime prisoners in Mountjoy is 4 hours per day. | Prison management will continue to maximise out of cell time for all prisoners Prison management will reintroduce divisional unlock when it is deemed safe to do. | Prison management | Not accepted | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | Full prison unlock has been restored in all locations which has enhanced out of cell time for prisoners. | |
16/03/2021 | Mountjoy Men's Prison | Education | Digital Learning | MJCT18 | To meet the education needs of prisoners (European Prison Rule 28.1), which include facilitating more substantive engagement with education (and other services), the Irish Prison Service should make tablets available for prisoner use. These tablets could be pre-loaded with education materials. | Rehabilitation & Development | Under Review | 15/04/2021 | The Irish Prison Service is developing an in-cell learning strategy to enhance learning from prison cells. A new prisoner TV Channel has been developed and is being rolled out across the estate. This allows for the broadcasting of local and national information and for the provision of educational material. CDETB have developed a substantial quantity of audio-visual course materials to be viewed on the TV channel and will provide accompanying supporting hard copy documentation to facilitate blended learning. | An in-cell technology plan is being developed to enhance learning capacities for prisoners and increase information and learning for those confined to cell. Care and Rehabilitation Directorate are examining technology solutions to allow prisoners to access educational materials on the education network from within cells. | Care and Rehabilitation | Q4 2021 Q2 2021 | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | A programme of incell learning was developed by CDETB. It is shared with other ETB's and runs regularly on the incell tv channel. Further technology enhancements are beng developed through the Building Bridges Programme and these will come on stream late in Q4 2023 and throughout 2024. The IPS continues to explore new technology and will examine potential options in line with the IPS. | 2-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | In cell TV information channel was developed in 2022 with educational content in place in all prisons. Specific in-cell blended learning is in place in Dublin prisons. The Building Bridges Project in late 2022 prioritised €500,000 SOLAS allocated funding. ETBs included Cork ETB, Limerick Clare ETB, Laois Offaly ETB and City of Dublin Education and Training Board (CDETB). Funding was primarily expended on technological enhancements in the prison schools for the teaching of prisoners engaging in education. The Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science has allocated further funding of €5m in 2023. The project will be expanded to include all seven ETBs. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service is reviewing the enhanced use of technology to facilitate in-cell learning. A new Prisoner TV Channel has been introduced and is supporting in-cell learning. The Service is engaging with other prison services who have enhanced use of in-cell technology with a view to enhancing in-cell learning and service provision. This action remains under review. | |
16/03/2021 | Mountjoy Men's Prison | Library | Access | MJCT19 | In line with Rule 110 of the Irish Prison Rules, Mountjoy Men’s Prison should think proactively about how library services might be improved to encourage participation. Given the increased time that people are now required to remain in their cells, there is additional need to ensure people are able to avail of library services. | Rehabilitation & Development | Accepted | 15/04/2021 | Prison management are engaging with the library services with a view to enhancing service provision. | Prison management | End Q2 2021 | Q2 2024 | OIP - Ongoing | Access to prison libraries have been restored however, closures of libraries may be experienced in line with the prison Regime Management Plan. The Local Government Management Agency commissioned a review of Prison Libraries and the Report was published in Q3 2022. Recommendations from this report are being implemented during 2023 and 2024 | 2-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | Access to prison libraries have been restored however, closures of libraries may be experienced in line with the prison Regime Management Plan. The Local Government Management Agency has completed a review of Prison Libraries and work is underway to implement the recommendations from that report with a view to completing during 2023 and 2024. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | Access to prison libraries have been restored however, closures of libraries may be experienced in line with the prison Regime Management Plan. The Local Government Management Agency has commissioned a review of Prison Libraries and the Report of the group is to be published in Q3 2022. | ||
16/03/2021 | Mountjoy Men's Prison | COVID-19 | Mitigate 2020 Rule Amendments | MJCT20 | In line with the requirement to ensure “meaningful human contact”, the Inspectorate recommends that Mountjoy Men’s Prison develop and implement measures designed to mitigate the impact of restrictions imposed on prisoner exercise and interactions by Rule 32A of the Irish Prison Rules; this should be done in consultation with prisoners and staff working in the prison. | Rehabilitation & Development | Not Accepted | 15/04/2021 | See reply to MJCT 17 | Prison management will continue to maximise out of cell time for all prisoners Prison management will reintroduce divisional unlock when it is deemed safe to do | Not accepted | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | The introduction of rotational or landing unlock resulted in reduced out of cell time for prisoners during certain periods of restrictions in 2020 and 2021. As part of the unwinding of prison restriction divisional unlock was reintroduced in July 2021 across the estate. | ||
16/03/2021 | Mountjoy Men's Prison | Integrated Sentence Management | Resources | MJCT21 | In line with the Mandela Rules and the European Prison Rules, the Irish Prison Service should strengthen, operationalise and broadly apply the Integrated Sentence Management process so that all prisoners are actively engaged and contributing to their sentence and re-integration plan. | Resettlement | Accepted | 15/04/2021 | Mountjoy Prison has had a reduced capacity to co-ordinate the ISM programme due to vacancies. A competition to fill these vacancies is completed and all 3 ISM posts in Mountjoy are expected to be filled shortly and an increase in ISM hours introduced. To further support the development of the ISM function in all prisons a new centralised recording database for ISM interviews and prisoner multi-disciplinary sentence management plans is currently at the user acceptance testing phase of implementation. This database will provide the resources necessary to improve oversight and reporting in relation to the ISM function at Mountjoy. A proof of concept project is also underway to examine the potential to introduce mobile devices for ISM Coordinators to improve their prisoner face-to-face contact times. The results of this trial are expected in Q3 2021. | ISM officers to be appointed and assigned to Mountjoy Prison | Care and Rehabilitation/ Human Resources | End Q2 2021 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | The Irish Prison Service secured funding in the 2022 Estimates process to facilitate the purchase of Tablet computers for use by ISM co-ordinators. Enabling works are required out to facilitate the necessary technical access to support same and work is underway in this regard. It is hoped that the necessary enabling work will be completed when technical components have been delivered and are installed. Delivery has been delayed due to global supply chain issues however it is anticipated that the necessary components will be delivered in November at which point enabling works will be progressed. | |
13/04/2021 | Cloverhill Prison | COVID-19 | Isolation/Quarantine Information | CHCT1 | In line with Rule 54 of the Nelson Mandela Rules, the Irish Prison Service must ensure that written and oral information is provided to prisoners, in a form they can understand, upon entering quarantine and on an ongoing basis over the course of quarantine. | Respect & Dignity | Accepted | 04/05/2021 | The Irish Prison Service provides a comprehensive Prisoner Information Book to all new committals to prison. The Book is printed in several languages and gives basic information about regimes and services within prisons. A bespoke booklet titled “Covid-19 – Living in Cell” was developed by the Red Cross Volunteers to provide detailed information to prisoners on isolation/quarantine and gives specific information on the Covid-19 testing process. | The Irish Prison Service will continue to review the information for new committals on an ongoing basis. Prison management will ensure that this booklet is given to all new committals | Corporate Services; Prison Management Prison management | In place and will be reviewed an augmented on an ongoing basis In place and will be reviewed an augmented on an ongoing basis | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | A ‘Living in Cell’ booklet has been provided throughout the covid-19 pandemic and has been updated on a number of occasions to reflect latest procedures. The booklet is circulated via the Covid-19 prison liaisons group. The document is developed in collaboration with the Prison Red Cross Volunteers and is approved by NALA. A new recording studio has been introduced in Loughan House and it is proposed that future communications will be broadcast via the Prisoner TV Channel. The Service continues to provide a comprehensive Prisoner Information Booklet to all new committals which is available in up to 7 different languages. | |
13/04/2021 | Cloverhill Prison | Foreign National Prisoners | Information | CHCT2 | In line with Section 42 of the Public Sector Duty, the Irish Prison Service must ensure that Foreign National Prisoners have equal access to the provision of information. | Respect & Dignity | Accepted | 04/05/2021 | The Irish Prison Service provides a comprehensive Prisoner Information Book to all new committals to prison. The Book is printed in several languages and gives basic information about regimes and services within prisons. A bespoke booklet titled “Covid-19 – Living in Cell” was developed by the Red Cross Volunteers to provide detailed information to prisoners on isolation/quarantine and gives specific information on the Covid-19 testing process. This information booklet has been translated into several languages. Prisoner Information Newsletters have been issued over the past 13 months, translated into multiple languages. In Cloverhill Prison, the Assistant Governor also gives an oral briefing to all committals to try and facilitate improved understanding of the committal process for all Prisoners. | The Irish Prison Service will continue to provide translations of information provided. All Governors will provide an oral briefing to new committals. | Care and Rehabilitation Prison Management | Effective immediately | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | The Irish Prison Service has developed a comprehensive Prisoner Information Booklet with extensive information about all aspects of prison regimes and services. The booklet is translated into a number of languages and is reviewed every two years, with the most recent update commencing in June 2022. A bespoke booklet titled “Covid-19 – Living in Cell” was developed by the Red Cross Volunteers to provide detailed information to prisoners on isolation/quarantine and gives specific information on the Covid-19 testing process. This information booklet has been translated into several languages and the booklet is updated regularly. Consideration is being given to creating an induction video, based on the Living in Cell Booklet, which will be broadcast via the prisoner TV Channel. The TV channel will be managed centrally to allow for consistent management of information across the prison estate. | |
13/04/2021 | Cloverhill Prison | Food | Meal Scheduling | CHCT3 | In line with the Nelson Mandela Rules, Rule 22 and European Prison Rules, Rule 22.4, the Inspectorate recommends that the scheduling around meal times be amended to ensure meals are served at reasonable intervals and at normal times: lunch (midday) and dinner (evening). | Respect & Dignity | Accepted | 04/05/2021 | In 2019, the Irish Prison Service introduced a pilot alteration to the schedule of meal times in Castlerea and Mountjoy Prison (Progression Unit). The purpose was to examine the impact of providing the main daily meal in the evening. The results of the pilot were positive and the IPS decided, in 2019, to roll out this meal schedule to all prisons. However, the roll out of this initiative has been prevented due to industrial relations issues. The current prison day is structured in prisons to take account of the need to open cells on a landing basis due to Level 5 restriction. Prisoners are released from cells to collect meals at the servery on a rotational/landing basis to prevent the mixing of larger group of people. The return to divisional unlock, following the lowering of the restriction level, will result in a return to more normal meal time schedule. | The Irish Prison Service will continue to engage with the staff representative association with regard to the alteration of the existing prisoner meal schedule The Irish Prison Service will reintroduce divisional unlock when Level 5 restrictions are eased. | Care and Rehabilitation Prison management | Ongoing Ongoing | Q2 2024 | IPS - Complete | A review of Prisoner meals was undertaken in 2022/2023. A new prison 28 day menu was rolled out to male prisons in August 2023. A review of the female 28 day menu is due for completion in Q4 2023. An enhanced evening meal is now standard across all male prisons.] | 2-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | A Steering Committee gave oversight to the review process. A sub-committee comprising 2 members from Care & Rehabilitation and 2 members from the Staff representative association carried out the review in 2022 by visiting 4 prisons; Castlerea Prison, Cork Prison, Wheatfield and the Progression Unit. The review was limited to reviewing the practicality of changes to the scheduling of the main daily meal, no changes are being proposed to the serving times or intervals between meals in prisons. The following were the recommendations from the review accepted by the steering Committee: 1. Revision and modernising of menu 2. Standardisation of the serving times across all prisons in line with standard prison day to maximise access to prisoner services. Prisoners will remain in their morning structured activity until at least 12:15pm and in the afternoon until at least 4:15pm. 3. Provide enhanced tea/evening meal offering 4. Increase range of menu options for special dietary requirements. 5. Provide only a small range of menu alternatives. 6. Strict adherence to menu and alternatives. 7. Provision of amended menu options for female prisoners The work of drawing up the menu and testing dishes is underway and expected to complete in early April 2023. The new menu is expected to be complete and ready for implementation in Q3 2023. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | An alteration to the prison of the main meal was completed in Castlerea Prison and the Mountjoy Prison Progression Unit. The Irish Prison Service has identified the review of prisoner mealtimes as a priority action in the Public Service Agreement 2021/2022 and continues to engage with the staff representative association in this regard. The Irish Prison Service will continue to engage with the staff representative association with regard to the alteration of the existing prisoner meal schedule | |
13/04/2021 | Cloverhill Prison | Court | Remote Courts | CHCT4 | Videolink court access cannot be a long-term substitute for a prisoner’s right to attend court. In line with Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights, all measures must be taken to ensure that a prisoner can effectively participate in remote court hearings. | Respect & Dignity | Part Accepted | 04/05/2021 | The Civil Law and Criminal Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2020 allows for certain type of court hearings to be heard by video link. This includes arraignments, returns for trial, sentencing hearings and certain hearings in relation to surrender proceedings for extradition. While video link is not the default, the Act gives this authority to the Courts allowing them to make certain proceeding of their choosing by default. This authority is vested firstly in the Presidents of the Courts and subsequently in the Judges themselves. The Irish Prison Service and the Courts Service are working to increase the capacity of video link. Infection control measures introduced during Covid-19 have resulted in the widespread use of video link for Court appearances. Approximately 60% of Court appearances are now taking place via video link. The use of video link will allow the Service to redirect vital resources into the provision of prisoner services. | The Irish Prison Service will continue to engage with Court Services as necessary. The Irish Prison Service will continue to explore the use of video link for the provision of other services such as Probation interviews, prisoner case conferences, education and remote learning. | Operations | Reviewed on an ongoing basis | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | The expansion of videolink services continues as outlined in the previous update. The Irish Prison Service continues to engage with the Courts Service both on a strategic and operational level to identify appropriate usage of videolink that will increase efficiencies for the Irish Prison Service and the Courts Service whilst retaining focus on prisoners' participation and right to a fair trial. | 13-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service continues to take steps to enhance physical and ICT facilities to support the use of video link for prisoner attendance at Court. The Irish Prison Service continues to engage with Court Services as necessary to continuously improve the operation of video-courts to ensure that the rights of prisoners are upheld. The Irish Prison Service will continue to explore the use of video link for prisoner engagement with therapeutic and other support services. All opportunities to use video-link to the benefit of prisoners are reviewed on an ongoing basis. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service continues to enhance the physical infrastructure to support enhanced use of video link for prisoner attendance at Court. The Irish Prison Service will continue to engage with Court Services as necessary. The Irish Prison Service will continue to explore the use of video link for the provision of other services such as Probation interviews, prisoner case conferences, education and remote learning. Reviewed on an ongoing basis | |
13/04/2021 | Cloverhill Prison | Environment | Cell Conditions | CHCT5 | The Irish Prison Service must ensure that all sanitary facilities in multi-occupancy cells are fully partitioned and that multiple-occupancy cells meet, at least, the minimum CPT cell size requirements. | Respect & Dignity | Accepted | 04/05/2021 | All cells in Cloverhill Prison (except Special Observations Cells) have in cell sanitation. Modesty screens are in place for privacy. Since 2017 the Irish prison system has seen an increase in the number of prisoners held on remand. The average number held on remand in 2017 was 584. This has increased to 677 in 2018 and in 2019 saw a further 4.5% increase to 707. As the State’s only remand facility at Cloverhill Prison has a bed capacity of 431, this requires remand prisoners to be spread across the prison estate. A further recent feature of remand prisoners is the increasing seriousness of the criminal charges they face. Many of these remand prisoners are required to be detained for much longer periods than was previously the case for remand prisoners, with increasing numbers of them requiring imprisonment at higher levels of security. Reducing the occupancy level of triple occupancy cells in Cloverhill Prison would result in the bed capacity of that prison being reduced by up to 100 and would require more prisoners to be dispersed across the prison estate leading to additional pressure being put on prisoner accommodation in those locations and an increase in the number of remand prisoners being accommodated with the sentenced cohort. | The ability to reduce the capacity of existing cells in Cloverhill is dependent on the construction of an additional remand facility or additional accommodation. This will be considered in the next Irish Prison Service Capital Strategy. | Finances & Estates Directorate; Department of Justice | End 2022 | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | The trial of the new privacy curtain is being implemented in Wheatfied Prison in Q2 2024 and if sucessful will be extended to all appropriate cells across the estate. The Irish Prison Service is continuing to complete the appropriate actions required under the Public Spending code for the development of a new wing in Cloverhill Prison. Approval in Principle for the project was provided by the Department of Justice in December 2023. Consultants will be appointed in 2024 for the completion of the full design and specification of the new facility and for the provision of project supervision and the completion of planning requirements under Part 9 of the Planning and Development Regulations. It is expected that following completion of the design phase the project will go to tender in 2025, with a contracted awarded in late 2025/early 2026 with the construction being completed over a two year period. | 8-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | The Building Service Division is exploring the use of a bespoke cell shower/toilet privacy curtain which would provide privacy without compromising the safety of cell occupants. The concept is currently being considered including the completion of appropriate risk assessments. A Strategic Assessment Report (SAR) has been completed on a proposed new wing development at Cloverhill Prison. The SAR has been reviewed by the Department of Justice who have sanctioned the IPS to move to next phase – preliminary Business Case. This will involve a more detailed analysis and overall scope deliverables and budget pertaining to the preferred options. It is planned that the Preliminary Business Case will be submitted to DOJ by end Q2 2023. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | To be considered in 2022 as part of the development of the new Irish Prison Service Strategic Plan 2023 - 2025 and subsequent Estimates process. | |
13/04/2021 | Cloverhill Prison | Bedding / Clothing | CHCT6 | In line with Rule 22 of the Irish Prisons Rules 2007- 2020 requires that, prisoners be issued with bedding that is adequate for warmth and health. In accordance with this Rule, the Inspectorate recommends a full inspection of all mattress and pillows be conducted. | Respect & Dignity | Accepted | 04/05/2021 | Cloverhill Prison has commenced a quality audit of all mattresses and pillows. | Prison management | May 2021 | Q2 2024 | IPS - Complete | Tracking of this recommendation will not continue as maintenance of adequate bedding will continue as a matter of course. | 6-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | Cloverhill Prison Management are satisfied that existing measures are in place to ensure prisoners consistently have adequate bedding and/or the ability to request reissue of same. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | An audit of pillows and mattresses was completed in 2021. 200 new pillows have been received and are being issued for use. The replacement of mattresses is being considered. Any prisoner who wishes to have a replacement mattresses may request same from their ACO. | |||
13/04/2021 | Cloverhill Prison | Overcrowding | Reduce Population | CHCT7 | With concern for the increase in the prison population in recent months, the Inspectorate recommends that the Irish Prison Service engages with the Department of Justice to maximise all opportunities available for reducing the prison population. The reduction in prison numbers would reduce the number of people cell-sharing, minimise the risk of COVID-19 transmission, and enable prisoners to practice social distancing. | Safety & Security | Part Accepted | 04/05/2021 | Cloverhill is a remand prison, resulting in limited control over prisoner numbers. In March 2020 the Irish Prison Service took decisive action to reduce the prison population to ensure effective infection control measures. The Irish Prison Service has continued to maintain the prison population at or below 3,800 to ensure safe custody. The IPS has completed an assessment of the prison estate to determine a “Covid-19 Capacity” to ensure appropriate infection control measures. The IPS has engaged with the Department of Justice to examine potential solutions to manage the prison population in a way that ensures effective infection control measures. In addition, the Criminal Justice Efficiencies Group has tasked data analysts from across the sector with examining the potential impacts on prison numbers over the next 12 months. | In consultation with the Department of Justice the IPS will introduce a new Covid-19 Capacity in all prisons. The IPS will continue to review the Prison Population Management Plan and will introduce new measures to address prison overcrowding as necessary. Data analysis on the impact of increased committals to be completed. | Operations Directorate Operations Directorate Criminal Justice Efficiencies committee | May 2021 Ongoing | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | Acknowledging that control of the prison population is not within the remit of the Irish Prison Service, the Irish Prison Service continues to engage with the Department of Justice to maximise all opportunities available for reducing the prison population. Additional accommodation has opened for both male and female prisoners at Limerick Prison, temporary release is utilised as appropriate, and opportunities for further expansion of the prison estate are being identified for the Capital estimates process on an ongoing basis. | 13-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | The Minister for Justice has approved amendments proposed by IPS to the Community Return Scheme and Community Support Scheme to allow for prisoners to be considered for both schemes at an earlier stage of their sentence. It should be noted that prison Governors are required by law to accept all prisoners into their custody who have been committed to prison by the Courts. The Irish Prison Service therefore has no control over the numbers committed to custody at any given time. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The Minister for Justice has published the Review of Penal Policy which includes actions to reduce reoffending and incorporate the principle of imprisonment as a last resort. The Training Unit has reopened in July 2022 providing an additional 96 prisoner spaces. An additional 90 male spaces and 22 female spaces are due to come on stream in late Q4 2022/Q1 2023 with the opening of new prisoner accommodation in Limerick Prison for male and female prisoners. (Subject to the availability of staffing resources). | |
13/04/2021 | Cloverhill Prison | COVID-19 | Access Test Results | CHCT8 | In line with practice in the general community, and with the Principle of Equivalence, the IPS should ensure that people in prison are provided with written information about their test results. | Health & Wellbeing | Not Accepted | 04/05/2021 | The Irish Prison Service has worked closely with the HSE/Public Health on the management of Covid-19 outbreaks in prisons. The completion of mass testing of all prisoners and staff is a huge logistical operation and this is completed twice per outbreak. People in the community are provided with test results via text message, which is not available to people in custody. The implementation of this recommendation would require the manual provision of individualised letters which is not currently feasible from IT and resource perspective. | Not accepted | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | |||
13/04/2021 | Cloverhill Prison | COVID-19 | Vaccination | CHCT9 | The Inspectorate recommends that the Irish Prison Service continues its ongoing efforts to advocate for the prioritisation of COVID-19 vaccinations for people living and working in prisons. | Health & Wellbeing | Accepted | 04/05/2021 | The IPS continues to engage with the relevant Departments and agencies with regard to access to the Covid-19 vaccine in line with the grouping published by the Government. | The IPS will continue to engage with the appropriate agencies with regard to access to the Covid-19 vaccination. | Care and Rehabilitation | Ongoing | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | A bespoke Prison Vaccination Programme was introduced in April 2021 resulting in over 80% of prisoners being vaccinated; the highest prisoner vaccination rate in Europe. The Irish Prison Service continues to engage with the Health Authorities regarding the provision of vaccines including the booster vaccine. To date over 2000 booster vaccines had been administered. In excess of 9,000 vaccinations have been administered across the system. | |
13/04/2021 | Cloverhill Prison | Mental Healthcare | Appropriate Treatment Facility | CHCT10 | The Inspectorate reiterates the requirement for appropriate care and treatment for persons who are detained in Cloverhill Prison who require mental health care and treatment in an appropriate therapeutic environment. The Inspectorate welcomes the recent establishment of the High Level Taskforce to Consider the Mental Health and Addiction Challenges of Persons Interacting with the Criminal Justice System. | Health & Wellbeing | Accepted | 04/05/2021 | The IPS Headquarters engages on a continuing basis with the prison and the Central Mental Hospital /HSE so that prisoners receive appropriate care and admission as required. The IPS is represented on the recently established Interdepartmental Task Force on Mental Health in Prisons and will support its work. The IPS Psychology Service provide mental health care via a stepped / layered model of care in Cloverhill Prison. It is intended to run a meta-cognitive training (MCT) group on D2 to support the needs of this group of people with significant mental health needs. | IPS continues to engage with the prison and Central Mental Hospital and participate actively on the Task Force | Care and Rehabilitation | Q3 2021 | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | D2 Training: Staff support and training modules re-commenced in November 2022. Currently the Psychology, Healthcare (due to commence in the coming weeks) and Psychiatry teams provide inputs. The topics covered by Psychology include: ‘Impact of the Prison Environment; Managing Stress and Burnout’ (two inputs) ‘Working with Neuro-diversity on D2’ ‘Trauma-informed care in Forensic Settings’ The Psychology Service are currently in the process of getting this programme recognised by the IPSC. A meta-cognitive training (MCT) group was piloted in 2022 to support the needs of people with significant (severe and enduring) mental health difficulties. At present, those who require the intervention can complete the programme on a 1:1 basis. This adaptation was due to both staffing levels and insufficient numbers requiring the intervention to run it in group format. There are plans for a weekly rolling group to commence in Autumn 2024. Primary Care mental health support: Following the success of Mental Health Week, workshops will continue to be run by the Psychology Service on a range of mental health topics and the mental health week will continue to be held annually. Assistant Psychologists also provide 1:1 Primary Care interventions where appropriate (up to 12 sessions). | 6-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | D2 Training: Staff support and training modules re-commenced in November 2022. Currently the Psychology and Psychiatry teams provide inputs and the GP input is to commence shortly. Meta Cognitive Training: Those currently engaged are completing the programme on a 1:1 basis as there are not sufficient numbers to run in group format. Groups will recommence when numbers are sufficient. Primary Care mental health support: Following the success of Mental Health Week, workshops will continue by the Psychology Service on a range of mental health topics. Assistant Psychologists also provide 1:1 Primary Care interventions (up to 12 sessions). The IPS is supportive of the work of the Task Force and has established a Group to review the organisation of mental health services within the IPS estate. The National Forensic Mental Health Service (NFHMS) is included on this group. In addition, the IPS is represented on the recently established HSE group tasked with the implementation of the Department of Health Policy “Sharing the Vision” . This work will include a prevalence study on the levels of mental health and addiction across the prisoner population. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | It is intended to pilot a meta-cognitive training (MCT) group to support the needs of people with significant (severe and enduring) mental health difficulties and this will commence in April 2022 if Covid-19 restrictions allow (primarily in relation to the mixing of people from different landings). The Psychology Service in Cloverhill completed a needs analysis and coordinated a training programme consisting of 10 modules specifically to support the needs of staff working on D2 landing. These modules commenced in May 2019. The topics cover a range of areas including supporting the physical well-being of people in custody, self-harm awareness, knowledge of physical disorders and mental health disorders, verbal de-escalation and managing burnout. Most modules were co-facilitated by representatives from Psychology, Psychiatry, Healthcare and tutors from the IPSC. Unfortunately, modules were stood-down due to the pandemic. However, panels have recently been updated on D2 and modules will begin again as soon as possible. Based on feedback, additional topics are being included. | |
13/04/2021 | Cloverhill Prison | Family Contact | Video Calls | CHCT11 | The Inspectorate welcomes measures such as the introduction of video calls and in-cell phone provision to facilitate family contact. These measures should be maintained as forms of family contact beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, but should not replace in-person family visits. | Health & Wellbeing | Accepted | 04/05/2021 | In-person family visits have been temporarily suspended as a result of Level 5 Covid-19 restrictions. The Service will re-introduce physical family visits in line with the guidelines issued by the Government and the National Public Emergency Team. The IPS intends to retain the use of video visits post Covid-19 as an additional form of family visit. There are no plans for phone and video calls to replace in-person family visits. | To be reviewed as Covid-19 restrictions ease. | Operations; NICT | Ongoing | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | The facilitation of physical family visits has been subject to ongoing review throughout the pandemic and in person visits have been permitted when safe to do so. All visits were returned to pre-pandemic durations in November 2021. The number of visitors has returned to pre pandemic levels (3 adults and no limit on children). Consideration is being given to the restoration of weekly physical visits in Q3 2022 - subject to the availability of resources. The Irish Prison Service has continued to enhance access to in-cell telephony to enhance the ability of prisoners to communicate with family members. The provision of video visiting facilities has been retained as an additional option for visitation post pandemic and prisoners are able to avail of both video and in person visits as required. | |
13/04/2021 | Cloverhill Prison | Postal Correspondence | Timely Delivery | CHCT12 | In line with Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, the Inspectorate recommends that all postal communications are collected and delivered to prisoners in a timely manner by prioritising the censor’s office in the daily Regime Management Plan. | Health & Wellbeing | Accepted | 04/05/2021 | The Governor has resolved the postal delays in Cloverhill Prison and has verified this resolution with the Inspector. | The Irish Prison Service is piloting the use of eCorrespondence for prisoner communications in Mountjoy Prison and Midlands Prison. If successful, consideration will be given to rolling out fully to other locations across the estate, which will allow for a more timely distribution of correspondence. | ICT/ Prison Management | End Q4 2021 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | The pilot ecorrespondence system is operating in Cloverhill Prison and is operating effectively. Consideration is being given to extending the system to other locations. | |
13/04/2021 | Cloverhill Prison | COVID-19 | Access to Showers | CHCT13 | In line with the European Prison Rules Rule 19.4, prisoners in quarantine/ isolation must be permitted to shower, if not daily, at least two times in a seven day period | Health & Wellbeing | Part Accepted | 04/05/2021 | Cloverhill Prison’s isolation/quarantine cells are not equipped with showers and, due to current Infection control restrictions, showering while in quarantine is not feasible due to the high risk it poses to prisoners and staff. The cells do however facilitate in cell sanitation. All prisoners confined to their cell for the purpose of quarantine have access to hot water and soap to maintain adequate hygiene. This is in line with the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT), Statement of Principles relating to the treatment of persons deprived of their liberty in the context of the Coronavirus disease. The Irish Prison Service continues to review infection control measures on a weekly basis and any change to infection control measures is made in line with the Government decisions on the easing of restrictions, and in consultation with Public Health. | The provision of showers during the quarantine period is under active consideration in light of reducing levels of community transmission. | Care and Rehabilitation; Human Resources | Ongoing | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | The Irish Prison Service introduced a new Standard Operating Procedure (10/08/2022) setting out the correct procedures for the showering of prisoners in quarantine/isolation. It was agreed to allow prisoners up to 2 showers in a seven day period. | |
13/04/2021 | Cloverhill Prison | Bedding / Clothing | Quarantine / Isolation | CHCT14 | Prisoners in quarantine/isolation must be provided with a daily change of clothing and a weekly change of bedding. | Health & Wellbeing | Part Accepted | 04/05/2021 | It is not possible to provide laundered clothing to prisoners on a daily basis due to the capacity of the Cloverhill Prison laundry. Additional funding will be made available to Cloverhill Prison to facilitate provision of additional clothing to Prisoners. Prisoners in quarantine are already provided with a weekly change of bedding as recommended. | Prison management and Care and Rehabilitation are actively monitoring this recommendation. | Care and Rehabilitation | Ongoing | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | The budget for the provision of clothing in Cloverhill Prison has been increased by 20%. | |
13/04/2021 | Cloverhill Prison | COVID-19 | Meaningful Human Contact | CHCT15 | Two hours of meaningful human contact (as defined in section 5.3) must be facilitated each day for people in quarantine/isolation. | Health & Wellbeing | Not Accepted | 04/05/2021 | A critical infection control measure introduced by the Irish Prison Service has been the segregation of new committals from the general population for the purposes of quarantine. Prisoners in quarantine have restricted out of cell time, in accordance with Rule 32A of SI 250/2020 Prison Rules 2020. So far 54 prisoners, committed to custody from the community, have tested positive with Covid-19. There have been no prison based Covid-19 outbreaks, as a result of a new committal, due to the infection control measures introduced. All new prisoners are tested on day 1, with a 2nd test completed on day 7. If negative, and not symptomatic, prisoners exit quarantine after 8 days. The majority of quarantine prisoners have not required 14 days isolation. Prisoners in quarantine/isolation are managed in line with IPS national protocols developed by the Emergency Response Planning Team. Prisoners in quarantine in Cloverhill Prisons generally have at least one cellmate. Prisoners in quarantine/isolation have their door opened on a minimum of 2 occasions per day and are visited by the class officer, the Governor, medical staff, Chaplains. Restrictions on physical contact are necessary for infection control measures. | Not accepted | Q2 2024 | IPS - Complete | The Irish Prison Service has wound down Covid-19 restrictive measures. | 8-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | A project for the installation of in-cell telephones to all prison cells is ongoing. In-cell phones are operational in Castlerea, Cloverhill, Cork, Limerick and Midlands Prisons. Projects in Portlaoise Prison and Dóchas Centre are currently ongoing and will be completed by the end of Q2 2023. Tenders for Arbour Hill, Mountjoy Prison including the Training Unit and Progression Unit will be completed before the end of Q2 2023 with the installation completed by the end of 2023. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | Throughout the pandemic every effort was made to ensure all prisoners could continue to have meaningful contact with others. Prisoners who were confirmed as Covid-19 positive or suspected as having Covid-19 were isolated, in line with Standard Operating Procedures, to prevent the spread of infection. This is in line with action taken in the community. The Irish Prison Service introduced video visiting technology to allow prisoners to communicate with family and friends when physical visits were suspended. This option has been retained as an additional communication tool to support family contact. In-cell telephones were introduced in all locations as a temporary measure during the pandemic however, a major project to install in-cell telephones in all cells across the prison estate on a permanent basis has been commenced. As a result in-cell telephones have been installed in is complete in Castlerea, Cloverhill, Midlands, Cork and Limerick prisons. The Service anticipates the completion of in-cell telephony to the Dóchas Centre, Portlaoise and Wheatfield Prisons by the end of this year. Subject to the availability of necessary resources, the Service intend to provide in-cell telephony in Arbour Hill and Mountjoy Male prison in 2023. While physical visits were suspended for periods during 2020 and 2021 (for infection control reasons) the Irish Prison Service ensured that suspension of physical visits was lifted as soon as it was deemed safe to do so. The Service has continued to unwind restrictions on physical visits with visits now permitted every fortnight and no restrictions on capacity. It is expected to return to weekly visits in Q3 2022 subject to available resources. | |||
13/04/2021 | Cloverhill Prison | COVID-19 | Isolation/Quarantine Fresh Air | CHCT16 | Prisoners in quarantine/isolation must have at least one hour in the open air each day. | Health & Wellbeing | Not Accepted | 04/05/2021 | Due to the volume of committals into Cloverhill Prison and the current quarantine/isolation requirements, only 30 minutes of daily open air is achievable. Prisoners in quarantine have restricted out of cell time, in accordance with Rule 32A of SI 250/2020 Prison Rules 2020. | To be reviewed as Covid-19 restrictions ease. | Prison management | NA | NA | NA | 7-Mar-23 | IPS - Complete | New committals are tested on day one and if negative, can enter general population. The isolation period for positive Covid cases is consistent with public health advice. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | It was not possible to allow prisoners in isolation or quarantine out of cell time to prevent the spread of infection. The Irish Prison Service continued to review the Standard Operating Procedure for quarantine and isolation throughout the pandemic. This included the reduction of the isolation period in line with guidance from the Health Authorities. As a result all new committals are now tested on day one of committal and, if the return a negative test, they may enter general population on day 4. | ||
13/04/2021 | Cloverhill Prison | COVID-19 | Mental Healthcare | CHCT17 | Measures must be taken to mitigate the detrimental effects of isolation or quarantine, including psychological support during and after quarantine/isolation in order to assist prisoners in coping with the impact of COVID-19 and subsequently imposed restrictive measures. | Health & Wellbeing | Accepted | 04/05/2021 | A Covid outbreak-specific mental health protocol has been developed by the IPS Psychology Service. The approach incorporates a three-tiered layered care model which includes preventative, enhanced and acute mental health care interventions. This includes the use of iPads to proactively engage people on significantly restrictive measures, where required. The use of iPads will be piloted by the Cloverhill Psychology Service in the coming 7-10 days. | The use of tablet computers for video link with psychology to be trialled in Cloverhill and rolled out across the estate if successful. | Care and Rehabilitation; Psychology Service | End June 2021 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | A Covid outbreak-specific mental health protocol has been put in place by the IPS Psychology Service. | |
13/04/2021 | Cloverhill Prison | Education | Digital Learning | CHCT18 | To meet the education needs of prisoners (European Prison Rule 28.1), which include facilitating more substantive engagement with education (and other services), the Irish Prison Service should make digital tablets available for prisoner use. These digital tablets could be pre-loaded with education materials. | Rehabilitation & Development | Under Review | 04/05/2021 | The Irish Prison Service is developing an in-cell learning strategy to enhance learning from prison cells. A new prisoner TV Channel has been developed and is being rolled out across the estate. This allows for the broadcasting of local and national information and for the provision of educational material. CDETB have developed a substantial quantity of audio-visual course materials to be viewed on the TV channel and will provide accompanying supporting hard copy documentation to facilitate blended learning. | An in-cell technology plan is being developed to enhance learning capacities for prisoners and increase information and learning for those confined to cell. Care and Rehabilitation Directorate are examining technology solutions to allow prisoners to access educational materials on the education network from within cells. | Care and Rehabilitation | Q4 2021 Q2 2021 | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | A programme of incell learning was developed by CDETB. It is shared with other ETB's and runs regularly on the incell tv channel. Further technology enhancements are beng developed through the Building Bridges Programme and these will come on stream late in Q4 2023 and throughout 2024. The IPS continues to explore new technology and will examine potential options in line with the IPS. | 2-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | In-cell TV information channel was developed in 2022 with educational content in place in all prisons. Specific in-cell blended learning is in place in Dublin prisons. The Building Bridges Project in late 2022 prioritised €500,000 SOLAS allocated funding. ETBs included Cork ETB, Limerick Clare ETB, Laois Offaly ETB and City of Dublin Education and Training Board (CDETB). Funding was primarily expended on technological enhancements in the prison schools for the teaching of prisoners engaging in education. The Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science has allocated further funding of €5m in 2023. The project will be expanded to include all seven ETBs. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service is reviewing the enhanced use of technology to facilitate in-cell learning. A new Prisoner TV Channel has been introduced and is supporting in-cell learning. The Service is engaging with other prison services who have enhanced use of in-cell technology with a view to enhancing in-cell learning and service provision. This action remains under review. | |
13/04/2021 | Cloverhill Prison | Library | Access | CHCT19 | In line with Rule 110 of the Irish Prison Rules, Cloverhill Prison should consider how library services might be improved to encourage participation. Given the increased time that people are now required to remain in their cells, there is additional need to ensure people are able to avail of library services. | Rehabilitation & Development | Accepted | 04/05/2021 | Prison management are engaging with the library services with a view to enhancing service provision. | Prison management | End Q2 2021 | 1-Nov-23 | IPS - Complete | Covid-19 restrictions on the opening of prison libraries have been wound down. Closures of libraries may be experienced in line with the prison Regime Management Plan. The Local Government Management Agency commissioned a review of Prison Libraries and the Report was published in Q3 2022. Recommendations from this report are being implemented during 2023 and 2024 | 2-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | Access to prison libraries have been restored however, closures of libraries may be experienced in line with the prison Regime Management Plan. The Local Government Management Agency has completed a review of Prison Libraries and work is underway to implement the recommendations from that report with a view to completing during 2023 and 2024. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | Access to prison libraries have been restored however, closures of libraries may be experienced in line with the prison Regime Management Plan. The Local Government Management Agency has commissioned a review of Prison Libraries and the Report of the group is to be published in Q3 2022. | ||
13/04/2021 | Cloverhill Prison | COVID-19 | Mitigate 2020 Rule Amendments | CHCT20 | In line with the requirement to ensure “meaningful human contact”, the Inspectorate recommends that Cloverhill Prison develops and implements measures designed to mitigate the impact of restrictions imposed on prisoner exercise and interactions by Rule 32A of the Irish Prison Rules; this should be done in consultation with prisoners and staff working in the prison. | Rehabilitation & Development | Not Accepted | 04/05/2021 | Similar to the community the Covid-19 infection control measures have resulted in restricted prisoner movements. The IPS accepts that the introduction of enhanced infection control measures has impacted on the regime offered to prisoners on a daily basis and has resulted in reduced out of cell time in many areas. This is a regrettable consequence of the implementation of measures aimed at protecting the health and safety of prisoners. Efforts are already made to ensure that prisoners receive maximum out of cell time whilst restricting contact amongst prisoners. Due to Level 5 restrictions all prisoners are unlocked by landing from cells. This results in prisoners being unlocked on a rotational basis. In order to facilitate exercise some prisoners are unlocked on the reserve period which is shorter than other periods. Unlock on the reserve period is rotated amongst landings resulting in a fair distribution of out of cell time amongst groupings. The return to divisional unlock with the easing of restrictions will result in a return to more normal unlock periods. The current average out of cell time for non-restricted regime prisoners in Cloverhill is 4 hours per day. | Prison management will continue to maximise out of cell time for all prisoners Prison management will reintroduce divisional unlock when it is deemed safe to do. | Prison management | Not accepted | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | The introduction of rotational or landing unlock resulted in reduced out of cell time for prisoners during certain periods of restrictions in 2020 and 2021. As part of the unwinding of prison restriction divisional unlock was reintroduced in July 2021 across the estate. | |
13/04/2021 | Cloverhill Prison | Environment | Green Space | CHCT21 | The Inspectorate recommends that efforts be made to include green spaces in and around the yards. | Rehabilitation & Development | Accepted | 04/05/2021 | Consideration will be given to enhancing the aesthetics of the prison yards. | Prison Management; Finance & Estates Directorate | End 2021 | NA | NA | NA | 8-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | The IPS has commenced a program of yards upgrades including the installation of graphic packages to enhance the aesthetics of prison yards. Works have been completed in Cork Prison and the Training Unit. A tender is under way for a graphics package for Castlerea and Cloverhill with works to be completed in both locations before the end of Q4. Additional works are planned for the Portlaoise A Yard, Cloverhill B Yard and new Unit based yards in Wheatfield, and graphic packages will be included in these works. It is hoped to complete works in Portlaoise in Q4 2023 with works in Wheatfield and Cloverhill progressing in the first half of 2024. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service intends to enhance the aesthetics of prison yards through its ongoing maintenance programme. Enhancement to prison yards will be subject to security considerations which are paramount. | ||
13/04/2021 | Cloverhill Prison | Integrated Sentence Management | Resources | CHCT22 | In line with the Mandela Rules and the European Prison Rules, the Irish Prison Service should strengthen, operationalise and broadly apply the Integrated Sentence Management process so that all prisoners are actively engaged and contributing to their sentence and re-integration plan. | Resettlement | Accepted | 04/05/2021 | To further support the development of the ISM function in all prisons a new centralised recording database for ISM interviews and prisoner multi-disciplinary sentence management plans is currently at the user acceptance testing phase of implementation. This database will provide the resources necessary to improve oversight and reporting in relation to the ISM function at Cloverhill. A Resettlement Service is provided to sentenced prisoners at Cloverhill Prison by IASIO who assist with applications for housing, welfare and medical cards in preparation for release. | Database in testing phase. | Care and Rehabilitation/ Human Resources | End Q2 2021 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | The Irish Prison Service secured funding in the 2022 Estimates process to facilitate the purchase of Tablet computers for use by ISM co-ordinators. Enabling works are required out to facilitate the necessary technical access to support same and work is underway in this regard. It is hoped that the necessary enabling work will be completed when technical components have been delivered and are installed. Delivery has been delayed due to global supply chain issues however it is anticipated that the necessary components will be delivered in November at which point enabling works will be progressed. | |
10/05/2021 | Wheatfield Prison | COVID-19 | Isolation/Quarantine Information | WFCT1 | In line with Rule 54 of the Nelson Mandela Rules, the Irish Prison Service should ensure that written and oral information is provided to prisoners upon entering quarantine and on an ongoing basis over the course of quarantine. This information should be designed to assist prisoners in adapting to quarantine, and should clearly outline what they can expect while in quarantine. The information should be provided in a language and form that can be understood by the prisoner; this may require the assistance of interpreters. Prisoners should be provided with ongoing opportunities to raise questions and to be informed of all matters necessary to adapt to quarantine and prison life in general. | Respect & Dignity | Accepted | 28/05/2021 | The Irish Prison Service provides a comprehensive Prisoner Information Book to all new committals to prison. The Book is printed in several languages and gives basic information about regimes and services within prisons. A bespoke booklet titled “Covid-19 – Living in Cell” was developed by the Red Cross Volunteers to provide detailed information to prisoners on isolation/quarantine and gives specific information on the Covid-19 testing process. This information booklet has been translated into several languages. | The Irish Prison Service will continue to provide translations of information provided. All Governors will provide an oral briefing to new committals. | Care and Rehabilitation Prison Management | In place and will be reviewed and augmented on an ongoing basis | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | A ‘Living in Cell’ booklet has been provided throughout the covid-19 pandemic and has been updated on a number of occasions to reflect latest procedures. The booklet is circulated via the Covid-19 prison liaisons group. The document is developed in collaboration with the Prison Red Cross Volunteers and is approved by NALA. A new recording studio has been introduced in Loughan House and it is proposed that future communications will be broadcast via the Prisoner TV Channel. The Service continues to provide a comprehensive Prisoner Information Booklet to all new committals which is available in up to 7 different languages. | |
10/05/2021 | Wheatfield Prison | Information | Access | WFCT2 | In order to ensure effective information provision to all prisoners, in line with Section 42 of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Act, the Inspectorate urges Wheatfield Prison to promptly introduce information dissemination by way of TV channel. The information provided on the channel should be in a language and form that can be understood by prisoners, and may require complementary modes of information dissemination. | Respect & Dignity | Accepted | 28/05/2021 | TV channel went live on May 10th 2021. ACO is currently designing an information leaflet on how to use the channel. | Completed | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | |||
10/05/2021 | Wheatfield Prison | Food | Meal Scheduling | WFCT3 | In line with the Nelson Mandela Rules, (Rule 22.1) and European Prison Rules, (Rule 22.4), the Inspectorate recommends that the scheduling around meal times be amended to ensure meals are served at reasonable intervals and at times reflected in the community: breakfast (morning), lunch (midday) and dinner (evening). | Respect & Dignity | Accepted | 28/05/2021 | In 2019, the Irish Prison Service introduced a pilot alteration to the schedule of meal times in Castlerea and Mountjoy Prison (Progression Unit). The purpose was to examine the impact of providing the main daily meal in the evening. The results of the pilot were positive and the IPS decided, in 2019, to roll out this meal schedule to all prisons. However, the roll out of this initiative has been prevented due to industrial relations issues. The prison day was structured in prisons to take account of the need to open cells on a landing basis due to Level 5 restriction. Prisoners are released from cells to collect meals at the servery on a rotational/landing basis to prevent the mixing of larger group of people. The majority of prisons have reverted from landing unlock to divisional unlock following the reduction in restriction level. | The Irish Prison Service will continue to engage with the staff representative association with regard to the alteration of the existing prisoner meal schedule The Irish Prison Service is currently reintroducing divisional unlock across all prisons as part of the unwinding of restrictions. | Care and Rehabilitation Prison management | Ongoing End June 2021 | Q2 2024 | IPS - Complete | A review of Prisoner meals was undertaken in 2022/2023. A new prison 28 day menu was rolled out to male prisons in August 2023. A review of the female 28 day menu is due for completion in Q4 2023. An enhanced evening meal is now standard across all male prisons.] | 2-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | A Steering Committee gave oversight to the review process. A sub-committee comprising 2 members from Care & Rehabilitation and 2 members from the Staff representative association carried out the review in 2022 by visiting 4 prisons; Castlerea Prison, Cork Prison, Wheatfield and the Progression Unit. The review was limited to reviewing the practicality of changes to the scheduling of the main daily meal, no changes are being proposed to the serving times or intervals between meals in prisons. The following were the recommendations from the review accepted by the steering Committee: 1. Revision and modernising of menu 2. Standardisation of the serving times across all prisons in line with standard prison day to maximise access to prisoner services. Prisoners will remain in their morning structured activity until at least 12:15pm and in the afternoon until at least 4:15pm. 3. Provide enhanced tea/evening meal offering 4. Increase range of menu options for special dietary requirements. 5. Provide only a small range of menu alternatives. 6. Strict adherence to menu and alternatives. 7. Provision of amended menu options for female prisoners The work of drawing up the menu and testing dishes is underway and expected to complete in early April 2023. The new menu is expected to be complete and ready for implementation in Q3 2023. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | An alteration to the prison of the main meal was completed in Castlerea Prison and the Mountjoy Prison Progression Unit. The Irish Prison Service has identified the review of prisoner mealtimes as a priority action in the Public Service Agreement 2021/2022 and continues to engage with the staff representative association in this regard. The Irish Prison Service will continue to engage with the staff representative association with regard to the alteration of the existing prisoner meal schedule. | |
10/05/2021 | Wheatfield Prison | Environment | Privacy | WFCT4 | In line with the CPT standards on living conditions, and with respect to the European Convention on Human Rights Article 8, all cells in Wheatfield Prison should meet minimum CPT requirements with access to a fully partitioned toilet facility. | Respect & Dignity | Part Accepted | 28/05/2021 | Privacy screens 900mm high are due to be installed in cells. The fit out was delayed as a result of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Screens of this height provide adequate privacy while still facilitating checks to ensure safety of Prisoners. | Privacy screen to be installed in cells. | Building Services Division / Prison management | Under review/TBC | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | he trial of the new privacy curtain is being implemented in Wheatfied Prison in Q4 2023. The trial will be reviewed in Q1 2024 and if sucessful will be extended to all appropriate cells across the estate. | 8-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | The Building Service Division is exploring the use of a bespoke cell shower/toilet privacy curtain which would provide privacy without compromising the safety of cell occupants. The concept is currently being considered including the completion of appropriate risk assessments. A Strategic Assessment Report (SAR) has been completed on a proposed new wing development at Cloverhill Prison. The SAR has been reviewed by the Department of Justice who have sanctioned the IPS to move to next phase – preliminary business care. This will involve a more detailed analysis and overall scope deliverables and budget pertaining to the preferred options. It is planned that the Preliminary Business Case will be submitted to Department of Justice by end Q2 2023. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | Prison management are working on the design of a partition that meets with appropriate security standards. Engagement is ongoing with the contractor and it is intended to install the partitions once the design process is complete. | |
10/05/2021 | Wheatfield Prison | Overcrowding | Reduce Population | WFCT5 | With concern for the increase in the prison population in recent months, the Inspectorate recommends that the Irish Prison Service engages with the Department of Justice to maximise all opportunities available for reducing the prison population. The reduction in prison numbers would reduce the number of people cell-sharing, minimise the risk of COVID-19 transmission, and enable prisoners to practice social distancing. | Respect & Dignity | Accepted | 28/05/2021 | In March 2020 the Irish Prison Service took decisive action to reduce the prison population to ensure effective infection control measures. The Irish Prison Service has continued to maintain the prison population at or below 3,800 to ensure safe custody. The IPS has completed an assessment of the prison estate to determine a “Covid-19 Capacity” to ensure appropriate infection control measures. The IPS has engaged with the Department of Justice to examine potential solutions to manage the prison population in a way that ensures effective infection control measures. In addition, the Criminal Justice Efficiencies Group has tasked data analysts from across the sector with examining the potential impacts on prison numbers over the next 12 months. | The IPS will continue to review the Prison Population Management Plan and will introduce new measures to address prison overcrowding as necessary. Data analysis on the impact of increased committals to be completed. | Operations Directorate Criminal Justice Efficiencies committee | Ongoing | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | Acknowledging that control of the prison population is not within the remit of the Irish Prison Service, the Irish Prison Service continues to engage with the Department of Justice to maximise all opportunities available for reducing the prison population. Additional accommodation has opened for both male and female prisoners at Limerick Prison, temporary release is utilised as appropriate, and opportunities for further expansion of the prison estate are being identified for the Capital estimates process on an ongoing basis. | 13-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | The Minister for Justice has approved amendments proposed by IPS to the Community Return Scheme and Community Support Scheme to allow for prisoners to be considered for both schemes at an earlier stage of their sentence. It should be noted that prison Governors are required by law to accept all prisoners into their custody who have been committed to prison by the Courts. The Irish Prison Service therefore has no control over the numbers committed to custody at any given time. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The Minister for Justice has published the Review of Penal Policy which includes actions to reduce reoffending and incorporate the principle of imprisonment as a last resort. The Training Unit has reopened in July 2022 providing an additional 96 prisoner spaces. An additional 90 male spaces and 22 female spaces are due to come on stream in late Q4 2022/Q1 2023 with the opening of new prisoner accommodation in Limerick Prison for male and female prisoners. (Subject to the availability of staffing resources). | |
10/05/2021 | Wheatfield Prison | Prison Service Escort Corps | WFCT6 | The Irish Prison Service should review and address the impact of the current prisoner escort model on the operation of prisons, specifically as this model undermines prisoners’ access to rehabilitation services in the prison. | Safety & Security | Part Accepted | 28/05/2021 | The Irish Prison Service will be conducting a review of prisoner escorts to assess the impact of the use of video link technology, and increased court escort activity. | A copy of the review will be made available to the Inspector of Prisons when completed. | Human Resources | End Q3 2021 | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | Escort requirements increase in line with prisoner population. The 2023 estimates process provided funding for resources specific to the escort function. These posts have been formally recognised with recruitment ongoing to fill the posts. | 10-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | Update continues as advised September 2022. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service intends to carry out a review of the impact of increased use of Courts video link. A copy of the review will be provided when the review has been completed. The Irish Prison Service is seeking the provision of additional resources to support the completion of additional tasks with regard to the escorting of prisoners. | ||
10/05/2021 | Wheatfield Prison | COVID-19 | PPE | WFCT7 | All prisoners should be able to request and be provided with masks to protect themselves from COVID-19. | Safety & Security | Accepted | 28/05/2021 | The Irish Prison Service ERPT have determined that surgical masks will be made available to all prisoners as an enhanced infection control measure. | ERPT will issue guidance that surgical masks be made available to all prisoners, and that all prisoners be encouraged to use same. | ERPT / Prison management | End June 2021 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | Masks were made available to prisoners in line with ERPT guidance. The mandatory wearing of masks was ceased in February 2022 in line with the removal for wearing facemasks in the community. | |
10/05/2021 | Wheatfield Prison | Personal Hygiene | Water | WFCT8 | In line with guidance issued by the WHO (2021) Preparedness, prevention and control of COVID-19 in prisons and other places of detention, all prisoners should have availability of sufficient quantities of safe water and handwashing supplies, both of which should be ensured throughout the outbreak response and in its aftermath. | Safety & Security | Accepted | 28/05/2021 | All prisons have sufficient running water and handwashing supplies in line with the WHO Guidance (2021). There are safety mechanisms in place in certain areas to prevent the risk of deliberate cell flooding. | Already in place | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | |||
10/05/2021 | Wheatfield Prison | Inter-Prisoner Treatment | Violence | WFCT9 | In line with Rule 1 of the Nelson Mandela Rules and Rule 52.2 of the European Prison Rules, the safety of prisoners should be ensured for at all times and adequate procedures must be in place to reduce to a minimum the risk of violence. | Safety & Security | Accepted | 28/05/2021 | Every effort is made by prison management to ensure the safety of all those living and working in prisons. Any allegation of assault or violence is thoroughly investigated and action taken including disciplinary action or referral to An Garda Síochana if appropriate. | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | Prison management continually addresses and aims to prevent violence in prisons. Formal procedures are in place for the reporting of any assault to An Garda Síochana and disciplinary action is taken against any prisoners who breaches prison rules. | ||||
10/05/2021 | Wheatfield Prison | COVID-19 | Test Results | WFCT10 | In line with practice in the general community, and with the Principle of Equivalence, the IPS should ensure that people in prison are provided with written information about their test results. | Health & Wellbeing | Not Accepted | 28/05/2021 | The Irish Prison Service has worked closely with the HSE/Public Health on the management of Covid-19 outbreaks in prisons. The completion of mass testing of all prisoners and staff is a huge logistical operation and this is completed twice per outbreak. People in the community are provided with test results via text message, which is not available to people in custody. The implementation of this recommendation would require the manual provision of individualised letters which is not currently feasible from IT and resource perspective. | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | ||||
10/05/2021 | Wheatfield Prison | COVID-19 | Vaccination | WFCT11 | The Inspectorate recommends that the Irish Prison Service continues its ongoing efforts to lobby for the prioritisation of COVID-19 vaccinations for people living and working in prisons. | Health & Wellbeing | Accepted | 28/05/2021 | The IPS continues to engage with the relevant Departments and agencies with regard to access to the Covid-19 vaccine in line with the grouping published by the Government. | The IPS will continue to engage with the appropriate agencies with regard to access to the Covid-19 vaccination. | Care and Rehabilitation | Ongoing | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | |
10/05/2021 | Wheatfield Prison | Postal Correspondence | Timely Delivery | WFCT12 | In line with Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Rule 58 (1) (a) of the UN Mandela Rules, the Inspectorate recommends that all postal communications are collected and delivered to prisoners in a timely manner by prioritising the censor’s office and transport to collect the post in the daily Regime Management Plan. | Health & Wellbeing | Accepted | 28/05/2021 | Postal backlog has been cleared. | Prison management will continue to monitor this process. In addition, the Irish Prison Service is piloting the use of e-Correspondence for prisoner communications in Mountjoy Prison and Midlands Prison. If successful, consideration will be given to rolling out fully to other locations across the estate, which will allow for a more timely distribution of correspondence. | Prison management ICT | Ongoing End Q4 2021 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | E-correspondence has been rolled out in Mountjoy Prison, Cloverhill Prison and Midlands Prison. | |
10/05/2021 | Wheatfield Prison | COVID-19 | Access to Showers | WFCT13 | In line with the European Prison Rules Rule 19.4 and the CPT Decency Threshold for Prisons, prisoners in quarantine/isolation must be permitted to shower, if not daily, at a minimum, two times in a seven day period. | Health & Wellbeing | Part Accepted | 28/05/2021 | Wheatfield Prison’s isolation/quarantine cells are not equipped with showers and, due to current Infection control restrictions, showering while in quarantine is not feasible due to the high risk it poses to prisoners and staff. The cells do however facilitate in cell sanitation. All prisoners confined to their cell for the purpose of quarantine have access to hot water and soap to maintain adequate hygiene. This is in line with the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT), Statement of Principles relating to the treatment of persons deprived of their liberty in the context of the Coronavirus disease. The Irish Prison Service continues to review infection control measures on a weekly basis and any change to infection control measures is made in line with the Government decisions on the easing of restrictions, and in consultation with Public Health. | The provision of showers during the quarantine period is under active consideration in light of reducing levels of community transmission. | Care and Rehabilitation; Human Resources | Ongoing | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | The Irish Prison Service introduced a new Standard Operating Procedure (10/08/2022) setting out the correct procedures for the showering of prisoners in quarantine/isolation. It was agreed to allow prisoners up to 2 showers in a seven day period. | |
10/05/2021 | Wheatfield Prison | Bedding / Clothing | Quarantine / Isolation | WFCT14 | Prisoners in quarantine/isolation must be provided with a weekly change of bedding. | Health & Wellbeing | Accepted | 28/05/2021 | Prisoners in quarantine are already provided with a weekly change of bedding as recommended. | Prison management are actively monitoring this recommendation. | Prison Management | Ongoing | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | Prisoners are provided with a weekly change of bedding. | |
10/05/2021 | Wheatfield Prison | COVID-19 | Meaningful Human Contact | WFCT15 | Two hours of meaningful human contact (as defined in section 5.3) must be facilitated each day for people in quarantine/ isolation. | Health & Wellbeing | Not Accepted | 28/05/2021 | A critical infection control measure introduced by the Irish Prison Service has been the segregation of new committals from the general population for the purposes of quarantine. Prisoners in quarantine have restricted out of cell time, in accordance with Rule 32A of SI 250/2020 Prison Rules 2020. So far 63 prisoners, committed to custody from the community, have tested positive with Covid-19. There have been no prison based Covid-19 outbreaks, as a result of a new committal, due to the infection control measures introduced. All new prisoners are tested on day 1, with a 2nd test completed on day 7. If negative, and not symptomatic, prisoners exit quarantine after 8 days. The majority of quarantine prisoners have not required 14 days isolation. Prisoners in quarantine/isolation are managed in line with IPS national protocols developed by the Emergency Response Planning Team. Prisoners in quarantine/isolation have their door opened on a minimum of 2 occasions per day and are visited by the class officer, the Governor, medical staff, Chaplains. Restrictions on physical contact are necessary for infection control measures. Restrictions are reviewed on an ongoing basis by the Emergency Response Planning Team. | Not accepted | Q2 2024 | IPS - Complete | The Irish Prison Service has wound down Covid-19 restrictive measures. | 8-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | A project for the installation of in-cell telephones to all prison cells is ongoing. In-cell phones are operational in Castlerea, Cloverhill, Cork, Limerick and Midlands Prisons. Projects in Portlaoise Prison and Dóchas Centre are currently ongoing and will be completed by the end of Q2 2023. Tenders for Arbour Hill, Mountjoy Prison including the Training Unit and Progression Unit will be completed before the end of Q2 2023 with the installation completed by the end of 2023. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | Throughout the pandemic every effort was made to ensure all prisoners could continue to have meaningful contact with others. Prisoners who were confirmed as Covid-19 positive or suspected as having Covid-19 were isolated, in line with Standard Operating Procedures, to prevent the spread of infection. This is in line with action taken in the community. The Irish Prison Service introduced video visiting technology to allow prisoners to communicate with family and friends when physical visits were suspended. This option has been retained as an additional communication tool to support family contact. In-cell telephones were introduced in all locations as a temporary measure during the pandemic however, a major project to install in-cell telephones in all cells across the prison estate on a permanent basis has been commenced. As a result in-cell telephones have been installed in is complete in Castlerea, Cloverhill, Midlands, Cork and Limerick prisons. The Service anticipates the completion of in-cell telephony to the Dóchas Centre, Portlaoise and Wheatfield Prisons by the end of this year. | |||
10/05/2021 | Wheatfield Prison | COVID-19 | Isolation/Quarantine Fresh Air | WFCT16 | Prisoners in quarantine/isolation must have access to at least one hour in the open air each day. | Health & Wellbeing | Not Accepted | 28/05/2021 | Prisoners in quarantine have restricted out of cell time, in accordance with Rule 32A of SI 250/2020 Prison Rules 2020. Restrictions are reviewed on an ongoing basis by the Emergency Response Planning Team. | NA | NA | NA | 7-Mar-23 | IPS - Complete | New committals are tested on day one and if negative, can enter general population. The isolation period for positive Covid cases is consistent with public health advice. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | It was not possible to allow prisoners in isolation or quarantine out of cell time to prevent the spread of infection. The Irish Prison Service continued to review the Standard Operating Procedure for quarantine and isolation throughout the pandemic. This included the reduction of the isolation period in line with guidance from the Health Authorities. As a result all new committals are now tested on day one of committal and, if the return a negative test, they may enter general population on day 4. | ||||
10/05/2021 | Wheatfield Prison | COVID-19 | Mental Healthcare | WFCT17 | Measures must be taken to mitigate the detrimental effects of isolation or quarantine, including psychological support during and after quarantine/isolation in order to assist prisoners coping with the restrictive measures imposed as a result of COVID-19. | Health & Wellbeing | Accepted | 28/05/2021 | A Covid outbreak-specific mental health protocol has been developed by the IPS Psychology Service. The approach incorporates a three-tiered layered care model which includes preventative, enhanced and acute mental health care interventions. This includes the use of iPads to proactively engage people on significantly restrictive measures, where required. The use of iPads is being piloted in Mountjoy and by the Cloverhill Psychology Service. | The use of tablet computers for video link with psychology is being trialled in Mountjoy and Cloverhill. It will be rolled out across the estate if successful. | Care and Rehabilitation; Psychology Service | End June 2021 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | A Covid outbreak-specific mental health protocol has been put in place by the IPS Psychology Service. | |
10/05/2021 | Wheatfield Prison | Education | Digital Learning | WFCT18 | To meet the education needs of prisoners (European Prison Rule 28.1), which include facilitating more substantive engagement with education (and other services), the Irish Prison Service should make digital tablets available for prisoner use. These digital tablets could be pre-loaded with education materials. | Rehabilitation & Development | Under Review | 28/05/2021 | The Irish Prison Service is developing an in-cell learning strategy to enhance learning from prison cells. A new prisoner TV Channel has been developed and is being rolled out across the estate. This allows for the broadcasting of local and national information and for the provision of educational material. CDETB have developed a substantial quantity of audio-visual course materials to be viewed on the TV channel and will provide accompanying supporting hard copy documentation to facilitate blended learning. | An in-cell technology plan is being developed to enhance learning capacities for prisoners and increase information and learning for those confined to cell. Care and Rehabilitation Directorate are examining technology solutions to allow prisoners to access educational materials on the education network from within cells. | Care and Rehabilitation | Q4 2021 Q2 2021 | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | A programme of incell learning was developed by CDETB. It is shared with other ETB's and runs regularly on the incell tv channel. Further technology enhancements are beng developed through the Building Bridges Programme and these will come on stream late in Q4 2023 and throughout 2024. The IPS continues to explore new technology and will examine potential options in line with the IPS. | 2-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | In-cell TV information channel was developed in 2022 with educational content in place in all prisons. Specific in-cell blended learning is in place in Dublin prisons. The Building Bridges Project in late 2022 prioritised €500,000 SOLAS allocated funding. ETBs included Cork ETB, Limerick Clare ETB, Laois Offaly ETB and City of Dublin Education and Training Board. CDETB. Funding was primarily expended on technological enhancements in the prison schools for the teaching of prisoners engaging in education. DHFERIS has allocated further funding of €5m in 2023. The project will be expanded to include all seven ETBs. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service is reviewing the enhanced use of technology to facilitate in-cell learning. A new Prisoner TV Channel has been introduced and is supporting in-cell learning. The Service is engaging with other prison services who have enhanced use of in-cell technology with a view to enhancing in-cell learning and service provision. This action remains under review. | |
10/05/2021 | Wheatfield Prison | Library | Access | WFCT19 | In line with Rule 110 of the Irish Prison Rules, Wheatfield Prison should proactively consider the re-opening of library services in the main prison. Given the increased time that people are now required to remain in their cells, there is additional need to ensure people are able to avail of library services. | Rehabilitation & Development | Accepted | 28/05/2021 | Library services were suspended in line with events in the community. Prison management are engaging with the library services with a view to enhancing service provision. | Prison management | End Q2 2021 | Q2 2024 | IPS - Complete | Covid-19 restrictions on the opening of prison libraries have been wound down. Closures of libraries may be experienced in line with the prison Regime Management Plan. The Local Government Management Agency commissioned a review of Prison Libraries and the Report was published in Q3 2022. Recommendations from this report are being implemented during 2023 and 2024 | 2-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | Access to prison libraries have been restored however, closures of libraries may be experienced in line with the prison Regime Management Plan. The Local Government Management Agency has completed a review of Prison Libraries and work is underway to implement the recommendations from that report with a view to completing during 2023 and 2024. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | Access to prison libraries have been restored however, closures of libraries may be experienced in line with the prison Regime Management Plan. The Local Government Management Agency has commissioned a review of Prison Libraries and the Report of the group is to be published in Q3 2022. | ||
10/05/2021 | Wheatfield Prison | Environment | Green Space | WFCT20 | The Inspectorate recommends that efforts be made to include green spaces in and around the yards. | Rehabilitation & Development | Part Accepted | 28/05/2021 | Consideration will be given to enhancing the aesthetics of the prison yards. Security considerations will be taken into account when considering any enhancement to the prison yards. | Prison Management; Finance & Estates Directorate | End 2021 | NA | NA | NA | 8-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | The IPS has commenced a program of yards upgrades including the installation of graphic packages to enhance the aesthetics of prison yards. Works have been completed in Cork Prison and the Training Unit. A tender is under way for a graphics package for Castlerea and Cloverhill with works to be completed in both locations before the end of Q4. Additional works are planned for the Portlaoise A Yard, Cloverhill B Yard and new Unit based yards in Wheatfield, and graphic packages will be included in these works. It is hoped to complete works in Portlaoise in Q4 2023 with works in Wheatfield and Cloverhill progressing in the first half of 2024. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service intends to enhance the aesthetics of prison yards through its ongoing maintenance programme. Enhancement to prison yards will be subject to security considerations which are paramount. | ||
10/05/2021 | Wheatfield Prison | COVID-19 | Mitigate 2020 Rule Amendments | WFCT21 | In line with the requirement to ensure “meaningful human contact”, the Inspectorate recommends that Wheatfield Prison develop and implement measures designed to mitigate the impact of restrictions imposed on prisoner exercise and interactions by Rule 32A of the Irish Prison Rules; this should be done in consultation with prisoners and staff working in the prison. | Rehabilitation & Development | Not Accepted | 28/05/2021 | Similar to the community the Covid-19 infection control measures have resulted in restricted prisoner movements. The IPS accepts that the introduction of enhanced infection control measures has impacted on the regime offered to prisoners on a daily basis and has resulted in reduced out of cell time in many areas. This is a regrettable consequence of the implementation of measures aimed at protecting the health and safety of prisoners. Efforts are already made to ensure that prisoners receive maximum out of cell time whilst restricting contact amongst prisoners. In order to facilitate exercise some prisoners are unlocked on the reserve period which is shorter than other periods. Unlock on the reserve period is rotated amongst landings resulting in a fair distribution of out of cell time amongst groupings. The return to divisional unlock in all prisons with the easing of restrictions will result in a return to more normal unlock periods. The current average out of cell time for non-restricted regime prisoners in Wheatfield is 6-7 hours per day. | Prison management will continue to maximise out of cell time for all prisoners The Irish Prison Service is reintroducing divisional unlock in Wheatfield Prison as part of the unwinding of restrictive measures | Prison management | Not accepted End June 2021 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | The introduction of rotational or landing unlock resulted in reduced out of cell time for prisoners during certain periods of restrictions in 2020 and 2021. As part of the unwinding of prison restriction divisional unlock was reintroduced in July 2021 across the estate. | |
10/05/2021 | Wheatfield Prison | Parole Board | WFCT22 | In line with ICCPR Article 10(3) and the need to ensure prisoners have continued access to rehabilitative services during the pandemic, the Inspectorate recommends that the IPS consider strategies to enable timely fulfilment of Parole Board recommended courses and initiatives. | Rehabilitation & Development | Under Review | 28/05/2021 | This recommendation is under review pending the commencement of the statutory Parole Board. | Plan for management of Life Sentenced Prisoners to be agreed with IPS and Department of Justice. | Operations | Under review | NA | NA | NA | 6-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | The IPS Psychology Service is going to tender to establish a panel of appropriately qualified Psychologists to support completion of a backlog of Year 1 life sentenced prisoner risk assessments which will outline key areas of risk and need for sentence planning purposes. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | Restrictions on participation in structured activities including external work and training courses have now been lifted. The Irish Prison Service is engaging with the Department of Justice and the Parole Board on the management of Life sentence Prisoners. The IPS will inform the Office of the Inspector of Prisons of the outcome of these discussions when completed. | ||
10/05/2021 | Wheatfield Prison | Integrated Sentence Management | Resources | WFCT23 | In line with the Mandela Rules and the European Prison Rules, the Irish Prison Service should strengthen, operationalise and broadly apply the Integrated Sentence Management process so that all prisoners are actively engaged and contributing to their sentence and re-integration plan. At the prison level, this could include securing the ISM post(s) at a higher point on the Regime Management Plan. | Resettlement | Accepted | 28/05/2021 | Wheatfield ISM officers will be going on a back to back roster to further strengthen their ISM process. To further support the development of the ISM function in all prisons a new centralised recording database for ISM interviews and prisoner multi-disciplinary sentence management plans is currently at the user acceptance testing phase of implementation. This database will provide the resources necessary to improve oversight and reporting in relation to the ISM function at Wheatfield. A Resettlement Service is provided to sentenced prisoners at Wheatfield Prison by IASIO who assist with applications for housing, welfare and medical cards in preparation for release. | Database in testing phase. | Care and Rehabilitation/ Human Resources | End Q2 2021 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | The Irish Prison Service secured funding in the 2022 Estimates process to facilitate the purchase of Tablet computers for use by ISM co-ordinators. Enabling works are required out to facilitate the necessary technical access to support same and work is underway in this regard. It is hoped that the necessary enabling work will be completed when technical components have been delivered and are installed. Delivery has been delayed due to global supply chain issues however it is anticipated that the necessary components will be delivered in November at which point enabling works will be progressed. | |
21/05/2021 | Limerick Prison | COVID-19 | Isolation/Quarantine Information | LMCT1 | In line with Rule 54 of the Nelson Mandela Rules, the Irish Prison Service should ensure that written and oral information is provided to prisoners upon entering quarantine and on an ongoing basis over the course of quarantine. This information should be designed to assist prisoners in adapting to quarantine, and should clearly outline what they can expect while in quarantine. The information should be provided in a language and form that can be understood by the prisoner; this may require the assistance of interpreters. Prisoners should be provided with ongoing opportunities to raise questions and to be informed of all matters necessary to adapt to quarantine and prison life in general. | Respect & Dignity | Accepted | 11/06/2021 | The Irish Prison Service provides a comprehensive Prisoner Information Book to all new committals to prison. The Book is printed in several languages and gives basic information about regimes and services within prisons. A bespoke booklet titled “Covid-19 – Living in Cell” was developed by the Red Cross Volunteers to provide detailed information to prisoners on isolation/quarantine and gives specific information on the Covid-19 testing process. This information booklet has been translated into several languages. Information is also included on prisoner information channel and is updated as required. | The Irish Prison Service will continue to provide translations of information provided. All Governors provide an oral briefing to new committals. | Care and Rehabilitation Prison Management Team | In place and will be reviewed and augmented on an ongoing basis. Effective immediately | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | A ‘Living in Cell’ booklet has been provided throughout the covid-19 pandemic and has been updated on a number of occasions to reflect latest procedures. The booklet is circulated via the Covid-19 prison liaisons group. The document is developed in collaboration with the Prison Red Cross Volunteers and is approved by NALA. A new recording studio has been introduced in Loughan House and it is proposed that future communications will be broadcast via the Prisoner TV Channel. The Service continues to provide a comprehensive Prisoner Information Booklet to all new committals which is available in up to 7 different languages. | |
21/05/2021 | Limerick Prison | Information | Access | LMCT2 | In order to ensure effective information provision to all prisoners, in line with Section 42 of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Act, the Inspectorate urges Limerick Prison to promptly introduce information dissemination by way of TV channel. The information provided on the channel should be in a language and form that can be understood by prisoners, and may require complementary modes of information dissemination. | Respect & Dignity | Accepted | 11/06/2021 | Limerick Prison currently has a prisoner information TV Channel. All pertinent information is included and is updated regularly. Including information on Work Training, Education, Prisoner information, Covid-19, Medical facilities and Services available etc. | Continue to update as required | Prison Management Team | In place and Ongoing | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | Limerick prison continues to operate a prisoner information TV Channel. All pertinent information can be uploaded and and information is updated regularly. The TV channel was used to provide information to prisoners during Mental Health Week. Complementary modes of information dissemination to include subtitles can also be played on the Prison In Cell TV channel. | 9-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | The Prison in-cell TV channel is in place in prisons including Limerick and provides for information dissemination in cell. Content can be uploaded and played in any language for different programmes as required. Complementary modes of information dissemination to include subtitles can also be played on the Prison In Cell TV channel. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | Limerick Prison was the first prison to pilot the prisoner TV channel as a means of communicating with prisoners. All literature/prison materials has been translated in as many languages as possible. The Irish Prison Service intents to test systems which allow a Foreign National / non-English speaking prisoner to can speak in their native language and have their spoken words translated. The technical requirements for same are being considered. | |
21/05/2021 | Limerick Prison | COVID-19 | Provision of Framework/ Unwinding Restrictions to Prisoners | LMCT3 | The Irish Prison Service should provide prisoners with a written copy of the Framework for Living with COVID-19. Prisoners should be consulted, and updated on future plans related to COVID-19 restrictions including, family visits, regimes, and sentence progression as COVID-19 restrictions unfold. | Respect & Dignity | Part Accepted | 11/06/2021 | Prisoners updated regularly on the Framework for Living with COVID-19. The prisoners Red Cross created an information booklet, arrange regular information leaflet cell drops and Prisoner TV channel is also updated as the Covid-19 situation evolves. | Continue to update as required | Prison Management Team | In place and Ongoing | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | The Prison Service introduced a framework for restrictive measures, (five levels) in line with the Government Framework for living with Covid-19. In 2021 the Service moved to link the unwinding of prison restrictions with the roll out of the covid-19 vaccination. In addition, the Service developed and utilised a Contingency Plan for the Management of Covid-19 Outbreaks which set out the actions to be taken for the management of an outbreak in a prison setting. In 2022, the Service moved to the management of outbreaks using a contact tracing model. The Service is currently developing a new Covid-19 Management Framework centred on the maintenance of services during possible outbreaks and support to mitigate against restrictions should enhanced restrictions be required. | |
21/05/2021 | Limerick Prison | Food | Meal Scheduling | LMCT4 | In line with the Nelson Mandela Rules, (Rule 22.1) and European Prison Rules, (Rule 22.4), the Inspectorate recommends that the scheduling around meal times be amended to ensure meals are served at reasonable intervals and at times reflected in the community: breakfast (morning), lunch (midday) and dinner (evening). | Respect & Dignity | Accepted | 11/06/2021 | In 2019, the Irish Prison Service introduced a pilot alteration to the schedule of meal times in Castlerea and Mountjoy Prison (Progression Unit). The purpose was to examine the impact of providing the main daily meal in the evening. The results of the pilot were positive and the IPS decided, in 2019, to roll out this meal schedule to all prisons. However, the roll out of this initiative has been prevented due to industrial relations issues. The current prison day is structured in prisons to take account of the need to open cells on a landing basis due to Level 5 restriction. Prisoners are released from cells to collect meals at the servery on a rotational/landing basis to prevent the mixing of larger group of people. Limerick Prison is operating at divisional unlock, however when restrictions are further lifted the meal time schedule will be even less impacted by any restrictions (i.e. number of prisoners at the servery at once). | The Irish Prison Service will continue to engage with the staff representative association with regard to the alteration of the existing prisoner meal schedule. The Irish Prison Service is currently reintroducing divisional unlock across all prisons as part of the unwinding of restrictions. | Care and Rehabilitation Prison management | Ongoing End June 2021 | Q2 2024 | IPS - Complete | A review of Prisoner meals was undertaken in 2022/2023. A new prison 28 day menu was rolled out to male prisons in August 2023. A review of the female 28 day menu is due for completion in Q4 2023. An enhanced evening meal is now standard across all male prisons.] | 2-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | A Steering Committee gave oversight to the review process. A sub-committee comprising 2 members from Care & Rehabilitation and 2 members from the Staff representative association carried out the review in 2022 by visiting 4 prisons; Castlerea Prison, Cork Prison, Wheatfield and the Progression Unit. The review was limited to reviewing the practicality of changes to the scheduling of the main daily meal, no changes are being proposed to the serving times or intervals between meals in prisons. The following were the recommendations from the review accepted by the steering Committee: 1. Revision and modernising of menu 2. Standardisation of the serving times across all prisons in line with standard prison day to maximise access to prisoner services. Prisoners will remain in their morning structured activity until at least 12:15pm and in the afternoon until at least 4:15pm. 3. Provide enhanced tea/evening meal offering 4. Increase range of menu options for special dietary requirements. 5. Provide only a small range of menu alternatives. 6. Strict adherence to menu and alternatives. 7. Provision of amended menu options for female prisoners The work of drawing up the menu and testing dishes is underway and expected to complete in early April 2023. The new menu is expected to be complete and ready for implementation in Q3 2023. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | An alteration to the prison of the main meal was completed in Castlerea Prison and the Mountjoy Prison Progression Unit. The Irish Prison Service has identified the review of prisoner mealtimes as a priority action in the Public Service Agreement 2021/2022 and continues to engage with the staff representative association in this regard. The Irish Prison Service will continue to engage with the staff representative association with regard to the alteration of the existing prisoner meal schedule. | |
21/05/2021 | Limerick Prison | Court | Remote Courts | LMCT5 | Video link court access cannot be a long-term substitute for a prisoner’s right to attend court. In line with Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights, all measures must be taken to ensure that a prisoner can effectively participate in remote court hearings. | Respect & Dignity | Part Accepted | 11/06/2021 | The Civil Law and Criminal Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2020 allows for certain type of court hearings to be heard by video link. This includes arraignments, returns for trial, sentencing hearings and certain hearings in relation to surrender proceedings for extradition. While video link is not the default, the Act gives this authority to the Courts allowing them to make certain proceeding of their choosing by default. This authority is vested firstly in the Presidents of the Courts and subsequently in the Judges themselves. The Irish Prison Service and the Courts Service are working to increase the capacity of video link. Infection control measures introduced during Covid-19 have resulted in the widespread use of video link for Court appearances. Approximately 60% of Court appearances are now taking place via video link. The use of video link will allow the Service to redirect vital resources into the provision of prisoner services. | The Irish Prison Service will continue to engage with Court Services as necessary. The Irish Prison Service will continue to explore the use of video link for the provision of other services such as Probation interviews, prisoner case conferences, education and remote learning. | Operations | Reviewed on an ongoing basis | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | The expansion of videolink services continues as outlined in the previous update. The Irish Prison Service continues to engage with the Courts Service both on a strategic and operational level to identify appropriate usage of videolink that will increase efficiencies for the Irish Prison Service and the Courts Service whilst retaining focus on prisoners' participation and right to a fair trial. | 13-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service continues to take steps to enhance physical and ICT facilities to support the use of video link for prisoner attendance at Court. The Irish Prison Service continues to engage with Court Services as necessary to continuously improve the operation of video-courts to ensure that the rights of prisoners are upheld. The Irish Prison Service will continue to explore the use of video link for prisoner engagement with therapeutic and other support services. All opportunities to use video-link to the benefit of prisoners are reviewed on an ongoing basis. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service continues to enhance the physical infrastructure to support enhanced use of video link for prisoner attendance at Court. The Irish Prison Service will continue to engage with Court Services as necessary. The Irish Prison Service will continue to explore the use of video link for the provision of other services such as Probation interviews, prisoner case conferences, education and remote learning. | |
21/05/2021 | Limerick Prison | Environment | Cell Conditions | LMCT6 | In line with the CPT standards on living space (2015), the Inspectorate recommends that the prison address the poor condition of cells on D wing. Cells should be examined and appropriate action taken to ensure basic living conditions are provided | Respect & Dignity | Part Accepted | 11/06/2021 | Every effort is made by prison management to ensure a good standard of accommodation is provided for all prisoners. However, the standard of these conditions can be difficult to maintain where Prisoners engage in destructive behaviour. When damage is caused prison management ensure that repairs are carried out in a timely manner. In 2020, €219,304.00 was spent on painting, new lights, new beds and windows on D Wing. Repainting of the wing has commenced. | Prison management Team will continue to review and have essential maintenance works carry out as required to maintain the improved standards. | Prison Management Team / Trades Officers | Reviewed on an ongoing basis | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | Management continue to review and monitor the physical condition of all accommodation and remedial works are carried out when required. Significant expenditure was incurred in 2020 regarding same. | |
21/05/2021 | Limerick Prison | Personal Hygiene | Menstruation Products | LMCT7 | In line with the UN Bangkok Rules (Rule 5) and the Irish Prison Service’s commitment to providing free period products, the Inspectorate recommends that both sanitary towels and tampons be provided without charge to all prisoners who may require them, and that this be done in a way that reduces stigma and embarrassment. | Respect & Dignity | Accepted | 11/06/2021 | This is already in place. These products are readily available through reception on request or through any member of staff as required. | Continue current practice. Improve prisoner awareness of sanitary products available | Prison Management Team | In place and Ongoing | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | A female prison officer has been assigned to the task of ensuring prisoners have access to period products. | |
21/05/2021 | Limerick Prison | Staffing | Mental Healthcare | LMCT8 | The Mental Health Team composition should be augmented with provision of additional community psychiatric nursing as a minimum. | Health & Wellbeing | Accepted | 11/06/2021 | Community Psychiatric Nurses are part of the In-Reach Mental Health Services provided to the IPS by the National Forensic Mental Health Service. Decisions regarding staffing levels are made by the NFMHS in consultation with IPS. In addition, the IPS is currently finalising a comprehensive Health Needs Assessment across the prison estate. This is considering the health needs of prisoners, including mental health and how best to meet these needs by providing responsive mental health and primary care services. The IPS is also supporting the Mental Health Task Force on Mental Health which is inter alia, reviewing the mental health requirements across prisons. This Task Force involves the IPS and the Departments of Justice and Health as well as the HSE who provide the national forensic mental health service to prisons. | In progress | Care & Rehabilitation | End Q2 for Health Needs Assessment Q4 Mental Health Task Force | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | IPS tendered for supplier to assist with implementation of HNA Recommendations. That process has concluded and the implementation phase of the HNA project will commence in 2024. In the interim the HSE are currently in the process of sourcing a suitable specialist to provide a consultant forensic psychiatric services at Limetrick prison. This process is ongoing. In the interim the HSE have arranged for a consultant psychiatrist with significant forensic mental health experience to provide a regular service at the prison. This service is being provided with appropriate nursing support. | 7-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | It is anticipated that the Health Needs Assessment will be published shortly. Subsequently it is proposed to procure expert consultancy advice re the implementation of the recommendations of the Health Needs Assessment - which include the mental health needs of the prison population. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The Health Needs Assessment has been completed and the recommendations are being considered. The Irish Prison Service continues to participate in the Interdepartmental Taskforce on Mental Health and the group is to report later this year. - IPS HQ Care & Rehabilitation | |
21/05/2021 | Limerick Prison | COVID-19 | Access Test Results | LMCT9 | In line with practice in the general community, and with the Principle of Equivalence, the IPS should ensure that people in prison are provided with written information about their test results. | Health & Wellbeing | Not Accepted | 11/06/2021 | The Irish Prison Service has worked closely with the HSE/Public Health on the management of Covid-19 outbreaks in prisons. The completion of mass testing of all prisoners and staff is a huge logistical operation and this is completed twice per outbreak. People in the community are provided with test results via text message, which is not available to people in custody. The implementation of this recommendation would require the manual provision of individualised letters which is not currently feasible from IT and resource perspective. | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | ||||
21/05/2021 | Limerick Prison | Family Contact | Video Calls | LMCT10 | Prisoners should have access to family video link calls post COVID-19. Video calls should remain as an addition following the return of in person visits. Supports should be available for families of prisoners to maintain contact digitally. | Health & Wellbeing | Accepted | 11/06/2021 | The Irish Prison Service is currently developing a new Framework for the Unwinding of Prison Restrictions which is informed by the recent Government Plan for reopening our society, set out in Resilience and Recovery: The Path Ahead. The new Framework for Unwinding Prison Restrictions, will include information on the return of physical visits. The introduction of video visits has proven very successful and the Irish Prison Service intends to continue the use of video visits as a means of family contact going forward. | Completed | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | |||
21/05/2021 | Limerick Prison | Postal Correspondence | Timely Delivery | LMCT11 | In line with Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Rule 58 (1) (a) of the UN Mandela Rules, the Inspectorate recommends that all postal communications are collected and delivered to prisoners in a timely manner by prioritising the censor’s office and transport to collect the post in the daily Regime Management Plan. | Health & Wellbeing | Accepted | 11/06/2021 | The Prison Management team is aware of the importance of postal communications (particularly given the restrictions during a pandemic) and will endeavour to facilitate staff deployment to the censors office as much as is reasonably practicable considering any security concerns that may arise on any given day. | Prison management will continue to monitor this process. In addition, the Irish Prison Service is piloting the use of e-Correspondence for prisoner communications in Mountjoy Prison and Midlands Prison. If successful, consideration will be given to rolling out fully to other locations across the estate, which will allow for a more timely distribution of correspondence. | Prison management ICT | Ongoing End Q4 2021 | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | Limerick Prison has and will continue to endeavour to facilitate staff deployment to the censors office as much as is reasonably practicable considering any security concerns that may arise on any given day. Our latest Regime Management Plan reflects this goal. Prison management will continue to monitor this process | 14-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | The pilot referenced in the September 2022 update is ongoing. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | E-correspondence has been rolled out in Mountjoy Prison, Cloverhill Prison and Midlands Prison. To be considered in Limerick Prison following review of existing pilots in Mountjoy and Midlands Prisons and subject to available resources. | |
21/05/2021 | Limerick Prison | Family Contact | Telephone | LMCT12 | In line with Rule 26 of the UN Bangkok Rules, the Inspectorate recommends the prison develop a way to afford greater privacy to women when contacting their children and family members on the phone. | Health & Wellbeing | Accepted | 11/06/2021 | There is currently a family room available for physical visits when they resume, and Video Phones are available in private areas that are readily available to facilitate these calls. The new womens’ accommodation which is currently under construction will contain telephones in each cell. | Summer 2022 | Q2 2024 | IPS - Complete | The new Female accommodation is now in operation and each prisoner has a telephone in her cell, affording privacy to each when contacting their children and family members. | 14-Feb-23 | IPS - Ongoing | Limerick’s new female wing and enhanced facilities for females are due to open in July 2023. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | Construction of new female accommodation in Limerick has continued with completing expected by the end of 2022. This will provide greatly enhanced accommodation for female prisoners and will include in cell telephone in all cells. | |||
21/05/2021 | Limerick Prison | COVID-19 | Access to Showers | LMCT13 | In line with the European Prison Rules Rule 19.4 and the CPT “Minimum Decency Threshold,” prisoners in quarantine/ isolation must be permitted to shower, if not daily, at least two times in a seven day period. | Health & Wellbeing | Part Accepted | 11/06/2021 | Limerick Prison’s isolation/quarantine cells are not equipped with showers and, due to current Infection control restrictions, showering while in quarantine is not feasible due to the high risk it poses to prisoners and staff. The cells do however facilitate in cell sanitation. All prisoners confined to their cell for the purpose of quarantine have access to hot water and soap to maintain adequate hygiene. This is in line with the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT), Statement of Principles relating to the treatment of persons deprived of their liberty in the context of the Coronavirus disease. The Irish Prison Service continues to review infection control measures on a weekly basis and any change to infection control measures is made in line with the Government decisions on the easing of restrictions, and in consultation with Public Health. | The provision of showers during the quarantine period is under active consideration in light of reducing levels of community transmission. | Care and Rehabilitation; Human Resources | Ongoing | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | The Irish Prison Service introduced a new Standard Operating Procedure (10/08/2022) setting out the correct procedures for the showering of prisoners in quarantine/isolation. It was agreed to allow prisoners up to 2 showers in a seven day period. | |
21/05/2021 | Limerick Prison | Bedding / Clothing | Quarantine / Isolation | LMCT14 | Prisoners in quarantine/isolation must be provided with a daily change of clothing. | Health & Wellbeing | Not Accepted | 11/06/2021 | It is not possible to provide laundered clothing to prisoners on a daily basis due to the capacity of Limerick Prison laundry. | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | ||||
21/05/2021 | Limerick Prison | COVID-19 | Meaningful Human Contact | LMCT15 | Two hours of meaningful human contact (as defined in section 5.3) must be facilitated each day for people in quarantine/isolation. | Health & Wellbeing | Not Accepted | 11/06/2021 | A critical infection control measure introduced by the Irish Prison Service has been the segregation of new committals from the general population for the purposes of quarantine. Prisoners in quarantine have restricted out of cell time, in accordance with Rule 32A of SI 250/2020 Prison Rules 2020. So far 10 prisoners have been committed to custody in Limerick prison from the community who have tested positive with Covid-19. There have been no prison based Covid-19 outbreak to date as a direct result of the stringent infection control measures implemented. All new prisoners are tested on day 1, with a 2nd test completed on day 7. If negative, and not symptomatic, prisoners exit quarantine after 8 days. The majority of quarantine prisoners have not required 14 days isolation. Prisoners in quarantine/isolation are managed in line with IPS national protocols developed by the Emergency Response Planning Team. Prisoners in quarantine/isolation have their door opened on a minimum of 2 occasions per day and are visited by the class officer, the Governor, medical staff, Chaplains. Restrictions on physical contact are necessary for infection control measures. Restrictions are reviewed on an ongoing basis by the Emergency Response Planning Team. | Q2 2024 | IPS - Complete | The Irish Prison Service has wound down Covid-19 restrictive measures. | 8-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | A project for the installation of in-cell telephones to all prison cells is ongoing. In-cell phones are operational in Castlerea, Cloverhill, Cork, Limerick and Midlands Prisons. Projects in Portlaoise Prison and Dóchas Centre are currently ongoing and will be completed by the end of Q2 2023. Tenders for Arbour Hill, Mountjoy Prison including the Training Unit and Progression Unit will be completed before the end of Q2 2023 with the installation completed by the end of 2023. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | Throughout the pandemic every effort was made to ensure all prisoners could continue to have meaningful contact with others. Prisoners who were confirmed as Covid-19 positive or suspected as having Covid-19 were isolated, in line with Standard Operating Procedures, to prevent the spread of infection. This is in line with action taken in the community. The Irish Prison Service introduced video visiting technology to allow prisoners to communicate with family and friends when physical visits were suspended. This option has been retained as an additional communication tool to support family contact. In-cell telephones were introduced in all locations as a temporary measure during the pandemic however, a major project to install in-cell telephones in all cells across the prison estate on a permanent basis has been commenced. As a result in-cell telephones have been installed in is complete in Castlerea, Cloverhill, Midlands, Cork and Limerick prisons. The Service anticipates the completion of in-cell telephony to the Dóchas Centre, Portlaoise and Wheatfield Prisons by the end of this year. | ||||
21/05/2021 | Limerick Prison | COVID-19 | Isolation/Quarantine Fresh Air | LMCT16 | Prisoners in quarantine/isolation must have at least one hour in the open air each day. | Health & Wellbeing | Not Accepted | 11/06/2021 | Prisoners in quarantine have restricted out of cell time, in accordance with Rule 32A of SI 250/2020 Prison Rules 2020. Prisoners are fully informed of the quarantine rules on committal by the Governor on parade. Restrictions are reviewed on an ongoing basis by the Emergency Response Planning Team. | NA | NA | NA | 7-Mar-23 | IPS - Complete | New committals are tested on day one and if negative, can enter general population. The isolation period for positive Covid cases is consistent with public health advice. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | It was not possible to allow prisoners in isolation or quarantine out of cell time to prevent the spread of infection. The Irish Prison Service continued to review the Standard Operating Procedure for quarantine and isolation throughout the pandemic. This included the reduction of the isolation period in line with guidance from the Health Authorities. As a result all new committals are now tested on day one of committal and, if the return a negative test, they may enter general population on day 4. | ||||
21/05/2021 | Limerick Prison | COVID-19 | Mental Healthcare | LMCT17 | Measures must be taken to mitigate the detrimental effects of isolation or quarantine, including psychological support during and after quarantine/isolation in order to assist prisoners in coping with the impact of COVID-19 and subsequently imposed restrictive measures | Health & Wellbeing | Accepted | 11/06/2021 | A Covid outbreak-specific mental health protocol has been developed by the IPS Psychology Service. The approach incorporates a three-tiered layered care model which includes preventative, enhanced and acute mental health care interventions. This includes the use of tablets to proactively engage people on significantly restrictive measures, where required. The use of tablets is being piloted in Mountjoy and by the Cloverhill Psychology Service. | The use of tablet computers for video link with psychology is being trialled in Mountjoy and Cloverhill. It will be rolled out across the estate if successful. | Care and Rehabilitation; Psychology Service | End June 2021 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | A Covid outbreak-specific mental health protocol has been put in place by the IPS Psychology Service. | |
21/05/2021 | Limerick Prison | Transgender Prisoners | Policy | LMCT18 | In line with the Yogyakarta Principle 9 on The Right to Treatment with Humanity while in Detention, the Inspectorate urges the Irish Prison Service to develop, in partnership with relevant civil society organisations, transgender people in prison and other relevant stakeholders, a national policy regarding the safe custody of transgender women and men. | Health & Wellbeing | Accepted | 11/06/2021 | The Irish Prison Service is currently developing a national policy for the safe custody of transgender women and men. Consultation is currently ongoing with relevant stakeholders as well as other jurisdictions. | Corporate Services | Ongoing | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service policy for the safe custody of transgender women and men is still in development. Engagement with relevant stakeholders continues. | 9-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service has engaged with relevant stakeholders and hopes to finalise a transgender policy in Q3 2023. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service has commenced engagement with appropriate stakeholders with regard to the development of a Transgender prisoner policy. This includes engagement with both statutory and non-statutory bodies. The Irish Prison Service is also conducting international research into the issue to help inform proposed policy development. It is anticipated that a draft discussion paper will be completed by the end of Q2 2022. The Irish Prison Service is also conducting a review of the Prison Rule with regard to the searching of prisoners to provide clarity on the searching procedures for transgender prisoners. It is proposed to bring forward an amendment to this rule (in 2022) in advance of the full review of Prison Rules which are not expected until 2023 at the earliest. | ||
21/05/2021 | Limerick Prison | Personal Hygiene | Shaving Products | LMCT19 | In line with the Mandela Rules, Rule 18, the prison should take steps to ensure prisoners have daily access to shaving equipment that is hygienic and safe and supports prisoners in the maintenance of personal hygiene and appearance. | Health & Wellbeing | Accepted | 11/06/2021 | 190 electric razors have been purchased. These are issued to prisoners by the class officers daily. | Completed | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | |||
21/05/2021 | Limerick Prison | Education | Digital Learning | LMCT20 | To meet the education needs of prisoners (European Prison Rule 28.1), which include facilitating more substantive engagement with education (and other services), the Irish Prison Service should make digital tablets available for prisoner use. These digital tablets could be pre-loaded with education materials. | Rehabilitation & Development | Under Review | 11/06/2021 | The Irish Prison Service is developing an in-cell learning strategy to enhance learning from prison cells. A new prisoner TV Channel has been developed and is being rolled out across the estate. This allows for the broadcasting of local and national information and for the provision of educational material. CDETB have developed a substantial quantity of audio-visual course materials to be viewed on the TV channel and will provide accompanying supporting hard copy documentation to facilitate blended learning. | An in-cell technology plan is being developed to enhance learning capacities for prisoners and increase information and learning for those confined to cell. Care and Rehabilitation Directorate are examining technology solutions to allow prisoners to access educational materials on the education network from within cells. | Care and Rehabilitation | Q4 2021 Q2 2021 | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | A programme of incell learning was developed by CDETB. It is shared with other ETB's and runs regularly on the incell tv channel. Further technology enhancements are beng developed through the Building Bridges Programme and these will come on stream late in Q4 2023 and throughout 2024. The IPS continues to explore new technology and will examine potential options in line with the IPS. | 2-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | In-cell TV information channel was developed in 2022 with educational content in place in all prisons. Specific in-cell blended learning is in place in Dublin prisons. The Building Bridges Project in late 2022 prioritised €500,000 SOLAS allocated funding. ETBs included Cork ETB, Limerick Clare ETB, Laois Offaly ETB and City of Dublin Education and Training Board (CDETB). Funding was primarily expended on technological enhancements in the prison schools for the teaching of prisoners engaging in education. The Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science has allocated further funding of €5m in 2023. The project will be expanded to include all seven ETBs. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service is reviewing the enhanced use of technology to facilitate in-cell learning. A new Prisoner TV Channel has been introduced and is supporting in-cell learning. The Service is engaging with other prison services who have enhanced use of in-cell technology with a view to enhancing in-cell learning and service provision. This action remains under review. | |
21/05/2021 | Limerick Prison | Library | Access | LMCT21 | Given the increased time that people are now required to remain in their cells, there is additional need to ensure people are able to avail of library services. The Irish Prison Service and Prison Library should update and rotate books throughout the prison to keep prisoners engaged with reading/library services. | Rehabilitation & Development | Accepted | 11/06/2021 | Library services were suspended in line with events in the community. Library services have now resumed, Prison management are engaging with library services with a view to enhance service provision. | Reviewed on an ongoing basis | Prison Management Team | Q2 2024 | IPS - Complete | Covid-19 restrictions on the opening of prison libraries have been wound down. Closures of libraries may be experienced in line with the prison Regime Management Plan. The Local Government Management Agency commissioned a review of Prison Libraries and the Report was published in Q3 2022. Recommendations from this report are being implemented during 2023 and 2024 | 2-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | Access to prison libraries have been restored however, closures of libraries may be experienced in line with the prison Regime Management Plan. The Local Government Management Agency has completed a review of Prison Libraries and work is underway to implement the recommendations from that report with a view to completing during 2023 and 2024. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | Access to prison libraries have been restored however, closures of libraries may be experienced in line with the prison Regime Management Plan. The Local Government Management Agency has commissioned a review of Prison Libraries and the Report of the group is to be published in Q3 2022. | ||
21/05/2021 | Limerick Prison | Environment | Exercise - Women | LMCT22 | In line with Rule 34.2 of the European Prison Rules and CPT Standards on women in prison, the Inspectorate recommends that the prison determine a strategy for women to avail of fresh air and exercise under decent conditions, where they can associate out of hearing and sight of men in prison. | Rehabilitation & Development | Accepted | 11/06/2021 | Female prisoners currently exercise in the A yard due to the ongoing essential building work on the new wing. This exercise yard is not overlooked by any cell accommodation and male prisoners are not in the area at these times. All female prisoners are offered exercise on an even rotational basis with other cohorts of prisoners. | Completed | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | |||
21/05/2021 | Limerick Prison | Integrated Sentence Management | Resources | LMCT23 | In line with the Mandela Rules and the European Prison Rules, the Irish Prison Service should strengthen, operationalise and broadly apply the Integrated Sentence Management process so that all prisoners are actively engaged and contributing to their sentence and re-integration plan. | Resettlement | Accepted | 11/06/2021 | ISM is now on a 7 day roster at Limerick Prison. This further enhances the ISM function and availability of same to prisoners. To further support the development of the ISM function in all prisons a new centralised recording database for ISM interviews and prisoner multi-disciplinary sentence management plans is currently at the user acceptance testing phase of implementation. This database will provide the resources necessary to improve oversight and reporting in relation to the ISM function at Limerick. A Resettlement Service is provided to sentenced prisoners at Limerick Prison by IASIO who assist with applications for housing, welfare and medical cards in preparation for release. | Database in testing phase. | Care and Rehabilitation/ Human Resources | End Q2 2021 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | The Irish Prison Service secured funding in the 2022 Estimates process to facilitate the purchase of Tablet computers for use by ISM co-ordinators. Enabling works are required out to facilitate the necessary technical access to support same and work is underway in this regard. It is hoped that the necessary enabling work will be completed when technical components have been delivered and are installed. Delivery has been delayed due to global supply chain issues however it is anticipated that the necessary components will be delivered in November at which point enabling works will be progressed. | |
02/06/2021 | Portlaoise Prison | Information | Access | PLCT1 | In order to ensure effective information provision to all prisoners, in line with Section 42 of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Act, the Inspectorate urges Portlaoise Prison to promptly introduce information dissemination by way of TV channel. The information provided on the channel should be in a language and form that can be understood by prisoners, and may require complementary modes of information dissemination. | Respect & Dignity | Accepted | 25/06/2021 | Portlaoise Prison currently has a prisoner information TV Channel. All pertinent information is included and is updated regularly. Including information on Work Training, Education, Prisoner information, Covid-19, Medical facilities and Services available etc. | Continue to update as required | Prison Management Team | In place and Ongoing | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | Portlaoise prison continues to operate a prisoner information TV Channel. All pertinent information can be uploaded and and information is updated regularly. The TV channel was used to provide information to prisoners during Mental Health Week. Complementary modes of information dissemination to include subtitles can also be played on the Prison In Cell TV channel. | 9-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | The Prison in-cell TV channel is in place in prisons and provides for information dissemination in cell. Content can be uploaded and played in any language for different programmes as required. Complementary modes of information dissemination to include subtitles can also be played on the Prison In Cell TV channel. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The continued operation of the In-cell TV Channels will form a central component of the blended learning strategy. The Irish Prison Service has engaged with the relevant stakeholders with regard to the development of an in-cell learning strategy. The development of same has been delayed due to the continued management of covid-19 outbreaks across the prison system in 2021 and the departure of the senior official driving the development of the plan. Further engagements with the relevant stakeholders currently ongoing | |
02/06/2021 | Portlaoise Prison | COVID-19 | Provision of Framework/ Unwinding Restrictions to Prisoners | PLCT2 | The Irish Prison Service should provide prisoners with a written copy of the Framework for Living with COVID-19. Prisoners should be consulted, and updated on future plans related to COVID-19 restrictions including, family visits, regimes, and sentence progression as COVID-19 restrictions unfold. | Respect & Dignity | Part Accepted | 25/06/2021 | The Irish Prison Service is currently developing a new Framework for the Unwinding of Prison Restrictions which is informed by the recent Government Plan for reopening our society, set out in Resilience and Recovery: The Path Ahead. Information on preventing the spread of Covid-19 and updates on changes to regimes, services, visits, vaccinations etc. are provided in the fortnightly Prisoner Information Newsletters, translated into 8 languages and distributed with the assistance of Red Cross Liaison Officers and volunteers. | Will continue as required. | Care & Rehabilitation Prison management Red Cross | Ongoing | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | The Prison Service introduced a framework for restrictive measures, (five levels) in line with the Government Framework for living with Covid-19. In 2021 the Service moved to link the unwinding of prison restrictions with the roll out of the covid-19 vaccination. In addition, the Service developed and utilised a Contingency Plan for the Management of Covid-19 Outbreaks which set out the actions to be taken for the management of an outbreak in a prison setting. In 2022, the Service moved to the management of outbreaks using a contact tracing model. The Service is currently developing a new Covid-19 Management Framework centred on the maintenance of services during possible outbreaks and support to mitigate against restrictions should enhanced restrictions be required. | |
02/06/2021 | Portlaoise Prison | Food | Meal Scheduling | PLCT3 | In line with the Nelson Mandela Rules, Rule 22 and European Prison Rules, Rule 22.4, the Inspectorate recommends that the scheduling around meal times be amended to ensure meals are served at reasonable intervals and at normal times: breakfast (morning), lunch (midday) and dinner (evening). | Respect & Dignity | Accepted | 25/06/2021 | In 2019, the Irish Prison Service introduced a pilot alteration to the schedule of meal times in Castlerea and Mountjoy Prison (Progression Unit). The purpose was to examine the impact of providing the main daily meal in the evening. The results of the pilot were positive and the IPS decided, in 2019, to roll out this meal schedule to all prisons. However, the roll out of this initiative has been prevented due to industrial relations issues. The prison day was structured in prisons to take account of the need to open cells on a landing basis due to Level 5 restrictions. Portlaoise Prison has now returned to divisional unlock, resulting in increased out of cell time for Prisoners. | The Irish Prison Service will continue to engage with the staff representative association with regard to the alteration of the existing prisoner meal schedule The Irish Prison Service is currently reintroducing divisional unlock across all prisons as part of the unwinding of restrictions. | Care and Rehabilitation Prison management | Ongoing End June 2021 | Q2 2024 | IPS - Complete | A review of Prisoner meals was undertaken in 2022/2023. A new prison 28 day menu was rolled out to male prisons in August 2023. A review of the female 28 day menu is due for completion in Q4 2023. An enhanced evening meal is now standard across all male prisons.] | 2-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | A Steering Committee gave oversight to the review process. A sub-committee comprising 2 members from Care & Rehabilitation and 2 members from the Staff representative association carried out the review in 2022 by visiting 4 prisons; Castlerea Prison, Cork Prison, Wheatfield and the Progression Unit. The review was limited to reviewing the practicality of changes to the scheduling of the main daily meal, no changes are being proposed to the serving times or intervals between meals in prisons. The following were the recommendations from the review accepted by the steering Committee: 1. Revision and modernising of menu 2. Standardisation of the serving times across all prisons in line with standard prison day to maximise access to prisoner services. Prisoners will remain in their morning structured activity until at least 12:15pm and in the afternoon until at least 4:15pm. 3. Provide enhanced tea/evening meal offering 4. Increase range of menu options for special dietary requirements. 5. Provide only a small range of menu alternatives. 6. Strict adherence to menu and alternatives. 7. Provision of amended menu options for female prisoners The work of drawing up the menu and testing dishes is underway and expected to complete in early April 2023. The new menu is expected to be complete and ready for implementation in Q3 2023. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | An alteration to the prison of the main meal was completed in Castlerea Prison and the Mountjoy Prison Progression Unit. The Irish Prison Service has identified the review of prisoner mealtimes as a priority action in the Public Service Agreement 2021/2022 and continues to engage with the staff representative association in this regard. The Irish Prison Service will continue to engage with the staff representative association with regard to the alteration of the existing prisoner meal schedule. | |
02/06/2021 | Portlaoise Prison | Environment | General Cleanliness | PLCT4 | The Inspectorate urges the prison to take immediate action to identify and address the cause of the smell of sewage under the kitchen area. | Respect & Dignity | Under Review | 25/06/2021 | Portlaoise Prison have confirmed that there is currently no odour in the area, the grease trap from the main kitchen that discharges into sewer line was cleaned out recently. As a precautionary measure the Estates Directorate will ensure the sewer lines and chambers around the kitchen basement area are jet washed and inspected in the coming week. | Prison Management / Estates | Week ending 2nd July 2021 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | Remedial action taken. | ||
02/06/2021 | Portlaoise Prison | Court | Remote Courts | PLCT5 | Taking into consideration Article 6 of the ECHR and Article 14 (3) of the ICCPR, the Irish Prison Service should continuously monitor and engage with prisoners on the impact of remote court hearings. | Respect & Dignity | Part Accepted | 25/06/2021 | The Civil Law and Criminal Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2020 allows for certain type of court hearings to be heard by video link. This includes arraignments, returns for trial, sentencing hearings and certain hearings in relation to surrender proceedings for extradition. While video link is not the default, the Act gives this authority to the Courts allowing them to make certain proceeding of their choosing by default. This authority is vested firstly in the Presidents of the Courts and subsequently in the Judges themselves. The Irish Prison Service and the Courts Service are working to increase the capacity of video link. Infection control measures introduced during Covid-19 have resulted in the widespread use of video link for Court appearances. Approximately 60% of Court appearances are now taking place via video link. The use of video link will allow the Service to redirect vital resources into the provision of prisoner services. | The Irish Prison Service will continue to engage with Court Services as necessary. The Irish Prison Service will continue to explore the use of video link for the provision of other services such as Probation interviews, prisoner case conferences, education and remote learning. | Operations | Reviewed on an ongoing basis | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | The expansion of videolink services continues as outlined in the previous update. The Irish Prison Service continues to engage with the Courts Service both on a strategic and operational level to identify appropriate usage of videolink that will increase efficiencies for the Irish Prison Service and the Courts Service whilst retaining focus on prisoners' participation and right to a fair trial. | 13-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service continues to take steps to enhance physical and ICT facilities to support the use of video link for prisoner attendance at Court. The Irish Prison Service continues to engage with Court Services as necessary to continuously improve the operation of video-courts to ensure that the rights of prisoners are upheld. The Irish Prison Service will continue to explore the use of video link for prisoner engagement with therapeutic and other support services. All opportunities to use video-link to the benefit of prisoners are reviewed on an ongoing basis. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service continues to enhance the physical infrastructure to support enhanced use of video link for prisoner attendance at Court. The Irish Prison Service will continue to engage with Court Services as necessary. The Irish Prison Service will continue to explore the use of video link for the provision of other services such as Probation interviews, prisoner case conferences, education and remote learning. | |
02/06/2021 | Portlaoise Prison | Personal Hygiene | Slopping Out | PLCT6 | In line with international human rights obligations, and as committed to in the Irish Prison Service Strategic Plan, the Irish Prison Service should actively progress plans to eliminate the practice of slopping out in E block of Portlaoise Prison. | Respect & Dignity | Under Review | 25/06/2021 | Exploratory engineering studies have been undertaken at E block, Portlaoise Prison to assess the options for the provision of in-cell sanitation having regard to the condition of the building, cell size and other factors as well as operational requirements. A scope of works and a design proposal for the construction of a sample cell at E block has been prepared and it is anticipated that work on the sample cell will commence this Summer. The sample cell design is broader in scope than the provision of in-cell sanitation alone and will include other features with a view to modernise the cellular accommodation at E block. The outcome of this process will influence future action and design issues regarding the installation of in- cell sanitation at E block. | Prison Management / Estates | Ongoing | Q2 2024 | IPS - Complete | A feasibility study on the installation of in-cell sanitation to the E block has set out that it is not possible to provide a cost effective solution and therefore this action is not being progressed at this time. | 8-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | There are only 8 prisoners, accommodated in the Portlaoise Prison E Block who do not have access to toilet facilities in their cell and must "slop out" on a daily basis. The Irish Prison Service has been completing engineering surveys on the E Block to explore the options of providing in-cell sanitation along with other work to upgrade the cellular accommodation having regard to the age and fabric of the building. Works on the construction of a sample cell at E Block have taken place and the outcome of these works has been examined to determine the feasibility of installing in-cell sanitation to the Block. Given the historical nature and condition of the building, the low and reducing number of prisoners, and the likely scale of costs involved it is now considered not feasible to provide in-cell sanitation throughout the block. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | A project to examine the feasibility of installing in-cell sanitation into the Portlaoise Prison E Block is under way. This involves the installation of in-cell sanitation in a small number of cells in the division. Completion of this test works will inform any decision to install in-cell sanitation in the remainder of the E-Block as recommended. | ||
02/06/2021 | Portlaoise Prison | Overcrowding | Reduce Population | PLCT7 | With concern for the overall increase in the prison population across the prison estate in recent months, the Inspectorate recommends that the Irish Prison Service engages with the Department of Justice to maximise all opportunities available for reducing the prison population. The reduction in prison numbers reduces the number of people cell-sharing, minimises the risk of COVID-19 transmission, and enables prisoners to practice social distancing. | Safety & Security | Accepted | 25/06/2021 | In March 2020 the Irish Prison Service took decisive action to reduce the prison population to ensure effective infection control measures. It should be noted that, while temporary release is judiciously used to regulate prison numbers, not all prisoners are suitable for temporary release and the overriding concern when deciding on temporary release is public safety. The IPS has completed an assessment of the prison estate to determine a “Covid-19 Capacity” to ensure appropriate infection control measures. The IPS has engaged with the Department of Justice to examine potential solutions to manage the prison population in a way that ensures effective infection control measures. In addition, the Criminal Justice Efficiencies Group has tasked data analysts from across the sector with examining the potential impacts on prison numbers over the next 12 months. | The IPS will continue to review the Prison Population Management Plan and will introduce new measures to address prison overcrowding as necessary. Data analysis on the impact of increased committals to be completed. | Operations Directorate Criminal Justice Efficiencies committee | Ongoing | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | Acknowledging that control of the prison population is not within the remit of the Irish Prison Service, the Irish Prison Service continues to engage with the Department of Justice to maximise all opportunities available for reducing the prison population. Additional accommodation has opened for both male and female prisoners at Limerick Prison, temporary release is utilised as appropriate, and opportunities for further expansion of the prison estate are being identified for the Capital estimates process on an ongoing basis. | 13-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | The Minister for Justice has approved amendments proposed by IPS to the Community Return Scheme and Community Support Scheme to allow for prisoners to be considered for both schemes at an earlier stage of their sentence. It should be noted that prison Governors are required by law to accept all prisoners into their custody who have been committed to prison by the Courts. The Irish Prison Service therefore has no control over the numbers committed to custody at any given time. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The Minister for Justice has published the Review of Penal Policy which includes actions to reduce reoffending and incorporate the principle of imprisonment as a last resort. The Training Unit has reopened in July 2022 providing an additional 96 prisoner spaces. An additional 90 male spaces and 22 female spaces are due to come on stream in late Q4 2022/Q1 2023 with the opening of new prisoner accommodation in Limerick Prison for male and female prisoners. (Subject to the availability of staffing resources). | |
02/06/2021 | Portlaoise Prison | Staffing | Mental Healthcare | PLCT8 | In line with Article 12 of the ICESCR, the CoE principles of preventive health care, and cognisant of principle 4 of the Revised European Prison Rules the Mental Health Team composition should be augmented with provision of community psychiatric nursing as a minimum. | Health & Wellbeing | Accepted | 25/06/2021 | Community Psychiatric Nurses are part of the In-Reach Mental Health Services provided to the IPS by the National Forensic Mental Health Service. Decisions regarding staffing levels are made by the NFMHS in consultation with IPS. In addition, the IPS is currently finalising a comprehensive Health Needs Assessment across the prison estate. This HNA will consider the health needs of prisoners, including mental health and how best to meet these needs by providing responsive mental health and primary care services. The IPS is also supporting the Mental Health Task Force on Mental Health which is inter alia, reviewing the mental health requirements across prisons. This Task Force involves the IPS and the Departments of Justice and Health as well as the HSE who provide the National Forensic Mental Health Service to prisons. | HNA to be finalised Ongoing consultation with NFMHS, HSE | C&R, HSE, NFMHS | Ongoing | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | The Health Needs Assessment has been completed and the recommendations are being considered by the Irish Prison Service. The Irish Prison Service continues to participate in the Interdepartmental Taskforce on Mental Health. The Report of the Group is expected to be published in Q3 2022. | |
02/06/2021 | Portlaoise Prison | COVID-19 | Access Test Results | PLCT9 | In line with practice in the general community, and with the Principle of Equivalence, the IPS should ensure that people in prison are provided with written information about their test results. | Health & Wellbeing | Not Accepted | 25/06/2021 | The Irish Prison Service has worked closely with the HSE/Public Health on the management of Covid-19 outbreaks in prisons. The completion of mass testing of all prisoners and staff is a huge logistical operation and this is completed twice per outbreak. People in the community are provided with test results via text message, which is not available to people in custody. The implementation of this recommendation would require the manual provision of individualised letters which is not currently feasible from IT and resource perspective. | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | ||||
02/06/2021 | Portlaoise Prison | COVID-19 | Vaccination | PLCT10 | In line with the Principle of Equivalence, prisoners should be provided with equal access to COVID-19 vaccinations as those in the general community. The Inspectorate recommends the Irish Prison Service continue its ongoing efforts to ensure people in prison receive the COVID-19 vaccination in accordance with the Principle of Equivalence and HSE eligibility guidelines. | Health & Wellbeing | Accepted | 25/06/2021 | A vaccination programme for those in custody commenced on the 9th June and is being rolled out on a prison by prison basis. It is envisioned that the programme will be completed by mid-August. The first dose of the vaccine was administered to prisoners in Portlaoise on the 11th June 2021. | Care & Rehabilitation | Ongoing | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | A bespoke Prison Vaccination Programme was introduced in April 2021 resulting in over 80% of prisoners being vaccinated; the highest prisoner vaccination rate in Europe. The Irish Prison Service continues to engage with the Health Authorities regarding the provision of vaccines including the booster vaccine. To date over 2000 booster vaccines had been administered. In excess of 9,000 vaccinations have been administered across the system. | ||
02/06/2021 | Portlaoise Prison | Family Contact | Video Calls | PLCT11 | Prisoners should have access to family video link calls post COVID-19. Video calls should remain as an addition following the return of in person visits. In line with Article 8 of the ECHR and Article 9 (3) of the UN CRC, these measures should be maintained as forms of strengthening the right to family contact beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. | Health & Wellbeing | Accepted | 25/06/2021 | The IPS intends to retain the use of video visits post Covid-19 as an additional form of family visit. | Complete | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | |||
02/06/2021 | Portlaoise Prison | COVID-19 | Access to Showers | PLCT12 | In line with the European Prison Rules Rule 19.4 and the CPT “Minimum Decency Threshold,” prisoners in quarantine/ isolation must be permitted to shower, if not daily, at least two times in a seven day period. | Health & Wellbeing | Accepted | 25/06/2021 | Due to the very small number of prisoners in isolation/quarantine in Portlaoise, a shower station with donning/doffing area has been set up to facilitate showers for Prisoners. | The provision of showers during the quarantine period is under active consideration in light of reducing levels of community transmission. | Care and Rehabilitation; Human Resources | Ongoing | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | The Irish Prison Service introduced a new Standard Operating Procedure (10/08/2022) setting out the correct procedures for the showering of prisoners in quarantine/isolation. It was agreed to allow prisoners up to 2 showers in a seven day period. | |
02/06/2021 | Portlaoise Prison | COVID-19 | Meaningful Human Contact | PLCT13 | Two hours of meaningful human contact (as defined in section 5.3) must be facilitated each day for people in quarantine/isolation. | Health & Wellbeing | Not Accepted | 25/06/2021 | A critical infection control measure introduced by the Irish Prison Service has been the segregation of new committals from the general population for the purposes of quarantine. Prisoners in quarantine have restricted out of cell time, in accordance with Rule 32A of SI 250/2020 Prison Rules 2020. So far 63 prisoners, committed to custody from the community, have tested positive with Covid-19. There have been no prison based Covid-19 outbreaks, as a result of a new committal, due to the infection control measures introduced. All new prisoners are tested on day 1, with a 2nd test completed on day 7. If negative, and not symptomatic, prisoners exit quarantine after 8 days. The majority of quarantine prisoners have not required 14 days isolation. Prisoners in quarantine/isolation are managed in line with IPS national protocols developed by the Emergency Response Planning Team. Prisoners in quarantine/isolation have their door opened on a minimum of 2 occasions per day and are visited by the class officer, the Governor, medical staff, Chaplains. Restrictions on physical contact are necessary for infection control measures. Restrictions are reviewed on an ongoing basis by the Emergency Response Planning Team. | Q2 2024 | IPS - Complete | The Irish Prison Service has wound down Covid-19 restrictive measures. | 8-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | A project for the installation of in-cell telephones to all prison cells is ongoing. In-cell phones are operational in Castlerea, Cloverhill, Cork, Limerick and Midlands Prisons. Projects in Portlaoise Prison and Dóchas Centre are currently ongoing and will be completed by the end of Q2 2023. Tenders for Arbour Hill, Mountjoy Prison including the Training Unit and Progression Unit will be completed before the end of Q2 2023 with the installation completed by the end of 2023. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | Throughout the pandemic every effort was made to ensure all prisoners could continue to have meaningful contact with others. Prisoners who were confirmed as Covid-19 positive or suspected as having Covid-19 were isolated, in line with Standard Operating Procedures, to prevent the spread of infection. This is in line with action taken in the community. The Irish Prison Service introduced video visiting technology to allow prisoners to communicate with family and friends when physical visits were suspended. This option has been retained as an additional communication tool to support family contact. In-cell telephones were introduced in all locations as a temporary measure during the pandemic however, a major project to install in-cell telephones in all cells across the prison estate on a permanent basis has been commenced. As a result in-cell telephones have been installed in is complete in Castlerea, Cloverhill, Midlands, Cork and Limerick prisons. The Service anticipates the completion of in-cell telephony to the Dóchas Centre, Portlaoise and Wheatfield Prisons by the end of this year. | ||||
02/06/2021 | Portlaoise Prison | COVID-19 | Isolation/Quarantine Fresh Air | PLCT14 | Prisoners in quarantine/isolation must have at least one hour in the open air each day. | Health & Wellbeing | Not Accepted | 25/06/2021 | Prisoners in quarantine have restricted out of cell time, in accordance with Rule 32A of SI 250/2020 Prison Rules 2020. Restrictions are reviewed on an ongoing basis by the Emergency Response Planning Team. | NA | NA | NA | 7-Mar-23 | IPS - Complete | New committals are tested on day one and if negative, can enter general population. The isolation period for positive Covid cases is consistent with public health advice. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | It was not possible to allow prisoners in isolation or quarantine out of cell time to prevent the spread of infection. The Irish Prison Service continued to review the Standard Operating Procedure for quarantine and isolation throughout the pandemic. This included the reduction of the isolation period in line with guidance from the Health Authorities. As a result all new committals are now tested on day one of committal and, if the return a negative test, they may enter general population on day 4. | ||||
02/06/2021 | Portlaoise Prison | COVID-19 | Mental Healthcare | PLCT15 | Measures must be taken with urgency to mitigate the detrimental effects of isolation or quarantine, including psychological support during and after quarantine/isolation in order to assist prisoners in coping with the impact of COVID-19 and subsequently imposed restrictive measures. | Health & Wellbeing | Accepted | 25/06/2021 | A Covid outbreak-specific mental health protocol has been developed by the IPS Psychology Service. The approach incorporates a three-tiered layered care model which includes preventative, enhanced and acute mental health care interventions. This includes the use of iPads to proactively engage people on significantly restrictive measures, where required. The use of iPads is being piloted in Mountjoy and by the Cloverhill Psychology Service. | The use of tablet computers for video link with psychology is being trialled in Mountjoy and Cloverhill. It will be rolled out across the estate if successful | Care and Rehabilitation; Psychology Service | End June 2021 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | A Covid outbreak-specific mental health protocol has been put in place by the IPS Psychology Service. | |
02/06/2021 | Portlaoise Prison | Education | Digital Learning | PLCT16 | To meet the education needs of prisoners (European Prison Rule 28.1), which include facilitating more substantive engagement with education (and other services), the Irish Prison Service should make digital tablets available for prisoner use. These digital tablets could be pre-loaded with education materials. | Rehabilitation & Development | Under Review | 25/06/2021 | The Irish Prison Service is developing an in-cell learning strategy to enhance learning from prison cells. A new prisoner TV Channel has been developed and is being rolled out across the estate. This allows for the broadcasting of local and national information and for the provision of educational material. CDETB have developed a substantial quantity of audio-visual course materials to be viewed on the TV channel and will provide accompanying supporting hard copy documentation to facilitate blended learning. A memorandum of agreement will be prepared to share this with other ETBs. | An in-cell technology plan is being developed to enhance learning capacities for prisoners and increase information and learning for those confined to cell. Care and Rehabilitation Directorate are examining technology solutions to allow prisoners to access educational materials on the education network from within cells. | Care and Rehabilitation | Q4 2021 Q2 2021 | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | A programme of incell learning was developed by CDETB. It is shared with other ETB's and runs regularly on the incell tv channel. Further technology enhancements are beng developed through the Building Bridges Programme and these will come on stream late in Q4 2023 and throughout 2024. The IPS continues to explore new technology and will examine potential options in line with the IPS. | 2-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | In-cell TV information channel was developed in 2022 with educational content in place in all prisons. Specific in-cell blended learning is in place in Dublin prisons. The Building Bridges Project in late 2022 prioritised €500,000 SOLAS allocated funding. ETBs included Cork ETB, Limerick Clare ETB, Laois Offaly ETB and City of Dublin Education and Training Board (CDETB). Funding was primarily expended on technological enhancements in the prison schools for the teaching of prisoners engaging in education. The Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science has allocated further funding of €5m in 2023. The project will be expanded to include all seven ETBs. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service is reviewing the enhanced use of technology to facilitate in-cell learning. A new Prisoner TV Channel has been introduced and is supporting in-cell learning. The Service is engaging with other prison services who have enhanced use of in-cell technology with a view to enhancing in-cell learning and service provision. This action remains under review. | |
02/06/2021 | Portlaoise Prison | COVID-19 | Mitigate 2020 Rule Amendments | PLCT17 | In line with the requirement to ensure “meaningful human contact,” the Inspectorate recommends that Portlaoise Prison develops and implements measures designed to mitigate the impact of restrictions imposed on prisoner exercise and interactions by Rule 32A of the Irish Prison Rules; this should be done in consultation with prisoners and staff working in the prison. | Rehabilitation & Development | Not Accepted | 25/06/2021 | Similar to the community the Covid-19 infection control measures have resulted in restricted prisoner movements. The IPS accepts that the introduction of enhanced infection control measures has impacted on the regime offered to prisoners on a daily basis and has resulted in reduced out of cell time in many areas. This is a regrettable consequence of the implementation of measures aimed at protecting the health and safety of prisoners. Efforts are already made to ensure that prisoners receive maximum out of cell time whilst restricting contact amongst prisoners. In order to facilitate exercise some prisoners are unlocked on the reserve period which is shorter than other periods. Unlock on the reserve period is rotated amongst landings resulting in a fair distribution of out of cell time amongst groupings. The return to divisional unlock in all prisons with the easing of restrictions has resulted in a return to more normal unlock periods. The current average out of cell time for non-restricted regime prisoners in Portaoise Prison is 6-10 hours per day. | Prison management will continue to maximise out of cell time for all prisoners The Irish Prison Service is reintroducing divisional unlock in Portlaoise Prison as part of the unwinding of restrictive measures | Prison management | Not accepted End June 2021 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | The introduction of rotational or landing unlock resulted in reduced out of cell time for prisoners during certain periods of restrictions in 2020 and 2021. As part of the unwinding of prison restriction divisional unlock was reintroduced in July 2021 across the estate. | |
02/06/2021 | Portlaoise Prison | Environment | Green Space | PLCT18 | The Inspectorate recommends that efforts be made to include green spaces in and around the yards. | Rehabilitation & Development | Part Accepted | 25/06/2021 | Consideration will be given to enhancing the aesthetics of the prison yards. Security considerations will be taken into account when considering any enhancement to the prison yards. | Prison Management; Finance & Estates Directorate | End 2021 | NA | NA | NA | 8-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | The IPS has commenced a program of yards upgrades including the installation of graphic packages to enhance the aesthetics of prison yards. Works have been completed in Cork Prison and the Training Unit. A tender is under way for a graphics package for Castlerea and Cloverhill with works to be completed in both locations before the end of Q4. Additional works are planned for the Portlaoise A Yard, Cloverhill B Yard and new Unit based yards in Wheatfield, and graphic packages will be included in these works. It is hoped to complete works in Portlaoise in Q4 2023 with works in Wheatfield and Cloverhill progressing in the first half of 2024. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service intends to enhance the aesthetics of prison yards through its ongoing maintenance programme. Enhancement to prison yards will be subject to security considerations which are paramount. | ||
08/06/2021 | Shelton Abbey | COVID-19 | Isolation/Quarantine Information | SACT1 | In line with Rule 54 of the Nelson Mandela Rules, the Irish Prison Service should ensure that written and oral information is provided to prisoners upon entering quarantine and on an ongoing basis over the course of quarantine. This information should be designed to assist prisoners in adapting to quarantine, and should clearly outline what they can expect while in quarantine. The information should be provided in a language and form that can be understood by the prisoner; this may require the assistance of interpreters. Prisoners should be provided with ongoing opportunities to raise questions and to be informed of all matters necessary to adapt to quarantine and prison life in general. | Respect & Dignity | Accepted | 25/06/2021 | A bespoke booklet titled “Covid-19 – Living in Cell” was developed by the Red Cross Volunteers to provide detailed information to prisoners on isolation/quarantine and gives specific information on the Covid-19 testing process. This information booklet has been translated into several languages. Information is also included on prisoner information channel and is updated as required. | The Irish Prison Service will continue to provide translations of information provided. Governor provides a verbal briefing to new committals and prisoners going on temporary release. | Care and Rehabilitation Prison Management | In place and will be reviewed and augmented on an ongoing basis | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | A ‘Living in Cell’ booklet has been provided throughout the covid-19 pandemic and has been updated on a number of occasions to reflect latest procedures. The booklet is circulated via the Covid-19 prison liaisons group. The document is developed in collaboration with the Prison Red Cross Volunteers and is approved by NALA. A new recording studio has been introduced in Loughan House and it is proposed that future communications will be broadcast via the Prisoner TV Channel. The Service continues to provide a comprehensive Prisoner Information Booklet to all new committals which is available in up to 7 different languages. | |
08/06/2021 | Shelton Abbey | COVID-19 | Provision of Framework/ Unwinding Restrictions to Prisoners | SACT2 | The Irish Prison Service should provide prisoners with a written copy of the Framework for Living with COVID-19. Prisoners should be consulted, and updated on future plans including, family visits, regimes, and sentence progression as COVID-19 restrictions unfold. | Respect & Dignity | Part Accepted | 25/06/2021 | The Irish Prison Service is currently developing a new Framework for the Unwinding of Prison Restrictions which is informed by the recent Government Plan for reopening our society, set out in Resilience and Recovery: The Path Ahead. The prisoners Red Cross created an information booklet, arrange regular information leaflet cell drops and the Prisoner TV channel is also updated as the Covid-19 situation evolves. | Continue to update as required | Prison Management Team | In place and Ongoing | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | The Prison Service introduced a framework for restrictive measures, (five levels) in line with the Government Framework for living with Covid-19. In 2021 the Service moved to link the unwinding of prison restrictions with the roll out of the covid-19 vaccination. In addition, the Service developed and utilised a Contingency Plan for the Management of Covid-19 Outbreaks which set out the actions to be taken for the management of an outbreak in a prison setting. In 2022, the Service moved to the management of outbreaks using a contact tracing model. The Service is currently developing a new Covid-19 Management Framework centred on the maintenance of services during possible outbreaks and support to mitigate against restrictions should enhanced restrictions be required. | |
08/06/2021 | Shelton Abbey | Food | Meal Scheduling | SACT3 | In line with the Nelson Mandela Rules (Rule 22), and European Prison Rules, (Rule 22.4), the Inspectorate recommends that the scheduling of meal times be amended to ensure meals are served at reasonable intervals and at normal times: breakfast (morning), lunch (midday) and dinner (evening). | Respect & Dignity | Accepted | 25/06/2021 | In 2019, the Irish Prison Service introduced a pilot alteration to the schedule of meal times in Castlerea and Mountjoy Prison (Progression Unit). The purpose was to examine the impact of providing the main daily meal in the evening. The results of the pilot were positive and the IPS decided, in 2019, to roll out this meal schedule to all prisons. However, the roll out of this initiative has been prevented due to industrial relations issues. Saturday and Sunday afternoon meal schedule have been amended at Shelton Abbey in line with weekday schedule. | The Irish Prison Service will continue to engage with the staff representative association with regard to the alteration of the existing prisoner meal schedule The Irish Prison Service has reintroduced divisional unlock across all prisons as part of the unwinding of restrictions. | Care and Rehabilitation Prison management | Ongoing End June 2021 | Q2 2024 | IPS - Complete | A review of Prisoner meals was undertaken in 2022/2023. A new prison 28 day menu was rolled out to male prisons in August 2023. A review of the female 28 day menu is due for completion in Q4 2023. An enhanced evening meal is now standard across all male prisons.] | 2-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | A Steering Committee gave oversight to the review process. A sub-committee comprising 2 members from Care & Rehabilitation and 2 members from the Staff representative association carried out the review in 2022 by visiting 4 prisons; Castlerea Prison, Cork Prison, Wheatfield and the Progression Unit. The review was limited to reviewing the practicality of changes to the scheduling of the main daily meal, no changes are being proposed to the serving times or intervals between meals in prisons. The following were the recommendations from the review accepted by the steering Committee: 1. Revision and modernising of menu 2. Standardisation of the serving times across all prisons in line with standard prison day to maximise access to prisoner services. Prisoners will remain in their morning structured activity until at least 12:15pm and in the afternoon until at least 4:15pm. 3. Provide enhanced tea/evening meal offering 4. Increase range of menu options for special dietary requirements. 5. Provide only a small range of menu alternatives. 6. Strict adherence to menu and alternatives. 7. Provision of amended menu options for female prisoners The work of drawing up the menu and testing dishes is underway and expected to complete in early April 2023. The new menu is expected to be complete and ready for implementation in Q3 2023. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | An alteration to the prison of the main meal was completed in Castlerea Prison and the Mountjoy Prison Progression Unit. The Irish Prison Service has identified the review of prisoner mealtimes as a priority action in the Public Service Agreement 2021/2022 and continues to engage with the staff representative association in this regard. The Irish Prison Service will continue to engage with the staff representative association with regard to the alteration of the existing prisoner meal schedule. | |
08/06/2021 | Shelton Abbey | Staffing | Chaplaincy | SACT4 | In line with the UN Mandela Rules (Rule 65 (1)), consideration should be given to a full-time Chaplain, or the additional provision of Chaplaincy hours in Shelton Abbey. | Respect & Dignity | Under Review | 25/06/2021 | The Irish Prison Service intends to undertake an independent review of Chaplaincy Services in 2021 and this will include a review of the resources required in each establishment. | Independent Review to be undertaken | Care and Rehabilitation | Q4 2021 | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service sought and received additional resources for the Psychology Service through the 2022 Estimates process including the appointment of a psychologist to both Open Centres (part-time). A full time staff grade Psychologist took up post in March 2024. Funding for an Occupational Therapy Manager was achieved, however recruitment was not successful in filling this post in 2022. This post will be re-advertised in Q3 2024. Whilst priority is currently been given to providing OT support to people with severe and enduring mental health needs in Cloverhill Prison and Mountjoy Prison, the OT Manager will be responsible for developing the OT service across the estate, including in the Open Centres. | 8-Jun-23 | IPS - Ongoing | A part time 0.5 Chaplain is in place in Shelton Abbey on a permanent basis. The preferred bidder for the Irish Prison Service chaplaincy review has been selected and contracts documents are expected to be signed during Q2 2023 with a view to commence review in Q3 2023. The reviewer will engage in consultation with appropriate stakeholders, including the Inspector of Prisons as part of this review. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The review of Chaplaincy Service was delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The Irish Prison Service has commenced the procurement process to procure a suitable service provider to carry out the review. Tender documents are currently being finalised re same. It is hoped to publish the tender on before the end of the year. The Irish Prison Service will engage in consultation with appropriate stakeholders, including the Office of the Inspector of Prisons, as part of the review. | |
08/06/2021 | Shelton Abbey | Court | Remote Courts | SACT5 | Taking into consideration Article 6 of the ECHR and Article 14 (3) of the ICCPR, the Irish Prison Service should continuously monitor and engage with prisoners on the impact of remote court hearings. | Respect & Dignity | Part Accepted | 25/06/2021 | The Civil Law and Criminal Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2020 allows for certain type of court hearings to be heard by video link. This includes arraignments, returns for trial, sentencing hearings and certain hearings in relation to surrender proceedings for extradition. While video link is not the default, the Act gives this authority to the Courts allowing them to make certain proceeding of their choosing by default. This authority is vested firstly in the Presidents of the Courts and subsequently in the Judges themselves. The Irish Prison Service and the Courts Service are working to increase the capacity of video link. Infection control measures introduced during Covid-19 have resulted in the widespread use of video link for Court appearances. Approximately 60% of Court appearances are now taking place via video link. The use of video link will allow the Service to redirect vital resources into the provision of prisoner services. | The Irish Prison Service will continue to engage with Court Services as necessary. The Irish Prison Service will continue to explore the use of video link for the provision of other services such as Probation interviews, prisoner case conferences, education and remote learning. | Operations | Reviewed on an ongoing basis | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | The expansion of videolink services continues as outlined in the previous update. The Irish Prison Service continues to engage with the Courts Service both on a strategic and operational level to identify appropriate usage of videolink that will increase efficiencies for the Irish Prison Service and the Courts Service whilst retaining focus on prisoners' participation and right to a fair trial. | 13-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service continues to take steps to enhance physical and ICT facilities to support the use of video link for prisoner attendance at Court. The Irish Prison Service continues to engage with Court Services as necessary to continuously improve the operation of video-courts to ensure that the rights of prisoners are upheld. The Irish Prison Service will continue to explore the use of video link for prisoner engagement with therapeutic and other support services. All opportunities to use video-link to the benefit of prisoners are reviewed on an ongoing basis. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service continues to enhance the physical infrastructure to support enhanced use of video link for prisoner attendance at Court. The Irish Prison Service will continue to engage with Court Services as necessary. The Irish Prison Service will continue to explore the use of video link for the provision of other services such as Probation interviews, prisoner case conferences, education and remote learning. | |
08/06/2021 | Shelton Abbey | Prisoner Accounts | Gratuity | SACT6 | The Irish Prison Service should expand the types of activities that are deemed as “work” in its policy on Prisoner Gratuities and Prisoner Cash. The policy should be reviewed and amended on the basis of the impact COVID-19 restrictions have had on access to paid external employment in the community for prisoners from open prisons. | Respect & Dignity | Accepted | 25/06/2021 | A review of the categorisation of eligible work in the Prisoner Gratuities and Prisoner Cash Policy was completed in 2019 with input from the Governors of the Open Centres. All prisoners undertaking recognised work at Shelton Abbey are being paid the appropriate work gratuity. The only prisoners not being paid the work gratuity are those who are attending education/training or those who currently have no work due to COVID. | Completed | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | |||
08/06/2021 | Shelton Abbey | Overcrowding | Reduce Population | SACT7 | The Inspectorate recommends that the Irish Prison Service engages with the Department of Justice and the Probation Service to maximise all opportunities (e.g., increase the numbers on Community Return) available for reducing the prison population. The reduction in prison numbers reduces the number of people cell-sharing, minimises the risk of COVID-19 transmission, and enables prisoners to practice social distancing. | Safety & Security | Accepted | 25/06/2021 | In March 2020 the Irish Prison Service took decisive action to reduce the prison population to ensure effective infection control measures. It should be noted that, while temporary release is judiciously used to regulate prison numbers, not all prisoners are suitable for temporary release and the overriding concern when deciding on temporary release is public safety. The IPS has completed an assessment of the prison estate to determine a “Covid-19 Capacity” to ensure appropriate infection control measures. The IPS has engaged with the Department of Justice to examine potential solutions to manage the prison population in a way that ensures effective infection control measures. In addition, the Criminal Justice Efficiencies Group has tasked data analysts from across the sector with examining the potential impacts on prison numbers over the next 12 months. | The IPS will continue to review the Prison Population Management Plan and will introduce new measures to address prison overcrowding as necessary. Data analysis on the impact of increased committals to be completed. | Operations Directorate Criminal Justice Efficiencies committee | Ongoing | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | Acknowledging that control of the prison population is not within the remit of the Irish Prison Service, the Irish Prison Service continues to engage with the Department of Justice to maximise all opportunities available for reducing the prison population. Additional accommodation has opened for both male and female prisoners at Limerick Prison, temporary release is utilised as appropriate, and opportunities for further expansion of the prison estate are being identified for the Capital estimates process on an ongoing basis. | 13-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | The Minister for Justice has approved amendments proposed by IPS to the Community Return Scheme and Community Support Scheme to allow for prisoners to be considered for both schemes at an earlier stage of their sentence. It should be noted that prison Governors are required by law to accept all prisoners into their custody who have been committed to prison by the Courts. The Irish Prison Service therefore has no control over the numbers committed to custody at any given time. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The Minister for Justice has published the Review of Penal Policy which includes actions to reduce reoffending and incorporate the principle of imprisonment as a last resort. The Training Unit has reopened in July 2022 providing an additional 96 prisoner spaces. An additional 90 male spaces and 22 female spaces are due to come on stream in late Q4 2022/Q1 2023 with the opening of new prisoner accommodation in Limerick Prison for male and female prisoners. (Subject to the availability of staffing resources). | |
08/06/2021 | Shelton Abbey | COVID-19 | Access Test Results | SACT8 | In line with practice in the general community, and with the Principle of Equivalence, the IPS should ensure that people in prison are provided with written information about their test results. | Health & Wellbeing | Not Accepted | 25/06/2021 | The Irish Prison Service has worked closely with the HSE/Public Health on the management of Covid-19 outbreaks in prisons. The completion of mass testing of all prisoners and staff is a huge logistical operation and this is completed twice per outbreak. People in the community are provided with test results via text message, which is not available to people in custody. The implementation of this recommendation would require the manual provision of individualised letters which is not currently feasible from IT and resource perspective. | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | ||||
08/06/2021 | Shelton Abbey | Staffing | Mental Healthcare | SACT9 | In line with Article 12 of the ICESCR, the CoE principles of preventive health care, and cognisant of Principle 4 of the Revised European Prison Rules, the Inspectorate recommends that the Irish Prison Service must provide a referral pathway to psychology services for prisoners in Shelton Abbey, and consider access to an occupational therapist to support the development of life skills for prisoners as they prepare to reintegrate back into society. | Health & Wellbeing | Under Review | 25/06/2021 | The IPS acknowledges the importance of psychological support (mental health) for people in Open Centres. An IPS Psychologist attends Shelton Abbey one day per month, primarily providing consultation to the Multi-disciplinary team. The implementation of this recommendation would require additional resources. Any resource required for this would have to be applied for through the estimates process and agreed by the Department. | Care and Rehabilitation; Psychology Service | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service sought and received additional resources for the Psychology Service through the 2022 Estimates process including the appointment of a psychologist to both Open Centres (part-time). A full time staff grade Psychologist took up post in March 2024. Funding for an Occupational Therapy Manager was achieved, however recruitment was not successful in filling this post in 2022. This post will be re-advertised in Q3 2024. Whilst priority is currently been given to providing OT support to people with severe and enduring mental health needs in Cloverhill Prison and Mountjoy Prison, the OT Manager will be responsible for developing the OT service across the estate, including in the Open Centres. | 6-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | A Psychologist will transfer to Shelton Abbey three days per week from approximately Q4 2023. If the IPS Psychology Service can source a part-time locum psychologist between now and Q4 2023, this will support Shelton Abbey in the short term. Funding for an Occupational Therapy Manager was achieved, however recruitment was not successful in filling this post in 2022. This post will be re-advertised in Q3 2023. Whilst priority is currently been given to providing OT support to people with severe and enduring mental health needs in Cloverhill Prison and Mountjoy Prison, the OT Manager will be responsible for developing the OT service across the estate, including in the Open Centres. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service sought and received additional resources for the Psychology Service through the 2022 Estimates process including the appointment of a psychologist to both Open Centres (part-time). A competition for the recruitment of psychologist for appointment to the open centres is currently ongoing (closing date 9 August 2022) and it is expected to make appointments in Q3/Q4 2022 subject to suitable candidates being identified at interview. | |||
08/06/2021 | Shelton Abbey | Family Contact | Video Calls | SACT10 | The Inspectorate welcomes compensatory measures such as the introduction and regular frequency of video calls, and mobile phone provision to facilitate family contact. In line with Article 8 of the ECHR and Article 9 (3) of the UN CRC, these measures should be maintained as forms of strengthening the right to family contact beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. | Health & Wellbeing | Accepted | 25/06/2021 | The introduction of video visits has proven very successful and the Irish Prison Service intends to continue the use of video visits as a means of family contact going forward. Mobile phones have been available to prisoners at Shelton Abbey for approximately 12 years. | Completed | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | |||
08/06/2021 | Shelton Abbey | Family Contact | Visits | SACT11 | In line with the easing of restrictions in the community, the principles of proportionality and necessity, Article 8 of the ECHR and Article 9(3) of the UNCRC, the Irish Prison Service should consider the re-introduction of family visits (of a longer duration) given the outdoor space available in Shelton Abbey. | Health & Wellbeing | Part Accepted | 25/06/2021 | The IPS are currently finialising their plan to commence the reintroduction of physical visits to all prisons with effect from 4th August 2021. The IPS will reintroduce physical visits to prisons on a phased basis taking subject to to public health advices and having due cognisance to appropriate clinical advices in the IPS context. The easing of visits will be dependent on the capacity available at each prison to ensure appropriate social distancing measures and to ensure the continued delivery of regimes and out of cell time to prisoners. The decision to lengthen visits in Open Centres will be revisited by the IPS once all prisoners are fully vaccinated. | The Irish Prison Service aims to reintroduce physical visits in July. | IPS / Prison Management | Q3 2021 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | Full day visits have been restored in Shelton Abbey since May 2022. Physical visits are now operating a pre pandemic levels. | |
08/06/2021 | Shelton Abbey | COVID-19 | Meaningful Human Contact | SACT12 | Two hours of meaningful human contact (as defined in section 5.3) must be facilitated each day for people in quarantine/isolation. | Health & Wellbeing | Not Accepted | 25/06/2021 | Prisoners in Shelton Abbey are placed in quarantine/isolation on return from Temporary Release. The last positive covid 19 prisoner case in Shelton Abbey was December 2020. All prisoner in Shelton Abbey have mobile phones and can therefore communicate with the Gov, A/Gov and other staff members. Prisoners in quarantine have restricted out of cell time, in accordance with Rule 32A of SI 250/2020 Prison Rules 2020. Prisoners in quarantine/isolation are managed in line with IPS national protocols developed by the Emergency Response Planning Team. Restrictions on physical contact are necessary for infection control measures. Restrictions are reviewed on an ongoing basis by the Emergency Response Planning Team. | Q2 2024 | IPS - Complete | The Irish Prison Service has wound down Covid-19 restrictive measures. | 8-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | A project for the installation of in-cell telephones to all prison cells is ongoing. In-cell phones are operational in Castlerea, Cloverhill, Cork, Limerick and Midlands Prisons. Projects in Portlaoise Prison and Dóchas Centre are currently ongoing and will be completed by the end of Q2 2023. Tenders for Arbour Hill, Mountjoy Prison including the Training Unit and Progression Unit will be completed before the end of Q2 2023 with the installation completed by the end of 2023. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | Throughout the pandemic every effort was made to ensure all prisoners could continue to have meaningful contact with others. Prisoners who were confirmed as Covid-19 positive or suspected as having Covid-19 were isolated, in line with Standard Operating Procedures, to prevent the spread of infection. This is in line with action taken in the community. The Irish Prison Service introduced video visiting technology to allow prisoners to communicate with family and friends when physical visits were suspended. This option has been retained as an additional communication tool to support family contact. In-cell telephones were introduced in all locations as a temporary measure during the pandemic however, a major project to install in-cell telephones in all cells across the prison estate on a permanent basis has been commenced. As a result in-cell telephones have been installed in is complete in Castlerea, Cloverhill, Midlands, Cork and Limerick prisons. The Service anticipates the completion of in-cell telephony to the Dóchas Centre, Portlaoise and Wheatfield Prisons by the end of this year. Subject to the availability of necessary resources, the Service intend to provide in-cell telephony in Arbour Hill and Mountjoy Male prison in 2023. While physical visits were suspended for periods during 2020 and 2021 (for infection control reasons) the Irish Prison Service ensured that suspension of physical visits was lifted as soon as it was deemed safe to do so. The Service has continued to unwind restrictions on physical visits with visits now permitted every fortnight and no restrictions on capacity. It is expected to return to weekly visits in Q3 2022 subject to available resources. | ||||
08/06/2021 | Shelton Abbey | COVID-19 | Mental Healthcare | SACT13 | Measures must be taken to mitigate the detrimental effects of isolation or quarantine, including psychological support during and after quarantine/isolation in order to assist prisoners in coping with the impact of COVID-19 and subsequently imposed restrictive measures. | Health & Wellbeing | Accepted | 25/06/2021 | "See SACT9" Recommendation under review: The IPS acknowledges the importance of psychological support (mental health) for people in Open Centres. An IPS Psychologist attends Shelton Abbey one day per month, primarily providing consultation to the Multi-disciplinary team. The implementation of this recommendation would require additional resources. Any resource required for this would have to be applied for through the estimates process and agreed by the Department. | Care and Rehabilitation; Psychology Service | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | A Covid outbreak-specific mental health protocol has been put in place by the IPS Psychology Service. | |||
08/06/2021 | Shelton Abbey | Activities / Services | External Engagement | SACT14 | In line with the UN Mandela Rules (Rule 4) and the CPT’s “minimum decency threshold,” additional meaningful activities should be available to prisoners to negate the lost opportunities, such as work in the community experienced by prisoners during COVID-19 restrictions. Work in the community should resume as soon as it is safe to do under public health guidance. | Rehabilitation & Development | Accepted | 25/06/2021 | External employment to resume when it is considered safe to do so in the context of infection control and community restrictions. | Assessment of Infection Control and Operational requirements to be undertaken, including quarantining arrangements in Shelton Abbey | Care & Rehabilitation Operations SA Management | Q3 2021 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | Temporary release for employment was restored in Q3 2021 in line with the unwinding of COVID-19 restrictions. - IPS HQ Operations | |
08/06/2021 | Shelton Abbey | Education | Digital Learning | SACT15 | To meet the education needs of prisoners (European Prison Rules, Rule 28.1), which include facilitating more substantive engagement with education (and other services), the Irish Prison Service should make digital tablets available for prisoner use. These digital tablets could be pre-loaded with education materials. | Rehabilitation & Development | Under Review | 25/06/2021 | The Irish Prison Service is developing an in-cell learning strategy to enhance learning from prison cells. A new prisoner TV Channel has been developed and is being rolled out across the estate. This allows for the broadcasting of local and national information and for the provision of educational material. CDETB have developed a substantial quantity of audio-visual course materials to be viewed on the TV channel and will provide accompanying supporting hard copy documentation to facilitate blended learning. | An in-cell technology plan is being developed to enhance learning capacities for prisoners and increase information and learning for those confined to cell. Care and Rehabilitation Directorate are examining technology solutions to allow prisoners to access educational materials on the education network from within cells. | Care and Rehabilitation | Q4 2021 Q2 2021 | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | A programme of incell learning was developed by CDETB. It is shared with other ETB's and runs regularly on the incell tv channel. Further technology enhancements are beng developed through the Building Bridges Programme and these will come on stream late in Q4 2023 and throughout 2024. The IPS continues to explore new technology and will examine potential options in line with the IPS. | 2-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | In-cell TV information channel was developed in 2022 with educational content in place in all prisons. Specific in-cell blended learning is in place in Dublin prisons. The Building Bridges Project in late 2022 prioritised €500,000 SOLAS allocated funding. ETBs included Cork ETB, Limerick Clare ETB, Laois Offaly ETB and City of Dublin Education and Training Board (CDETB). Funding was primarily expended on technological enhancements in the prison schools for the teaching of prisoners engaging in education. The Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science has allocated further funding of €5m in 2023. The project will be expanded to include all seven ETBs. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service is reviewing the enhanced use of technology to facilitate in-cell learning. A new Prisoner TV Channel has been introduced and is supporting in-cell learning. The Service is engaging with other prison services who have enhanced use of in-cell technology with a view to enhancing in-cell learning and service provision. This action remains under review. | |
08/06/2021 | Shelton Abbey | Parole Board | SACT16 | The Irish Prison Service must ensure that prisoners are able to engage with services required in order to fulfil Parole Board requirements in an open prison. | Rehabilitation & Development | Under Review | 25/06/2021 | This recommendation is under review pending the commencement of the statutory Parole Board. | Plan for management of Life Sentenced Prisoners to be agreed with IPS and Department of Justice. | Operations | Under review | NA | NA | NA | 14-Mar-23 | IPS - Complete | Operations Directorate and Prison management will continue to ensure that prisoners engage fully with the Parole Board. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | Covid-19 restrictions have been lifted and prisoners are in a position to engage with the necessary services in line with Parole Board recommendations. The Irish Prison Service is engaging with the new Parole Board with regard to the management of life sentence prisoner cases under the new Parole Board structures. | ||
08/06/2021 | Shelton Abbey | Integrated Sentence Management | Resources | SACT17 | In line with the Mandela Rules and the European Prison Rules, the Irish Prison Service should strengthen, operationalise and apply the Integrated Sentence Management process so that all prisoners are actively engaged and contributing to their sentence and re-integration plan and have at a minimum one meeting with the ISM officer per year. Prisoners should be provided with a written copy of their sentence plan. | Resettlement | Accepted | 25/06/2021 | ISM is Monday-Friday at Shelton Abbey. This further enhances the ISM function and availability of same to prisoners. To further support the development of the ISM function in all prisons a new centralised recording database for ISM interviews and prisoner multi-disciplinary sentence management plans is currently at the user acceptance testing phase of implementation. This database will provide the resources necessary to improve oversight and reporting in relation to the ISM function at Shelton Abbey. A Resettlement Service is provided to sentenced prisoners at Shelton Abbey by IASIO who assist with applications for housing, welfare and medical cards in preparation for release. | Database in testing phase. | Care and Rehabilitation/ Human Resources | End Q2 2021 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | The Irish Prison Service secured funding in the 2022 Estimates process to facilitate the purchase of Tablet computers for use by ISM co-ordinators. Enabling works are required out to facilitate the necessary technical access to support same and work is underway in this regard. It is hoped that the necessary enabling work will be completed when technical components have been delivered and are installed. Delivery has been delayed due to global supply chain issues however it is anticipated that the necessary components will be delivered in November at which point enabling works will be progressed. | |
08/06/2021 | Shelton Abbey | Activities / Services | Access | SACT18 | In line with Rule 83(c) of the Revised European Prison Rules, prison authorities should co-ordinate external services in order to achieve positive outcomes for prisoners. External services should be accessible to prisoners through video-conferencing if not deemed safe in-person, in line with public health guidance. | Resettlement | Under Review | 25/06/2021 | Prison Management make every effort to facilitate the delivery of rehabilitative services to prisoners. Consideration will be given to expanding the current external services offering. | Prison Management / Care & Rehabilitation | Q3 2021 | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | No further update from Q1/Q2. Prison management continue to facilitate access to external services subject to availability of resources. | 8-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | Prison management continue to facilitate access to external services subject to availability of resources. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The restriction on external services has been removed in line with the Irish Prison Service unwinding of prison restrictions. | ||
26/07/2021 | Arbour Hill Prison | COVID-19 | Isolation/Quarantine Information | AHCT1 | In line with Rule 54 of the Nelson Mandela Rules, the Irish Prison Service should ensure that written and oral information is provided to prisoners on quarantine and on an ongoing basis over the course of quarantine. This information should be designed to assist prisoners in adapting to quarantine, and should clearly outline what they can expect while in quarantine. The information should be provided in a language and form that can be understood by the prisoner; this may require the assistance of interpreters. Prisoners should be provided with ongoing opportunities to raise questions and to be informed of all matters necessary to adapt to quarantine and prison life in general. | Respect & Dignity | Accepted | 20/08/2021 | The Irish Prison Service provides a comprehensive Prisoner Information Book to all new committals to prison. The Book is printed in several languages and gives basic information about regimes and services within prisons. A bespoke booklet titled “Covid-19 – Living in Cell” was developed by the Red Cross Prisoner Volunteers to provide detailed information to prisoners on isolation/quarantine and gives specific information on the Covid-19 testing process. The information, which has been designed by prisoners for prisoners, is provided in a clear, easy to read plain English format. This information booklet has been translated into several languages. In additional prisoners are provided with verbal information by prison management on the quarantine process including the timelines and testing process. | The Irish Prison Service will continue to provide translations of information provided. Governor provides a verbal briefing to new committals and prisoners going on temporary release. | Care and Rehabilitation Prison Management | In place and will be reviewed an augmented on an ongoing basis | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | A ‘Living in Cell’ booklet has been provided throughout the covid-19 pandemic and has been updated on a number of occasions to reflect latest procedures. The booklet is circulated via the Covid-19 prison liaisons group. The document is developed in collaboration with the Prison Red Cross Volunteers and is approved by NALA. A new recording studio has been introduced in Loughan House and it is proposed that future communications will be broadcast via the Prisoner TV Channel. The Service continues to provide a comprehensive Prisoner Information Booklet to all new committals which is available in up to 7 different languages. | |
26/07/2021 | Arbour Hill Prison | COVID-19 | Provision of Framework/ Unwinding Restrictions to Prisoners | AHCT2 | The Irish Prison Service should provide prisoners with a written copy of the Framework for Living with COVID-19 and/or Unwinding of Prison Restrictions (as applicable). Prisoners should be consulted, and updated on future plans relating to family visits, regimes, and sentence progression as COVID-19 restrictions unfold. | Respect & Dignity | Part Accepted | 20/08/2021 | The Irish Prison Service has commenced the unwinding of prison restrictions in line with the roll out of the covid-19 vaccination programme in all prisons. Extensive communication with prisoners is carried out at all times to raise awareness of changes to restrictive measures. Arbour Hill management continue to brief prisoners on changes via Governor’s Parade and class officers are available to communicate with prisoner at all times. The prisoners Red Cross continue to develop information booklets and arrange regular information leaflet cell drops. The Prisoner TV channel is also updated as the Covid-19 situation evolves. | Continue to update as required | Prison Management Team | In place and ongoing | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | The Prison Service introduced a framework for restrictive measures, (five levels) in line with the Government Framework for living with Covid-19. In 2021 the Service moved to link the unwinding of prison restrictions with the roll out of the covid-19 vaccination. In addition, the Service developed and utilised a Contingency Plan for the Management of Covid-19 Outbreaks which set out the actions to be taken for the management of an outbreak in a prison setting. In 2022, the Service moved to the management of outbreaks using a contact tracing model. The Service is currently developing a new Covid-19 Management Framework centred on the maintenance of services during possible outbreaks and support to mitigate against restrictions should enhanced restrictions be required. | |
26/07/2021 | Arbour Hill Prison | Food | Meal Scheduling | AHCT3 | In line with the Nelson Mandela Rules, (Rule 22.1) and European Prison Rules, (Rule 22.4), the Inspectorate recommends that the scheduling around meal times be amended to ensure meals are served at reasonable intervals and at times reflected in the community: breakfast (morning), lunch (midday) and dinner (evening). | Respect & Dignity | Accepted | 20/08/2021 | In 2019, the Irish Prison Service introduced a pilot alteration to the schedule of meal times in Castlerea and Mountjoy Prison (Progression Unit). The purpose was to examine the impact of providing the main daily meal in the evening. The results of the pilot were positive and the IPS decided, in 2019, to roll out this meal schedule to all prisons. The Irish Prison Service has been engaging with the staff representative association with regard to implementing this change across the prison system. The Irish Prison Service has identified the review of prisoner mealtimes as a priority action in the Public Service Agreement 2021/2022 and continues to engage with the staff representative association in this regard. | The Irish Prison Service will continue to engage with the staff representative association with regard to the alteration of the existing prisoner meal schedule The Irish Prison Service has reintroduced divisional unlock across all prisons as part of the unwinding of restrictions. | Care and Rehabilitation / Human Resources | Ongoing | Q2 2024 | IPS - Complete | A review of Prisoner meals was undertaken in 2022/2023. A new prison 28 day menu was rolled out to male prisons in August 2023. A review of the female 28 day menu is due for completion in Q4 2023. An enhanced evening meal is now standard across all male prisons.] | 2-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | A Steering Committee gave oversight to the review process. A sub-committee comprising 2 members from Care & Rehabilitation and 2 members from the Staff representative association carried out the review in 2022 by visiting 4 prisons; Castlerea Prison, Cork Prison, Wheatfield and the Progression Unit. The review was limited to reviewing the practicality of changes to the scheduling of the main daily meal, no changes are being proposed to the serving times or intervals between meals in prisons. The following were the recommendations from the review accepted by the steering Committee: 1. Revision and modernising of menu 2. Standardisation of the serving times across all prisons in line with standard prison day to maximise access to prisoner services. Prisoners will remain in their morning structured activity until at least 12:15pm and in the afternoon until at least 4:15pm. 3. Provide enhanced tea/evening meal offering 4. Increase range of menu options for special dietary requirements. 5. Provide only a small range of menu alternatives. 6. Strict adherence to menu and alternatives. 7. Provision of amended menu options for female prisoners The work of drawing up the menu and testing dishes is underway and expected to complete in early April 2023. The new menu is expected to be complete and ready for implementation in Q3 2023. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | An alteration to the prison of the main meal was completed in Castlerea Prison and the Mountjoy Prison Progression Unit. The Irish Prison Service has identified the review of prisoner mealtimes as a priority action in the Public Service Agreement 2021/2022 and continues to engage with the staff representative association in this regard. The Irish Prison Service will continue to engage with the staff representative association with regard to the alteration of the existing prisoner meal schedule. | |
26/07/2021 | Arbour Hill Prison | Staffing | Chaplaincy | AHCT4 | In line with the UN Mandela Rules (Rule 65 (1)), consideration should be given to the establishment of a permanent full-time Chaplain in Arbour Hill Prison. | Respect & Dignity | Accepted | 20/08/2021 | Arbour Hill Prison has a full-time Chaplain post however, the permanent post holder has been on an extended absence from duty, resulting in the need to use a Locum Chaplain (shared with Mountjoy Prison). The Arbour Hill Chaplain has recently returned to the role on a full-time basis. | Care and Rehabilitation | Completed | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | ||
26/07/2021 | Arbour Hill Prison | Religion | Access | AHCT5 | In line with the easing of restrictions in the community, in-person religious services in prison should resume while maintaining public health guidelines. | Respect & Dignity | Accepted | 20/08/2021 | The Irish Prison Service is currently in the process of restoring in person religious services across the system. The National Infection Control Team has provided updated covid-19 guidance and infection control advice allowing for the restoration of in person religious services in all prisons (subject to the completion of the vaccination programme). Religious Services recommenced in Arbour Hill Prison on Sunday 22/08/2021 . | Completed | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | |||
26/07/2021 | Arbour Hill Prison | Disability | AHCT6 | In line with Section 42 of the Public Sector Duty and Rules 15 and 16 of the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (Nelson Mandela Rules), a shower screen and extractor fan should be installed in in-cell showers for cells that accommodate prisoners with physical disabilities. | Respect & Dignity | Part Accepted | 20/08/2021 | Extractor fans are already installed in these cells. Arbour Hill Prison management and Building Services Division will review the provision of the shower screens and undertake remedial works if appropriate. | The provision of shower/privacy screens will be reviewed. | Building Services Division / Prison management | Under review/TBC | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | The trial of the new privacy curtain is being implemented in Wheatfied Prison in Q2 2024 and if sucessful will be extended to all appropriate cells across the estate.. | 8-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | Extractor fans are fitted and fully functional. Prison management have considered options to restore privacy screens and have engaged with the people in custody in this regard. Those in such cells have expressed concern with regard to the impact that the reinstallation of privacy screens would have on usable space within the cell. Building Service Division is exploring the use of a bespoke cell shower/toilet privacy curtain which would provide privacy without compromising the safety of cell occupants. The concept is currently being considered including the completion of appropriate risk assessments. It is intended to install the curtain in Wheatfield Prison as a pilot in Q3 2023 and if successful to roll out installation to all other locations requiring same. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | This action was to be addressed through planned maintenance of cells in Arbour Hill. Works were deferred due to Covid-19. Prison management are considering plans and prototypes for the installation of privacy screens and a further update will be provided in due course. | ||
26/07/2021 | Arbour Hill Prison | Environment | Privacy | AHCT7 | In line with the CPT standards on living conditions, and with respect to the European Convention on Human Rights Article 8, all multi-occupancy cells in Arbour Hill Prison should meet minimum CPT requirements, with access to a fully-partitioned toilet facility. | Respect & Dignity | Part Accepted | 20/08/2021 | Arbour Hill Prison dates back to 1848 and as a result there are physical limitations on the cellular accommodation. Prison management and Building Services Division are reviewing the reinstatement of 900mm privacy screens in multi-occupancy cells. Screens, which were previously fitted, were removed by prisoners. Screens of this height provide adequate privacy while still facilitating checks to ensure safety of Prisoners. | Privacy screen to be reinstated in cells. | Building Services Division / Prison management | Under review/TBC | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | Prison management in conjunction with BSD are considering plans and prototypes for the installation of privacy screens and a further update will be provided in due course. | 8-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | The Building Service Division is exploring the use of a bespoke cell shower/toilet privacy curtain which would provide privacy without compromising the safety of cell occupants. The concept is currently being considered including the completion of appropriate risk assessments. A Strategic Assessment Report (SAR) has been completed on a proposed new wing development at Cloverhill Prison. The SAR has been reviewed by the Department of Justice who have sanctioned the IPS to move to next phase – preliminary Business Case. This will involve a more detailed analysis and overall scope deliverables and budget pertaining to the preferred options. It is planned that the Preliminary Business Case will be submitted to DOJ by end Q2 2023. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | This action was to be addressed through planned maintenance of cells in Arbour Hill. Works were deferred due to Covid-19. Prison management are considering plans and prototypes for the installation of privacy screens and a further update will be provided in due course. | |
26/07/2021 | Arbour Hill Prison | Staff Training | Human Rights | AHCT8 | In line with Section 42 of the Public Sector Duty, the Irish Prison Service should ensure that all prison staff participate in ongoing and continuous training and awareness-raising programmes on international human rights standards and principles of equality and non-discrimination. | Respect & Dignity | Accepted | 20/08/2021 | All staff are reminded on an ongoing basis of the need to treat prisoners with dignity and respect. All staff who join the Irish Prison Service receive training in relation to human rights, equality and diversity. This training has evolved in response to evolving societal values, legislation and international human rights. The Irish Prison Service appointed an Equality and Diversity Lead in 2019 with a view to advancing a number of actions to enhance dignity and respect within the Service. A specific anti-racism awareness campaign was rolled out via the Intranet in March 2021 by the Equality and Diversity Lead. The Director General wrote to all staff in March 2021 reminding them of the need to uphold human rights and treat people in their care with dignity and respect. The Irish Prison Service recently procured a Learning Management System and intends to provide training to staff in relation to the new Code of Ethics (completed and due for publication in Q3 2021) and Section 42 responsibilities through E-Learning in the near future. The Service is committed to designing and delivering more bespoke training in relation to the important areas of human rights, equality, diversity and inclusion. A prisoner may raise a concern or make a formal complaint via the Prisoner Complaint Process. All complaints are treated with the utmost seriousness and will be thoroughly investigated. The Governor has advised that 1 complaint was received from a prisoner who alleged they had been subject to inappropriate comments by a staff member. The matter was formally investigated and the complaint was not upheld. | E-learning modules in development. Publication of code of Ethics | Irish Prison Service Training College Director General | Ongoing Q3 2021 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | The Irish Prison Service published a new Code of Ethics for staff in December 2021. The Code is available on the Irish Prison Service Intranet and on the external website. The Irish Prison service facilitated research by Trinity College into prisoner's experiences in making complaints. The research is due to be published by the author in due course. The Irish Prison Service has received an advance copy of the research and is considering same. | |
26/07/2021 | Arbour Hill Prison | Overcrowding | Reduce Population | AHCT9 | The Inspectorate recommends that the Irish Prison Service engages with the Department of Justice to maximise all opportunities available for reducing the prison population.The reduction in prison numbers reduces the number of people cell-sharing, minimises the risk of COVID-19 transmission, and enables prisoners to practice social distancing. | Safety & Security | Accepted | 20/08/2021 | Arbour Hill Prison has a bed capacity of 138. The daily average number in custody in 2020 was 130 or an average occupancy level of 94%. The average number in custody in Arbour Hill in 2021 (to 20/8/2021) is 123 or 89%. In March 2020 the Irish Prison Service took decisive action to reduce the prison population to ensure effective infection control measures. The IPS has engaged with the Department of Justice to examine potential solutions to continue to manage the prison population in a way that ensures effective infection control measures. In addition, the Criminal Justice Efficiencies Group has tasked data analysts from across the sector with examining the potential impacts on prison numbers over the next 12 months. | The IPS will continue to review the Prison Population Management Plan and will introduce new measures to address prison overcrowding as necessary. Data analysis on the impact of increased committals to be completed. | Operations Directorate Criminal Justice Efficiencies committee | Ongoing | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | Acknowledging that control of the prison population is not within the remit of the Irish Prison Service, the Irish Prison Service continues to engage with the Department of Justice to maximise all opportunities available for reducing the prison population. Additional accommodation has opened for both male and female prisoners at Limerick Prison, temporary release is utilised as appropriate, and opportunities for further expansion of the prison estate are being identified for the Capital estimates process on an ongoing basis. | 13-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | The Minister for Justice has approved amendments proposed by IPS to the Community Return Scheme and Community Support Scheme to allow for prisoners to be considered for both schemes at an earlier stage of their sentence. It should be noted that prison Governors are required by law to accept all prisoners into their custody who have been committed to prison by the Courts. The Irish Prison Service therefore has no control over the numbers committed to custody at any given time. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The Minister for Justice has published the Review of Penal Policy which includes actions to reduce reoffending and incorporate the principle of imprisonment as a last resort. The Training Unit has reopened in July 2022 providing an additional 96 prisoner spaces. An additional 90 male spaces and 22 female spaces are due to come on stream in late Q4 2022/Q1 2023 with the opening of new prisoner accommodation in Limerick Prison for male and female prisoners. (Subject to the availability of staffing resources). | |
26/07/2021 | Arbour Hill Prison | COVID-19 | Access to Showers | AHCT10 | In line with the European Prison Rules Rule 19.4 and the CPT Minimum Decency Threshold for Prisons, prisoners in quarantine/isolation must be permitted to shower, if not daily, at a minimum, two times in a seven day period. | Health & Wellbeing | Accepted | 20/08/2021 | Given the relatively static prisoner population in Arbour Hill Prison, very few prisoners have been required to quarantine or isolate, with the exception being during the Covid-19 outbreak in February (19/02/2021 – 08/03/2021). The Infection Control Guidance on the provision of showers for prisoners in Quarantine/Isolation was updated in July by the NICT to allow for two showers in a seven day period – where operationally feasible. All prisoners confined to their cell for the purpose of quarantine have access to hot water and soap to maintain adequate hygiene. This is in line with the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT), Statement of Principles relating to the treatment of persons deprived of their liberty in the context of the Coronavirus disease. Any prisoner required to quarantine or isolate in Arbour Hill is also provided with a care pack that includes hygiene products. | The Infection control Guidance on the provision of showers for prisoners in Quarantine/Isolation was updated in July to allow for two showers in a seven day period – where operationally feasible. | Care and Rehabilitation; Human Resources | Completed | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | The Irish Prison Service introduced a new Standard Operating Procedure (10/08/2022) setting out the correct procedures for the showering of prisoners in quarantine/isolation. It was agreed to allow prisoners up to 2 showers in a seven day period. | |
26/07/2021 | Arbour Hill Prison | COVID-19 | Meaningful Human Contact | AHCT11 | In line with the June 2021 SPT Follow-Up Advice relating to COVID-19, the Inspectorate urges the Irish Prison Service to implement all possible measures for improving social and family contact for people in order to compensate for COVID-19-related isolation. | Health & Wellbeing | Part Accepted | 20/08/2021 | Every effort continues to be made by the Irish Prison Service to allow prisoners in Quarantine/Isolation to have contact with family and prison services. This includes the use of in-cell telephones and the use of tablet computers for those on significantly restricted regimes. A critical measure in the prevention of the possible spread of covid-19 to the prison population has been the isolation and quarantining of suspected or positive cases of covid-19. This measure is consistent with action taken by other services who manage positive and suspected cases. The priority for the Irish Prison Service and prison management is to limit and reduce the time spent by prisoners in isolation/quarantine through the testing process. Physical visits to prisons have also recommenced in line with the roll out of the prison vaccination programme. Physical visits in Arbour Hill recommenced on 24/7/2021. | Continue the provision of in cell technology to allow prisoners to maintain contact with family and services. | Ongoing. | Q2 2024 | IPS - Complete | The Irish Prison Service has wound down Covid-19 restrictive measures. | 8-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | A project for the installation of in-cell telephones to all prison cells is ongoing. In-cell phones are operational in Castlerea, Cloverhill, Cork, Limerick and Midlands Prisons. Projects in Portlaoise Prison and Dóchas Centre are currently ongoing and will be completed by the end of Q2 2023. Tenders for Arbour Hill, Mountjoy Prison including the Training Unit and Progression Unit will be completed before the end of Q2 2023 with the installation completed by the end of 2023. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | Throughout the pandemic every effort was made to ensure all prisoners could continue to have meaningful contact with others. Prisoners who were confirmed as Covid-19 positive or suspected as having Covid-19 were isolated, in line with Standard Operating Procedures, to prevent the spread of infection. This is in line with action taken in the community. The Irish Prison Service introduced video visiting technology to allow prisoners to communicate with family and friends when physical visits were suspended. This option has been retained as an additional communication tool to support family contact. In-cell telephones were introduced in all locations as a temporary measure during the pandemic however, a major project to install in-cell telephones in all cells across the prison estate on a permanent basis has been commenced. As a result in-cell telephones have been installed in is complete in Castlerea, Cloverhill, Midlands, Cork and Limerick prisons. The Service anticipates the completion of in-cell telephony to the Dóchas Centre, Portlaoise and Wheatfield Prisons by the end of this year. Subject to the availability of necessary resources, the Service intend to provide in-cell telephony in Arbour Hill and Mountjoy Male prison in 2023. While physical visits were suspended for periods during 2020 and 2021 (for infection control reasons) the Irish Prison Service ensured that suspension of physical visits was lifted as soon as it was deemed safe to do so. The Service has continued to unwind restrictions on physical visits with visits now permitted every fortnight and no restrictions on capacity. It is expected to return to weekly visits in Q3 2022 subject to available resources. | ||
26/07/2021 | Arbour Hill Prison | COVID-19 | Isolation/Quarantine Fresh Air | AHCT12 | Prisoners in quarantine/isolation must have access to at least one hour in the open air each day. | Health & Wellbeing | Not Accepted | 20/08/2021 | Prisoners in quarantine have restricted out of cell time, in accordance with Rule 32A of SI 250/2020 Prison Rules 2020. Prisoners are fully informed of the quarantine rules on committal by the Governor on parade. Restrictions are reviewed on an ongoing basis by the Emergency Response Planning Team. | NA | NA | NA | 7-Mar-23 | IPS - Complete | New committals are tested on day one and if negative, can enter general population. The isolation period for positive Covid cases is consistent with public health advice. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | It was not possible to allow prisoners in isolation or quarantine out of cell time to prevent the spread of infection. The Irish Prison Service continued to review the Standard Operating Procedure for quarantine and isolation throughout the pandemic. This included the reduction of the isolation period in line with guidance from the Health Authorities. As a result all new committals are now tested on day one of committal and, if the return a negative test, they may enter general population on day 4. | ||||
26/07/2021 | Arbour Hill Prison | COVID-19 | Mental Healthcare | AHCT13 | Measures must be taken to mitigate the detrimental effects of isolation or quarantine, including psychological support during and after quarantine/isolation in order to assist prisoners coping with the restrictive measures imposed as a result of COVID-19. | Health & Wellbeing | Accepted | 20/08/2021 | A Covid outbreak-specific mental health protocol has been put in place by the IPS Psychology Service. The approach incorporates a three-tiered layered care model which includes preventative, enhanced and acute mental health care interventions. This includes the use of tablets to proactively engage people on significantly restrictive measures, where required. | Completed | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | A Covid outbreak-specific mental health protocol has been put in place by the IPS Psychology Service. | |||
26/07/2021 | Arbour Hill Prison | Education | Digital Learning | AHCT14 | To meet the education needs of prisoners (European Prison Rule 28.1), which include facilitating more substantive engagement with education (and other services), the Irish Prison Service should make digital tablets available for prisoner use. These digital tablets could be pre-loaded with education materials. | Rehabilitation & Development | Under Review | 20/08/2021 | The Irish Prison Service is developing an in-cell learning strategy to enhance learning from prison cells. A new prisoner TV Channel has been developed and is being rolled out across the estate. This allows for the broadcasting of local and national information and for the provision of educational material. CDETB have developed a substantial quantity of audio-visual course materials to be viewed on the TV channel and will provide accompanying supporting hard copy documentation to facilitate blended learning. | A large volume of in-cell audio-visual and printed material has now been produced by the ETBs. Blended learning has not yet formally commenced pending consultation with Staff Association. | Care and Rehabilitation | Q4 2021 Q3 2021 | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | A programme of incell learning was developed by CDETB. It is shared with other ETB's and runs regularly on the incell tv channel. Further technology enhancements are beng developed through the Building Bridges Programme and these will come on stream late in Q4 2023 and throughout 2024. The IPS continues to explore new technology and will examine potential options in line with the IPS. | 2-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | In-cell TV information channel was developed in 2022 with educational content in place in all prisons. Specific in-cell blended learning is in place in Dublin prisons. The Building Bridges Project in late 2022 prioritised €500,000 SOLAS allocated funding. ETBs included Cork ETB, Limerick Clare ETB, Laois Offaly ETB and City of Dublin Education and Training Board (CDETB). Funding was primarily expended on technological enhancements in the prison schools for the teaching of prisoners engaging in education. The Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science has allocated further funding of €5m in 2023. The project will be expanded to include all seven ETBs. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service is reviewing the enhanced use of technology to facilitate in-cell learning. A new Prisoner TV Channel has been introduced and is supporting in-cell learning. The Service is engaging with other prison services who have enhanced use of in-cell technology with a view to enhancing in-cell learning and service provision. This action remains under review. | |
26/07/2021 | Arbour Hill Prison | Library | Access | AHCT15 | In line with Rule 110 of the Irish Prison Rules, Arbour Hill Prison should proactively consider the re-opening of library services in the prison. | Rehabilitation & Development | Accepted | 20/08/2021 | Arbour Hill library is open and Dublin City Council library services resumed at the end of July 2021. | Completed | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | NA | |||
26/07/2021 | Arbour Hill Prison | Psychology | BBL Programme | AHCT16 | In line with ICCPR Article 10 (3) and the need to ensure prisoners have continued access to rehabilitative services, the Inspectorate recommends the Irish Prison Service continue to assess and revise / replace the Building Better Lives programme to ensure effective and timely engagement. This may include augmenting resources for the psychology service across Arbour Hill Prison (and Midlands Prison) to ensure an adequate number of staff are available to provide a service to all people convicted of a sexual offence. | Rehabilitation & Development | Accepted | 20/08/2021 | Arbour Hill resettlement and community services were provided virtually and maintained virtually insofar as was possible throughout the pandemic, e.g. Grow and AA. Release requirements were met, including requirements for release of people convicted of a sexual offence. The BBL programme has resumed face to face meetings within the past month. The Irish Prison Service is reviewing its approach to the management of prisoners convicted of sexual violence and the operation of the Building Better Lives Programmes. In this regard, the Irish Prison Service has submitted a business case for the provision of additional resources for the treatment of sexual violence via the 2022 Estimates Process. | Business case submitted as part of Estimates Process | Q1 2022 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | The Irish Prison Service submitted a business case for additional resources to staff a programme for sexual violence treatment. This would see up to 80% of people convicted of sexual violence engaging in in risk and needs led assessment treatment. The Service was successful in achieving partial funding for this programme and has submitted a business case through the estimates process 2023 for the remaining funding. An advertising campaign for suitable staff closed on 9th August 2022 with interviews in Sept 2022. A procurement process is also underway to secure the support required to make significant changes to the current treatment programme for sexual violence. This will include risk assessment at an early stage in sentence to inform sentence management and treatment options, working with people who deny and minimise their offence(s), working with people with mental disorders who have been sexually violent, and provision of treatment for people in all risk categories and with shorter sentences. - IPS HQ Psychology Care and Rehabilitation | ||
26/07/2021 | Arbour Hill Prison | Integrated Sentence Management | Resources | AHCT17 | In line with the Mandela Rules and the European Prison Rules, the Irish Prison Service should strengthen, operationalise and apply the Integrated Sentence Management process so that all prisoners are actively engaged and contributing to their sentence and re-integration plan and have regular meetings with the ISM officer per year. Prisoners should be provided with a written copy of their sentence plan. The vacant ISM officer post in Arbour Hill Prison should be filled immediately. | Resettlement | Accepted | 20/08/2021 | The ISM post in Arbour hill is not vacant however the post holder is current absent from duty. A temporary panel has now been formed and staff have been trained to undertake this task until the return of the permanent post holder. | Completed | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | The Irish Prison Service secured funding in the 2022 Estimates process to facilitate the purchase of Tablet computers for use by ISM co-ordinators. Enabling works are required out to facilitate the necessary technical access to support same and work is underway in this regard. It is hoped that the necessary enabling work will be completed when technical components have been delivered and are installed. Delivery has been delayed due to global supply chain issues however it is anticipated that the necessary components will be delivered in November at which point enabling works will be progressed. | |||
12/08/2021 | Cork Prison | COVID-19 | Isolation/Quarantine Information | CKCT1 | In line with Rule 54 of the Nelson Mandela Rules, Cork Prison and the Irish Prison Service should ensure that written and oral information about the process of quarantine is provided to prisoners on an ongoing basis. This information should be designed to assist prisoners in adapting to quarantine, and should clearly outline what they can expect while in quarantine. The information should be provided in a language and form that can be understood by the prisoner; this may require the assistance of interpreters. Prisoners should be provided with ongoing opportunities to raise questions and to be informed of all matters necessary to adapt to quarantine and prison life in general. | Respect & Dignity | Accepted | 02/09/2021 | The Irish Prison Service provides a comprehensive Prisoner Information Book to all new committals to prison. The Book is printed in several languages and gives basic information about regimes and services within prisons. A bespoke booklet titled “Covid-19 – Living in Cell” was developed by the Red Cross Prisoner Volunteers to provide detailed information to prisoners on isolation/quarantine and gives specific information on the Covid-19 testing process. The information, which has been designed by prisoners for prisoners, is provided in a clear, easy to read plain English format. This information booklet has been translated into several languages. In additional prisoners are provided with verbal information by prison management on the quarantine process including the timelines and testing process. | The Irish Prison Service will continue to provide translations of information provided. The Chief Officer in Cork provides a verbal briefing to new committals and prisoners going on temporary release. Governor follows this up following committal quarantine. | Care and Rehabilitation Prison Management | In place and will be reviewed and augmented on an ongoing basis | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | A ‘Living in Cell’ booklet has been provided throughout the covid-19 pandemic and has been updated on a number of occasions to reflect latest procedures. The booklet is circulated via the Covid-19 prison liaisons group. The document is developed in collaboration with the Prison Red Cross Volunteers and is approved by NALA. A new recording studio has been introduced in Loughan House and it is proposed that future communications will be broadcast via the Prisoner TV Channel. The Service continues to provide a comprehensive Prisoner Information Booklet to all new committals which is available in up to 7 different languages. | |
12/08/2021 | Cork Prison | COVID-19 | Provision of Framework/ Unwinding Restrictions to Prisoners | CKCT2 | The Irish Prison Service should provide prisoners with a written copy of the Framework for Living with COVID-19 and/or Unwinding of Prison Restrictions (as applicable). Prisoners should be consulted, and updated on future plans relating to family visits, regimes, and sentence progression as COVID-19 restrictions unfold. | Respect & Dignity | Part Accepted | 02/09/2021 | The Irish Prison Service has completed significant unwinding of prison restrictions in line with the roll out of the covid-19 vaccination programme in all prisons. Extensive communication with prisoners is undertaken at all times to raise awareness of changes to restrictive measures. Cork management continue to brief prisoners on changes via Governor’s Parade and class officers are available to communicate with prisoner at all times. The prisoners Red Cross continue to develop information booklets and arrange regular information leaflet cell drops. The Prisoner TV channel is also updated as the Covid-19 situation evolves. | Continue to update as required | Prison Management Team | In place and Ongoing | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | The Prison Service introduced a framework for restrictive measures, (five levels) in line with the Government Framework for living with Covid-19. In 2021 the Service moved to link the unwinding of prison restrictions with the roll out of the covid-19 vaccination. In addition, the Service developed and utilised a Contingency Plan for the Management of Covid-19 Outbreaks which set out the actions to be taken for the management of an outbreak in a prison setting. In 2022, the Service moved to the management of outbreaks using a contact tracing model. The Service is currently developing a new Covid-19 Management Framework centred on the maintenance of services during possible outbreaks and support to mitigate against restrictions should enhanced restrictions be required. | |
12/08/2021 | Cork Prison | Food | Meal Scheduling | CKCT3 | In line with the Nelson Mandela Rules, Rule 22 and European Prison Rules, Rule 22.4, the Inspectorate recommends that the scheduling around meal times be amended to ensure meals are served at reasonable intervals and at times reflected in the community: breakfast (morning), lunch (midday) and dinner (evening). | Respect & Dignity | Accepted | 02/09/2021 | In 2019, the Irish Prison Service introduced a pilot alteration to the schedule of meal times in Castlerea and Mountjoy Prison (Progression Unit). The purpose was to examine the impact of providing the main daily meal in the evening. The results of the pilot were positive and the IPS decided, in 2019, to roll out this meal schedule to all prisons. The Irish Prison Service has been engaging with the staff representative association with regard to implementing this change across the prison system. The Irish Prison Service has identified the review of prisoner mealtimes as a priority action in the Public Service Agreement 2021/2022 and continues to engage with the staff representative association in this regard. | The Irish Prison Service will continue to engage with the staff representative association with regard to the alteration of the existing prisoner meal schedule The Irish Prison Service has reintroduced divisional unlock across all prisons as part of the unwinding of restrictions. | Care and Rehabilitation | Ongoing | Q2 2024 | IPS - Complete | A review of Prisoner meals was undertaken in 2022/2023. A new prison 28 day menu was rolled out to male prisons in August 2023. A review of the female 28 day menu is due for completion in Q4 2023. An enhanced evening meal is now standard across all male prisons.] | 2-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | A Steering Committee gave oversight to the review process. A sub-committee comprising 2 members from Care & Rehabilitation and 2 members from the Staff representative association carried out the review in 2022 by visiting 4 prisons; Castlerea Prison, Cork Prison, Wheatfield and the Progression Unit. The review was limited to reviewing the practicality of changes to the scheduling of the main daily meal, no changes are being proposed to the serving times or intervals between meals in prisons. The following were the recommendations from the review accepted by the steering Committee: 1. Revision and modernising of menu 2. Standardisation of the serving times across all prisons in line with standard prison day to maximise access to prisoner services. Prisoners will remain in their morning structured activity until at least 12:15pm and in the afternoon until at least 4:15pm. 3. Provide enhanced tea/evening meal offering 4. Increase range of menu options for special dietary requirements. 5. Provide only a small range of menu alternatives. 6. Strict adherence to menu and alternatives. 7. Provision of amended menu options for female prisoners The work of drawing up the menu and testing dishes is underway and expected to complete in early April 2023. The new menu is expected to be complete and ready for implementation in Q3 2023. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | An alteration to the prison of the main meal was completed in Castlerea Prison and the Mountjoy Prison Progression Unit. The Irish Prison Service has identified the review of prisoner mealtimes as a priority action in the Public Service Agreement 2021/2022 and continues to engage with the staff representative association in this regard. The Irish Prison Service will continue to engage with the staff representative association with regard to the alteration of the existing prisoner meal schedule. | |
12/08/2021 | Cork Prison | Court | Remote Courts | CKCT4 | Taking into consideration Article 6 of the ECHR and Article 14 (3) of the ICCPR, the Irish Prison Service should continuously monitor and engage with persons in custody on the impact of remote court hearings. | Respect & Dignity | Part Accepted | 02/09/2021 | The Civil Law and Criminal Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2020 allows for certain type of court hearings to be heard by video link. This includes arraignments, returns for trial, sentencing hearings and certain hearings in relation to surrender proceedings for extradition. While video link is not the default, the Act gives this authority to the Courts allowing them to make certain proceeding of their choosing by default. This authority is vested firstly in the Presidents of the Courts and subsequently in the Judges themselves. The Irish Prison Service and the Courts Service are working to increase the capacity of video link. Infection control measures introduced during Covid-19 have resulted in the widespread use of video link for Court appearances. Approximately 60% of Court appearances are now taking place via video link. The use of video link will allow the Service to redirect vital resources into the provision of prisoner services. | The Irish Prison Service will continue to engage with Court Services as necessary. The Irish Prison Service will continue to explore the use of video link for the provision of other services such as Probation interviews, prisoner case conferences, education and remote learning. | Operations | Reviewed on an ongoing basis | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | The expansion of videolink services continues as outlined in the previous update. The Irish Prison Service continues to engage with the Courts Service both on a strategic and operational level to identify appropriate usage of videolink that will increase efficiencies for the Irish Prison Service and the Courts Service whilst retaining focus on prisoners' participation and right to a fair trial. | 13-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service continues to take steps to enhance physical and ICT facilities to support the use of video link for prisoner attendance at Court. The Irish Prison Service continues to engage with Court Services as necessary to continuously improve the operation of video-courts to ensure that the rights of prisoners are upheld. The Irish Prison Service will continue to explore the use of video link for prisoner engagement with therapeutic and other support services. All opportunities to use video-link to the benefit of prisoners are reviewed on an ongoing basis. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service continues to enhance the physical infrastructure to support enhanced use of video link for prisoner attendance at Court. The Irish Prison Service will continue to engage with Court Services as necessary. The Irish Prison Service will continue to explore the use of video link for the provision of other services such as Probation interviews, prisoner case conferences, education and remote learning. Reviewed on an ongoing basis | |
12/08/2021 | Cork Prison | Foreign National Prisoners | Information | CKCT5 | In line with Section 42 of the Public Sector Duty, the Irish Prison Service must ensure that Foreign National and non-English speaking prisoners have equal access to provision of information. It must also enact positive measures to ensure the protection, promotion and fulfilment of the human rights of non-English speaking and Foreign National prisoners, including the right to private and family life (ECHR Article 8, European Prison Rules, Rule 37.1). | Respect & Dignity | Accepted | 02/09/2021 | Management will ensure that Interpreters are used for all committal interviews and for sentence planning purposes. Cork Prison Management will explore other options to support non-English language speaking prisoners to overcome language difficulties | Management to advance the purchase of hand-held interpretation devices to assist non-English speaking prisoners. | Cork Prison Management/ICT | End Q4 2021 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | The Irish Prison Service has developed a comprehensive Prisoner Information Booklet with extensive information about all aspects of prison regimes and services. The booklet is translated into a number of languages and is reviewed every two years. The booklet is currently under review. Consideration is being given to creating an induction video, based on the Living in Cell Booklet, which will be broadcast via the prisoner TV Channel. The TV channel will be managed centrally to allow for consistent management of information across the prison estate. | |
12/08/2021 | Cork Prison | Staff Training | Human Rights | CKCT6 | In line with Section 42 of the Public Sector Duty, the Irish Prison Service should ensure that all prison staff participate in ongoing and continuous training and awareness-raising programmes on international human rights standards and principles of equality and non-discrimination. | Respect & Dignity | Accepted | 02/09/2021 | All staff are reminded on an ongoing basis of the need to treat prisoners with dignity and respect. All staff who join the Irish Prison Service receive training in relation to human rights, equality and diversity. This training has evolved in response to evolving societal values, legislation and international human rights. The Irish Prison Service appointed an Equality and Diversity Lead in 2019 with a view to advancing a number of actions to enhance dignity and respect within the Service. A specific anti-racism awareness campaign was rolled out via the Intranet in March 2021 by the Equality and Diversity Lead. The Director General wrote to all staff in March 2021 reminding them of the need to uphold human rights. IPS recently procured a Learning Management System and we hope to provide training to our staff in relation to our new Code of Ethics (completed and due for publication in Q4 2021) and Section 42 responsibilities through E-Learning in the near future. The IPS is committed to designing and delivering more bespoke training in relation to the important areas of human rights, equality, diversity and inclusion. A prisoner may raise a concern or make a formal complaint via the Prisoner Complaint Process. All complaints are treated with the utmost seriousness and will be thoroughly investigated. | E-learning modules in development. Publication of Code of Ethics Enhanced anti-racism and discrimination awareness programme to be developed locally and nationally. Survey to be completed on prisoner experiences and perceptions of making complaints | Irish Prison Service Training College Director General Equality and Diversity Lead Local Management Equality and Diversity Lead/ Red Cross Volunteers | Ongoing Q4 2021 Q4 2021 Q4 2021 | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | All staff are reminded on an ongoing basis of the need to treat prisoners with dignity and respect. All staff who join the IPS receive training in relation to human rights, equality and diversity. This training has evolved in response to evolving societal values, legislation and international human rights. Awareness campaigns are available on the IPS intranet platform PRISM “No Sexual Harassment” and “No to Racism” and staff from the Corporate Services and Human Resources Directorates have visited a number of prisons, including Cork Prison, to remind staff of our culture and values under the Code of Ethics, our obligations under the Dignity at Work and processes involved and on the No Sexual Harassment campaign. The IPS Learning Management System will be used to provide training to our staff in relation to the Code of Ethics and Section 42 responsibilities through E-Learning. The IPS is committed to designing and delivering more bespoke training in relation to the important areas of human rights, equality, diversity and inclusion. | 9-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | All staff joining the Irish Prison Service receive training in relation to human rights, equality and diversity. The e-learning platform is due to be launched at the start of April 2023 and topics emanating from Section 42 of the Public Sector Duty will be developed as a priority in the e learning packages. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service published a new Code of Ethics for staff in December 2021. The Code is available on the Irish Prison Service Intranet and on the external website. | |
12/08/2021 | Cork Prison | Prisoner Engagement with OIP | Reprisal | CKCT7 | In line with the European Prison Rules, Rule 93.3, Cork Prison and the Irish Prison Service should undertake a robust information campaign to ensure prisoners and prison staff are informed of their right to engage with the Office of the Inspector of Prisons, and other monitoring bodies, without fear of reprisal. | Respect & Dignity | Accepted | 02/09/2021 | The Irish Prison Service will roll out an awareness campaign in consultation with the Office of the Inspector of Prisons. | Communications Team to develop awareness materials with the Office of the Inspector of Prisons for dissemination through the Prisoner TV Channel and inclusion in Prisoner information Literature | Press Office | End Q4 2021 | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service has an Information Booklet for prisoners committed to prison. An update of this booklet has been completed which includes information on the OIP and is scheduled for printing once printing services are reinstated at Arbour Hill Prison. Information provided by the OIP was and is provided to prisoners in custody. The Irish Prison Service created a Rule 44 video and published on the prisoner TV channel. In addition to this, there was also a prisoner leaflet issued to all prisons. | 10-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | The IPS Communications Team continue to work on an awareness campaign in conjunction with the Operations Directorate which it is hoped will be progressed in Q3 2023. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | Work has commenced on the development of a comprehensive awareness campaign for both prisoner and staff on a number of issues such as contact with the Inspector of Prisons Office, correspondence with bodies under Rule 44 of the Prison Rules and the Prisoner complaints Process. The campaign will be rolled out in Q3 2022. | |
12/08/2021 | Cork Prison | Overcrowding | Reduce Population | CKCT8 | The Inspectorate recommends that the Irish Prison Service engages with the Department of Justice to maximise all opportunities available for reducing the prison population. The reduction in prison numbers reduces the number of people cell-sharing, minimises the risk of COVID-19 transmission, and enables prisoners to practice social distancing. | Safety & Security | Accepted | 02/09/2021 | Cork prison has a bed capacity of 296. The daily average number in custody in 2020 was 271 or an average occupancy level of 93%. The average number in custody in Cork in 2021 (to 23/8/2021) is 259 or 88%. In March 2020 the Irish Prison Service took decisive action to reduce the prison population to ensure effective infection control measures. The IPS has engaged with the Department of Justice to examine potential solutions to continue to manage the prison population in a way that ensures effective infection control measures. In addition, the Criminal Justice Efficiencies Group has tasked data analysts from across the sector with examining the potential impacts on prison numbers over the next 12 months. | The IPS will continue to review the Prison Population Management Plan and will introduce new measures to address prison overcrowding as necessary. Data analysis on the impact of increased committals to be completed. | Operations Directorate Criminal Justice Efficiencies committee | Ongoing | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | Acknowledging that control of the prison population is not within the remit of the Irish Prison Service, the Irish Prison Service continues to engage with the Department of Justice to maximise all opportunities available for reducing the prison population. Additional accommodation has opened for both male and female prisoners at Limerick Prison, temporary release is utilised as appropriate, and opportunities for further expansion of the prison estate are being identified for the Capital estimates process on an ongoing basis. | 13-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | The Minister for Justice has approved amendments proposed by IPS to the Community Return Scheme and Community Support Scheme to allow for prisoners to be considered for both schemes at an earlier stage of their sentence. It should be noted that prison Governors are required by law to accept all prisoners into their custody who have been committed to prison by the Courts. The Irish Prison Service therefore has no control over the numbers committed to custody at any given time. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The Minister for Justice has published the Review of Penal Policy which includes actions to reduce reoffending and incorporate the principle of imprisonment as a last resort. The Training Unit has reopened in July 2022 providing an additional 96 prisoner spaces. An additional 90 male spaces and 22 female spaces are due to come on stream in late Q4 2022/Q1 2023 with the opening of new prisoner accommodation in Limerick Prison for male and female prisoners. (Subject to the availability of staffing resources). | |
12/08/2021 | Cork Prison | Family Contact | Telephone | CKCT9 | In line with Rule 24.1 of the European Prison Rules, and following the success of the family call-in pilot project in May/June 2021, the Inspectorate recommends that all necessary steps be taken to ensure the family call-in initiative is made permanent in Cork Prison. | Health & Wellbeing | Accepted | 02/09/2021 | A cross-Directorate Group oversaw the recent pilot ‘proof of concept’ initiative in Cork Prison, led by Operations and ICT. The Pilot is being reviewed with a view to identifying the requirements for broadening and roll out to all locations. This includes identification of the resource requirements including licencing and technology costs. | Review of Pilot project to be completed Additional resources have been sought through the 2022 Estimates process that, if approved, will allow for the enhancement of in-cell telephony solutions in Cork and across the prison system | Prison Management/ Operations/ ICT ICT/Department of Justice | Q1 2022 | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | Inbound telephony roll out is in progress. | 10-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | The in-bound telephony initiative was a pilot and was operational in Cork prison during the pilot phase only. The learnings from the pilot are being factored into revised business requirements. It is intended to implement in-bound telephony across the estate in 2023 subject to the availability of required resources. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The IPS has allocated capital funding for the installation of in-cell telephones in all cells across the prison estate. In-cell telephones are now available in Castlerea, Cloverhill, Midlands, Cork and Limerick prisons. The Prison Service anticipates the completion of in-cell telephony to the Dóchas Centre, Portlaoise and Wheatfield Prisons by the end of 2022. Subject to the availability of necessary resources, the Prison Service intend to provide in-cell telephony in Arbour Hill and Mountjoy Male prison in 2023. The installation of telephones to allow for a call out service has been prioritised. The enabling of a system to allow call in will be considered in due course and requires careful consideration for operational and security reasons however initial pilot projects such as Cork have proven beneficial. The call in system requires new software licencing arrangements and will require the allocation of appropriate resources. ICT are conducting an analysis of costs and it is hoped to progress this action in 2023, subject to costs and adequate resources. | |
12/08/2021 | Cork Prison | COVID-19 | Meaningful Human Contact | CKCT10 | In line with the June 2021 SPT Follow-Up Advice relating to COVID-19, the Inspectorate urges the Irish Prison Service to implement all possible measures for improving social and family contact for people in order to compensate for COVID-19-related isolation. | Health & Wellbeing | Part Accepted | 02/09/2021 | Every effort continues to be made by the Irish Prison Service to allow prisoners in Quarantine/Isolation to have contact with family and prison services. This includes the use of in-cell telephones and the use of tablet computers for those on significantly restricted regimes. A critical measure in the prevention of the possible spread of covid-19 to the prison population has been the isolation and quarantining of suspected or positive cases of covid-19. This measure is consistent with action taken by other services who manage positive and suspected cases. The priority for the Irish Prison Service and prison management is to limit and reduce the time spent by prisoners in isolation/quarantine through the testing process. Physical visits to prisons have also recommenced in line with the roll out of the prison vaccination programme. Physical visits recommenced on Friday 3rd September 2021. | Continue the provision of in cell technology to allow prisoners to maintain contact with family and services. | Ongoing | Q2 2024 | IPS - Complete | The Irish Prison Service has wound down Covid-19 restrictive measures. | 8-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | A project for the installation of in-cell telephones to all prison cells is ongoing. In-cell phones are operational in Castlerea, Cloverhill, Cork, Limerick and Midlands Prisons. Projects in Portlaoise Prison and Dóchas Centre are currently ongoing and will be completed by the end of Q2 2023. Tenders for Arbour Hill, Mountjoy Prison including the Training Unit and Progression Unit will be completed before the end of Q2 2023 with the installation completed by the end of 2023. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | Throughout the pandemic every effort was made to ensure all prisoners could continue to have meaningful contact with others. Prisoners who were confirmed as Covid-19 positive or suspected as having Covid-19 were isolated, in line with Standard Operating Procedures, to prevent the spread of infection. This is in line with action taken in the community. The Irish Prison Service introduced video visiting technology to allow prisoners to communicate with family and friends when physical visits were suspended. This option has been retained as an additional communication tool to support family contact. In-cell telephones were introduced in all locations as a temporary measure during the pandemic however, a major project to install in-cell telephones in all cells across the prison estate on a permanent basis has been commenced. As a result in-cell telephones have been installed in is complete in Castlerea, Cloverhill, Midlands, Cork and Limerick prisons. The Service anticipates the completion of in-cell telephony to the Dóchas Centre, Portlaoise and Wheatfield Prisons by the end of this year. Subject to the availability of necessary resources, the Service intend to provide in-cell telephony in Arbour Hill and Mountjoy Male prison in 2023. While physical visits were suspended for periods during 2020 and 2021 (for infection control reasons) the Irish Prison Service ensured that suspension of physical visits was lifted as soon as it was deemed safe to do so. The Service has continued to unwind restrictions on physical visits with visits now permitted every fortnight and no restrictions on capacity. It is expected to return to weekly visits in Q3 2022 subject to available resources. | ||
12/08/2021 | Cork Prison | COVID-19 | Isolation/Quarantine Fresh Air | CKCT11 | Prisoners in quarantine/isolation must have access to at least one hour in the open air each day. | Health & Wellbeing | Not Accepted | 02/09/2021 | Prisoners in quarantine have restricted out of cell time, in accordance with Rule 32A of SI 250/2020 Prison Rules 2020. Prisoners are fully informed of the quarantine rules on committal by the Governor on parade. Restrictions are reviewed on an ongoing basis by the Emergency Response Planning Team. | NA | NA | NA | 7-Mar-23 | IPS - Complete | New committals are tested on day one and if negative, can enter general population. The isolation period for positive Covid cases is consistent with public health advice. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | It was not possible to allow prisoners in isolation or quarantine out of cell time to prevent the spread of infection. The Irish Prison Service continued to review the Standard Operating Procedure for quarantine and isolation throughout the pandemic. This included the reduction of the isolation period in line with guidance from the Health Authorities. As a result all new committals are now tested on day one of committal and, if the return a negative test, they may enter general population on day 4. Reviewed on an ongoing basis | ||||
12/08/2021 | Cork Prison | COVID-19 | Mental Healthcare | CKCT12 | Measures must be taken to mitigate the detrimental effects of isolation or quarantine, including psychological support during and after quarantine/isolation in order to assist prisoners coping with the restrictive measures imposed as a result of COVID-19. | Health & Wellbeing | Accepted | 02/09/2021 | A Covid outbreak-specific mental health protocol has been put in place by the IPS Psychology Service. The approach incorporates a three-tiered layered care model which includes preventative, enhanced and acute mental health care interventions. This includes the use of tablets to proactively engage people on significantly restrictive measures, where required. | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | A Covid outbreak-specific mental health protocol has been put in place by the IPS Psychology Service. | ||||
12/08/2021 | Cork Prison | Restricted Regime | Out-of-Cell Time | CKCT13 | The Inspectorate urges Cork Prison to consider all available ways to increase out-of-cell time and maximise access to services for prisoners accommodated under Rule 63 of the Irish Prison Rules. | Rehabilitation & Development | Part Accepted | 02/09/2021 | Every effort is made by prison management to provide maximum out of cell time for prisoners on restricted regime for protection reasons. The Irish Prison Service has introduced new technologies to support those who are more confined to their cells and these technologies will allow greater levels of access to regimes and services post covid-19. These include in-cell telephones and the Prisoner TV/Information Channel. Providing enhanced regimes for restricted prisoners is being considered as part of the development of an in-cell learning plan (CKCT14 refers). The operation of Rule 63 is also being reviewed by the Irish Prison Service as part of the Review of the Prison Rules, 2007. The aim of the Irish Prison Service is to reduce the number of prisoners confined to their cells under Rule 63. | Review of Rule 63 to be completed as part of Review of Prison Rules | Operations Directorate | Q2 2022 | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | Review of the Prison Rules is complete and proposed updates have been submitted to the Dept of Justice. | 28-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service commenced a review of Prison Rules in 2020 following the publication of the revised European Prison Rules by the Council of Europe. Progress on the Review was delayed due to challenges presented by the Covid-19 pandemic. However, work on the Review restarted in 2022 and significant progress has been achieved on the development of a working document. This includes the development of draft amendments to give effect to the provisions of the European Prison Rules 2020, amendments suggested from within the Irish Prison Service and amendments arising from the public consultation phase. The working document is currently being considered by the Irish Prison Service, and once this is completed, the Irish Prison Service will be engaging with officials in the Department on the next steps. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The review of prison rules is ongoing. It is intended to bring forward the review of a number of priority rule changes in 2023 and it is intended to consider the operation of Rule 63 in this regard. Every effort is made by the Irish Prison Service to ensure the safety of all those accommodated in prisons. Prisoners who are accommodated on restricted regimes can be limited in their ability to engage with important rehabilitative services. The Irish Prison Service has introduced new technologies to support those who are more confined to their cells and these technologies will allow greater levels of access to regimes and services post covid-19. These include in-cell telephones and the Prisoner TV/Information Channel. Enhancing in-cell supports for those accommodated on a more restricted regime by harnessing new technological advancements will be considered in the context of the development of the next IPS Strategic Plan 2023 - 2025 (subject to the provision of required resources). | |
12/08/2021 | Cork Prison | Education | Digital Learning | CKCT14 | To meet the education needs of prisoners (European Prison Rule 28.1), which include facilitating more substantive engagement with education (and other services), the Irish Prison Service should make digital tablets available for prisoner use. These digital tablets could be pre-loaded with education materials. | Rehabilitation & Development | Under Review | 02/09/2021 | The Irish Prison Service is developing an in-cell learning strategy to enhance learning from prison cells. A new prisoner TV Channel has been developed and is being rolled out across the estate. This allows for the broadcasting of local and national information and for the provision of educational material. CDETB have developed a substantial quantity of audio-visual course materials to be viewed on the TV channel and will provide accompanying supporting hard copy documentation to facilitate blended learning. | A large volume of in-cell audio-visual and printed material has now been produced by the ETBs. Complete engagement with the staff representative association on the introduction of blended learning. | Care and Rehabilitation | Q4 2021 End September 2021 | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | A programme of incell learning was developed by CDETB. It is shared with other ETB's and runs regularly on the incell tv channel. Further technology enhancements are beng developed through the Building Bridges Programme and these will come on stream late in Q4 2023 and throughout 2024. The IPS continues to explore new technology and will examine potential options in line with the IPS. | 2-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | In-cell TV information channel was developed in 2022 with educational content in place in all prisons. Specific in-cell blended learning is in place in Dublin prisons. The Building Bridges Project in late 2022 prioritised €500,000 SOLAS allocated funding. ETBs included Cork ETB, Limerick Clare ETB, Laois Offaly ETB and City of Dublin Education and Training Board (CDETB). Funding was primarily expended on technological enhancements in the prison schools for the teaching of prisoners engaging in education. The Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science has allocated further funding of €5m in 2023. The project will be expanded to include all seven ETBs. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service is reviewing the enhanced use of technology to facilitate in-cell learning. A new Prisoner TV Channel has been introduced and is supporting in-cell learning. The Service is engaging with other prison services who have enhanced use of in-cell technology with a view to enhancing in-cell learning and service provision. This action remains under review. | |
12/08/2021 | Cork Prison | Library | Access | CKCT15 | In line with Rule 110 of the Irish Prison Rules, Cork Prison should proactively consider the re-opening of library services in the prison. | Rehabilitation & Development | Accepted | 02/09/2021 | The library at Cork Prison has re-opened. Closures may occur where resources are reassigned in line with Cork’s Regime Management Plan. | Q2 2024 | IPS - Complete | Covid-19 restrictions on the opening of prison libraries have been wound down. Closures of libraries may be experienced in line with the prison Regime Management Plan. The Local Government Management Agency commissioned a review of Prison Libraries and the Report was published in Q3 2022. Recommendations from this report are being implemented during 2023 and 2024 | 2-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | Access to prison libraries have been restored however, closures of libraries may be experienced in line with the prison Regime Management Plan. The Local Government Management Agency has completed a review of Prison Libraries and work is underway to implement the recommendations from that report with a view to completing during 2023 and 2024. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | Access to prison libraries have been restored however, closures of libraries may be experienced in line with the prison Regime Management Plan. The Local Government Management Agency has commissioned a review of Prison Libraries and the Report of the group is to be published in Q3 2022. | ||||
12/08/2021 | Cork Prison | COVID-19 | Mitigate 2020 Rule Amendments | CKCT16 | In line with the requirement to ensure “meaningful human contact,” the Inspectorate recommends that Cork Prison develops and implements measures designed to mitigate the impact of restrictions imposed on prisoner exercise and interactions by Rule 32A of the Irish Prison Rules; this should be done in consultation with prisoners and staff working in the prison. | Rehabilitation & Development | Part Accepted | 02/09/2021 | Rule 32A is implemented, when necessary, as a measure to ensure the health and safety of all prisoners and staff working in prisons. Prisoners are fully informed of the quarantine rules on committal by the Governor on parade. Restrictions are reviewed on an ongoing basis by the Emergency Response Planning Team. | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | The introduction of rotational or landing unlock resulted in reduced out of cell time for prisoners during certain periods of restrictions in 2020 and 2021. As part of the unwinding of prison restriction divisional unlock was reintroduced in July 2021 across the estate. | ||||
12/08/2021 | Cork Prison | Environment | Green Space | CKCT17 | The Inspectorate recommends that efforts be made to include green spaces in and around the yards. | Rehabilitation & Development | Part Accepted | 02/09/2021 | Consideration will be given to enhancing the aesthetics of the prison yards. Security considerations will be taken into account when considering any enhancement to the prison yards. | Prison Management; Finance & Estates Directorate | End 2021 | NA | NA | NA | 8-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | The IPS has commenced a program of yards upgrades including the installation of graphic packages to enhance the aesthetics of prison yards. Works have been completed in Cork Prison and Training Unit. A tender is under way for a graphics package for Castlerea and Cloverhill with works to be completed in both locations before the end of Q4. Additional works are planned for the Portlaoise A Yard, Cloverhill B Yard and new Unit based yards in Wheatfield, and graphic packages will be included in these works. It is hoped to complete works in Portlaoise in Q4 2023 with works in Wheatfield and Cloverhill progressing in the first half of 2024. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service intends to enhance the aesthetics of prison yards through its ongoing maintenance programme. Enhancement to prison yards will be subject to security considerations which are paramount. | ||
12/08/2021 | Cork Prison | Foreign National Prisoners | Intrepreter / Translation | CKCT18 | The Inspectorate recommends that qualified interpreters be made available, either in-person or through videolink, to assist prisoners and the resettlement team in Cork Prison to ensure information is conveyed accurately and effectively over the course of the resettlement preparation process. | Resettlement | Accepted | 02/09/2021 | The Governor has agreed with the ISM team that all non-English speaking prisoners are offered the option of an interpreter. Additional technological solutions will also be explored. | Management to advance to purchase of hand-held interpretation devices to assist non-English speaking prisoners. | Cork Prison Management | End Q4 2021 | Q2 2024 | IPS - Complete | Interpreter services are in place and provided on request. The Prison In cell TV channel is in place in prisons and provides for information dissemination in cell. Content can be uploaded and played in any language for different programmes as required. Complementary modes of information dissemination to include subtitles can also be played on the Prison In Cell TV channel. | 7-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | Interpreter services are provided on request both in person and online. The Prison In cell TV channel is in place in prisons and provides for information dissemination in cell. Content can be uploaded and played in any language for different programmes as required. Complementary modes of information dissemination to include subtitles can also be played on the Prison In Cell TV channel. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | Technical solutions for the provision of interpretative services continue to be explored. The majority of solutions require internet access which is not currently available. ICT are looking at options | |
08/09/2021 | Midlands Prison | COVID-19 | Isolation/Quarantine Information | MDCT1 | In line with Rule 54 of the Nelson Mandela Rules, Midlands Prison and the Irish Prison Service must ensure that written and oral information is provided to all prisoners, in a form they can understand; this may require the assistance of interpreters, prior to and upon entering quarantine and on an ongoing basis over the course of quarantine. Prisoners should be provided with ongoing opportunities to raise questions and to be informed of all matters necessary to adapt to quarantine and prison life in general. | Respect & Dignity | Accepted | 07/10/2021 | The Irish Prison Service provides a comprehensive Prisoner Information Book to all new committals to prison. The Book is printed in several languages and gives basic information about regimes and services within prisons. A bespoke booklet titled “Covid-19 – Living in Cell” was developed by the Red Cross Prisoner Volunteers to provide detailed information to prisoners on isolation/quarantine and gives specific information on the Covid-19 testing process. The information, which has been designed by prisoners for prisoners, is provided in a clear, easy to read plain English format. This information booklet has been translated into several languages. In addition, prisoners are provided with verbal information by prison management on the quarantine process including the timelines and testing process. | The Irish Prison Service will continue to provide translations of information provided. The Governor in Midlands Prison provides a verbal briefing to new committals and prisoners going on temporary release. | Care and Rehabilitation Prison Management | In place and will be reviewed and augmented on an ongoing basis | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | A ‘Living in Cell’ booklet has been provided throughout the covid-19 pandemic and has been updated on a number of occasions to reflect latest procedures. The booklet is circulated via the Covid-19 prison liaisons group. The document is developed in collaboration with the Prison Red Cross Volunteers and is approved by NALA. A new recording studio has been introduced in Loughan House and it is proposed that future communications will be broadcast via the Prisoner TV Channel. The Service continues to provide a comprehensive Prisoner Information Booklet to all new committals which is available in up to 7 different languages. | |
08/09/2021 | Midlands Prison | Foreign National Prisoners | Information | MDCT2 | In line with Section 42 of the Public Sector Duty and Rule 37.1 of the European Prison Rules, the Irish Prison Service must ensure that Foreign National Prisoners have equal access to the provision of information in a language they can understand. | Respect & Dignity | Accepted | 07/10/2021 | The Print shop at Midlands Prison remains closed due to the absence of the post holder. The Governor in Midlands Prison has sought support in putting a contingency plan in place to restore print services and increase supply of information. Midlands Prison Management will explore other options to support non-English language speaking prisoners to overcome language difficulties. Management in Cork Prison have commenced a trial of a hand held translation device which if successful will be rolled out to other locations. | The IPS will carry out a review of the operation of the Midlands Prison Work shop to identify long term options for the resourcing of same. | Prison Management, HR, Corporate Services | End Q1 2022 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | The Midlands Print Shop reopened in early 2022. The Irish Prison Service will continue to provide information for prisoners in a range of languages. The Service continues to explore a technical solution to support real-time language translation and ICT Division are looking at options in this regard. - Prison Management | |
08/09/2021 | Midlands Prison | COVID-19 | Provision of Framework/ Unwinding Restrictions to Prisoners | MDCT3 | The Irish Prison Service should provide prisoners with a written copy of the Framework for Unwinding of Prison Restrictions. Prisoners should be consulted, and updated on future plans relating to family visits, regimes, and sentence progression as COVID-19 restrictions unfold. | Respect & Dignity | Part Accepted | 07/10/2021 | The Irish Prison Service has completed significant unwinding of prison restrictions in line with the roll out of the covid-19 vaccination programme in all prisons. Extensive communication with prisoners is undertaken at all times to raise awareness of changes to restrictive measures. Midlands Prison management continue to brief prisoners on changes via Governor’s Parade and class officers are available to communicate with prisoner at all times. The prisoners Red Cross continue to develop information booklets and arrange regular information leaflet cell drops. The Prisoner TV channel is also updated as the Covid-19 situation evolves. | Continue to update as required | Prison Management Team | In place and Ongoing | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | The Prison Service introduced a framework for restrictive measures, (five levels) in line with the Government Framework for living with Covid-19. In 2021 the Service moved to link the unwinding of prison restrictions with the roll out of the covid-19 vaccination. In addition, the Service developed and utilised a Contingency Plan for the Management of Covid-19 Outbreaks which set out the actions to be taken for the management of an outbreak in a prison setting. In 2022, the Service moved to the management of outbreaks using a contact tracing model. The Service is currently developing a new Covid-19 Management Framework centred on the maintenance of services during possible outbreaks and support to mitigate against restrictions should enhanced restrictions be required. | |
08/09/2021 | Midlands Prison | Prisoner Engagement with OIP | Access to Reports | MDCT4 | The Inspectorate recommends that the Irish Prison Service make all Office of the Inspector of Prisons’ materials and reports readily available and accessible to all prisoners. | Respect & Dignity | Accepted | 07/10/2021 | The Irish Prison Service Communications team will work to identify opportunities to make Office of the Inspector of Prisons’ materials and reports readily available and accessible to all prisoners. | Communications team to engage with colleagues at OIP | Communications/ Press Office | End Q4 2021 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | The Irish Prison Service has agreed a process for the distribution of material with the office of the Inspector of Prison. | |
08/09/2021 | Midlands Prison | Food | Meal Scheduling | MDCT5 | In line with the Nelson Mandela Rules, Rule 22 and European Prison Rules, Rule 22.4, the Inspectorate recommends that the scheduling of meal times be amended to ensure meals are served at reasonable intervals and at usual times: breakfast (morning), lunch (midday) and dinner (evening). | Respect & Dignity | Accepted | 07/10/2021 | In 2019, the Irish Prison Service introduced a pilot alteration to the schedule of meal times in Castlerea and Mountjoy Prison (Progression Unit). The purpose was to examine the impact of providing the main daily meal in the evening. The results of the pilot were positive and the IPS decided, in 2019, to roll out this meal schedule to all prisons. The Irish Prison Service has been engaging with the staff representative association with regard to implementing this change across the prison system. The Irish Prison Service has identified the review of prisoner mealtimes as a priority action in the Public Service Agreement 2021/2022 and continues to engage with the staff representative association in this regard. | The Irish Prison Service will continue to engage with the staff representative association with regard to the alteration of the existing prisoner meal schedule The Irish Prison Service has reintroduced divisional unlock across all prisons as part of the unwinding of restrictions. | Care and Rehabilitation | Ongoing | Q2 2024 | IPS - Complete | A review of Prisoner meals was undertaken in 2022/2023. A new prison 28 day menu was rolled out to male prisons in August 2023. A review of the female 28 day menu is due for completion in Q4 2023. An enhanced evening meal is now standard across all male prisons.] | 2-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | A Steering Committee gave oversight to the review process. A sub-committee comprising 2 members from Care & Rehabilitation and 2 members from the Staff representative association carried out the review in 2022 by visiting 4 prisons; Castlerea Prison, Cork Prison, Wheatfield and the Progression Unit. The review was limited to reviewing the practicality of changes to the scheduling of the main daily meal, no changes are being proposed to the serving times or intervals between meals in prisons. The following were the recommendations from the review accepted by the steering Committee: 1. Revision and modernising of menu 2. Standardisation of the serving times across all prisons in line with standard prison day to maximise access to prisoner services. Prisoners will remain in their morning structured activity until at least 12:15pm and in the afternoon until at least 4:15pm. 3. Provide enhanced tea/evening meal offering 4. Increase range of menu options for special dietary requirements. 5. Provide only a small range of menu alternatives. 6. Strict adherence to menu and alternatives. 7. Provision of amended menu options for female prisoners The work of drawing up the menu and testing dishes is underway and expected to complete in early April 2023. The new menu is expected to be complete and ready for implementation in Q3 2023. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | An alteration to the prison of the main meal was completed in Castlerea Prison and the Mountjoy Prison Progression Unit. The Irish Prison Service has identified the review of prisoner mealtimes as a priority action in the Public Service Agreement 2021/2022 and continues to engage with the staff representative association in this regard. The Irish Prison Service will continue to engage with the staff representative association with regard to the alteration of the existing prisoner meal schedule. | |
08/09/2021 | Midlands Prison | Court | Remote Courts | MDCT6 | Taking into consideration Article 6 of the ECHR and Article 14 (3) of the ICCPR, the Irish Prison Service should continuously monitor and engage with prisoners on the impact of remote court hearings. | Respect & Dignity | Part Accepted | 07/10/2021 | The Civil Law and Criminal Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2020 allows for certain type of court hearings to be heard by video link. This includes arraignments, returns for trial, sentencing hearings and certain hearings in relation to surrender proceedings for extradition. While video link is not the default, the Act gives this authority to the Courts allowing them to make certain proceeding of their choosing by default. This authority is vested firstly in the Presidents of the Courts and subsequently in the Judges themselves. The Irish Prison Service and the Courts Service are working to increase the capacity of video link. Infection control measures introduced during Covid-19 have resulted in the widespread use of video link for Court appearances. Approximately 60% of Court appearances are now taking place via video link. The use of video link will allow the Service to redirect vital resources into the provision of prisoner services. | The Irish Prison Service will continue to engage with Court Services as necessary. The Irish Prison Service will continue to explore the use of video link for the provision of other services such as Probation interviews, prisoner case conferences, education and remote learning. | Operations | Reviewed on an ongoing basis | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | The expansion of videolink services continues as outlined in the previous update. The Irish Prison Service continues to engage with the Courts Service both on a strategic and operational level to identify appropriate usage of videolink that will increase efficiencies for the Irish Prison Service and the Courts Service whilst retaining focus on prisoners' participation and right to a fair trial. | 13-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service continues to take steps to enhance physical and ICT facilities to support the use of video link for prisoner attendance at Court. The Irish Prison Service continues to engage with Court Services as necessary to continuously improve the operation of video-courts to ensure that the rights of prisoners are upheld. The Irish Prison Service will continue to explore the use of video link for prisoner engagement with therapeutic and other support services. All opportunities to use video-link to the benefit of prisoners are reviewed on an ongoing basis. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service continues to enhance the physical infrastructure to support enhanced use of video link for prisoner attendance at Court. The Irish Prison Service will continue to engage with Court Services as necessary. The Irish Prison Service will continue to explore the use of video link for the provision of other services such as Probation interviews, prisoner case conferences, education and remote learning. Reviewed on an ongoing basis | |
08/09/2021 | Midlands Prison | Complaints | Replace IPS Complaints System | MDCT7 | In line with Rule 70.9 of the Revised European Prison Rules, and the need to ensure prisoners are able to submit a complaint without fear of reprisal, the Inspectorate encourages the Irish Prison Service to promptly replace the current complaints system that has been identified as unfit for purpose by this office over many years. | Respect & Dignity | Accepted | 07/10/2021 | The Irish Prison Service continues to engage with the Criminal Policy Division of the Dept of Justice in relation to the development of a new complaints process. All complaints are treated with the utmost seriousness and will be thoroughly investigated. Prison management advised that there are currently seven complaints boxes at various locations around Midlands Prison and all prisoners pass a complaints box at meal times. | Complaints system under review | Operations | Ongoing | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service is continuing its engagement with the Department of Justice, Inspector of Prisons and other stakeholders to update and improve the rules governing the Prisoner Complaint System. | 14-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | The Office of Parliamentary Counsel are in the process of drafting a new Statutory Instrument to provide a basis for the re-structure of the Prisoner Complaint Policy. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service have engaged with the Department of Justice and the Office of Parliamentary Council on the drafting of new legislation to give effect to the new Prisoner Complaints Process. The process is ongoing and the Irish Prison Service is awaiting the outcome of the drafting process. | |
08/09/2021 | Midlands Prison | Staffing | Availability | MDCT8 | ln line with Rule 83 (a) of the European Prison Rules, the Irish Prison Service must ensure that the management of prisons is done in such a way as to ensure prisons are adequately staffed at all times to meet a safe and secure environment and to effectively deliver on the provision of services. | Safety & Security | Accepted | 07/10/2021 | Each prison has an agreed task list which identifies the resource requirements to operate the prison, this does not include unpredictable tasks which are derived from prisoner and staff needs and which vary each quarter. Factors which influence the demands are the prisoner and staff demographics and the prison environment. These unpredictable tasks are in the main covered by applying Additional Hours to individual Officers to support the prisons’ services. Additional tasks which have not been considered in the task list are identified daily and added to the recognised tasks in order to establish the number of staff required. Where a gap between the staff numbers required and the numbers available (either through unplanned absences, unplanned demands for additional staff, or both), it is the responsibility of each prison to determine how to meet the shortfall through, for example, requiring attendance of some staff on Additional Hours within the budget available (provided for in the PSA: Haddington Road Agreement). Where unplanned task demands exceed resource availability the prison will apply a Regime Management Plan which is a tool to ensure the delivery of IPS policies and structured activities against the backdrop of reduced staffing levels, while ensuring a safe working environment for staff., the RMP outlines the level of activities/services which can be provided on any given day, given staffing levels, bringing a level of predictability and stability to the operation of the prison. The plan is heavily focussed on ensuring the continued delivery of structured activities to prisoners and on encouraging prisoners to engage in structured activities by prioritising the assignment of staff to these services. | Local Management/ Human Resources Directorate | Ongoing | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | All prisons have a Regime Management Plan in place to ensure the safe unlock of prisoners taking account of the resources available on a given day. The plan is heavily focussed on ensuring the continued delivery of structured activities to prisoners and on encouraging prisoners to engage in structured activities by prioritising the assignment of staff to these services. The Irish Prison Service has sought additional prison officer resources in the 2023 Estimates process to address staff shortfalls arising due to additional tasks such as Escorting of remand prisoners. | ||
08/09/2021 | Midlands Prison | Overcrowding | Reduce Population | MDCT9 | The Inspectorate recommends that the Irish Prison Service engages with the Department of Justice to maximise all opportunities available for reducing the prison population. The reduction in prison numbers reduces the number of people cell-sharing, minimises the risk of COVID-19 transmission, and enables prisoners to practice social distancing. | Safety & Security | Accepted | 07/10/2021 | Midlands Prison has a bed capacity of 875. The daily average number in custody in 2020 was 814 or an average occupancy level of 93%. The average number in custody in Midlands in 2021 (to 14/9/2021) is 803 or 92%. In March 2020 the Irish Prison Service took decisive action to reduce the prison population to ensure effective infection control measures. The IPS has engaged with the Department of Justice to examine potential solutions to continue to manage the prison population in a way that ensures effective infection control measures. In addition, the Criminal Justice Efficiencies Group has tasked data analysts from across the sector with examining the potential impacts on prison numbers over the next 12 months. | The IPS will continue to review the Prison Population Management Plan and will introduce new measures to address prison overcrowding as necessary. Data analysis on the impact of increased committals to be completed. | Operations Directorate Criminal Justice Efficiencies committee | Ongoing | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | Acknowledging that control of the prison population is not within the remit of the Irish Prison Service, the Irish Prison Service continues to engage with the Department of Justice to maximise all opportunities available for reducing the prison population. Additional accommodation has opened for both male and female prisoners at Limerick Prison, temporary release is utilised as appropriate, and opportunities for further expansion of the prison estate are being identified for the Capital estimates process on an ongoing basis. | 13-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | The Minister for Justice has approved amendments proposed by IPS to the Community Return Scheme and Community Support Scheme to allow for prisoners to be considered for both schemes at an earlier stage of their sentence. It should be noted that prison Governors are required by law to accept all prisoners into their custody who have been committed to prison by the Courts. The Irish Prison Service therefore has no control over the numbers committed to custody at any given time. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The Minister for Justice has published the Review of Penal Policy which includes actions to reduce reoffending and incorporate the principle of imprisonment as a last resort. The Training Unit has reopened in July 2022 providing an additional 96 prisoner spaces. An additional 90 male spaces and 22 female spaces are due to come on stream in late Q4 2022/Q1 2023 with the opening of new prisoner accommodation in Limerick Prison for male and female prisoners. (Subject to the availability of staffing resources). | |
08/09/2021 | Midlands Prison | Staffing | Healthcare | MDCT10 | The Inspectorate recommends that Midlands Prison and the Irish Prison Service take measures to reduce healthcare waiting lists and to ensure effective scheduling and timely access to a doctor for all prisoners. | Health & Wellbeing | Accepted | 07/10/2021 | Midlands Prison management are actively seeking to reduce Healthcare waiting lists. A second full time GP has been appointed, which has contributed to a more sustainable and robust GP service. | Care and Rehabilitation & Prison Management are implementing solutions. | Care and Rehabilitation Prison Management | Ongoing | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | Midlands Prison management are actively seeking to reduce Healthcare waiting lists. A second full time GP has been appointed, which has contributed to a more sustainable and robust GP service. | |
08/09/2021 | Midlands Prison | Postal Correspondence | Photocopying | MDCT11 | The Irish Prison Service should develop a clear policy on the photocopying of post. This policy should apply key principles (e.g., proportionality, necessity, review and the recording of reasons for its justification) and balance the rights of prisoners against security concerns. | Health & Wellbeing | Accepted | 07/10/2021 | The practice of photocopying post was a response by Midlands Prison to an influx of covert contraband in Prisoners’ post. An ion scanner and accompanying SOP have been received from OSG and are in place. The Operations Directorate are developing a national policy around scanning and photocopying of post. | Operations Directorate | Q1 2022 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | New security equipment - Ion scanners - were rolled out to all prisons to support the testing of incoming correspondence for illicit substances thus eliminating the need for the photocopying of incoming mail. - IPS Operations / Prison Mgmt. | ||
08/09/2021 | Midlands Prison | COVID-19 | Meaningful Human Contact | MDCT12 | In line with the June 2021 SPT Follow-Up Advice relating to COVID-19, the Inspectorate urges the Irish Prison Service to implement all possible measures for improving social and family contact for people in order to compensate for COVID-19-related isolation. | Health & Wellbeing | Part Accepted | 07/10/2021 | Every effort continues to be made by the Irish Prison Service to allow prisoners in Quarantine/Isolation to have contact with family and prison services. This includes the use of in-cell telephones. A contract has been signed for roll out of in-cell telephony in Midlands Prison, with rollout to commence in October. Physical visits to prisons have also recommenced in line with the roll out of the prison vaccination programme. Physical visits in Midlands Prison resumed on 5th August 2021. | Continue the provision of in cell technology to allow prisoners to maintain contact with family and services. | Ongoing | Q2 2024 | IPS - Complete | The Irish Prison Service has wound down Covid-19 restrictive measures. | 8-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | A project for the installation of in-cell telephones to all prison cells is ongoing. In-cell phones are operational in Castlerea, Cloverhill, Cork, Limerick and Midlands Prisons. Projects in Portlaoise Prison and Dóchas Centre are currently ongoing and will be completed by the end of Q2 2023. Tenders for Arbour Hill, Mountjoy Prison including the Training Unit and Progression Unit will be completed before the end of Q2 2023 with the installation completed by the end of 2023. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | Throughout the pandemic every effort was made to ensure all prisoners could continue to have meaningful contact with others. Prisoners who were confirmed as Covid-19 positive or suspected as having Covid-19 were isolated, in line with Standard Operating Procedures, to prevent the spread of infection. This is in line with action taken in the community. The Irish Prison Service introduced video visiting technology to allow prisoners to communicate with family and friends when physical visits were suspended. This option has been retained as an additional communication tool to support family contact. In-cell telephones were introduced in all locations as a temporary measure during the pandemic however, a major project to install in-cell telephones in all cells across the prison estate on a permanent basis has been commenced. As a result in-cell telephones have been installed in is complete in Castlerea, Cloverhill, Midlands, Cork and Limerick prisons. The Service anticipates the completion of in-cell telephony to the Dóchas Centre, Portlaoise and Wheatfield Prisons by the end of this year. Subject to the availability of necessary resources, the Service intend to provide in-cell telephony in Arbour Hill and Mountjoy Male prison in 2023. While physical visits were suspended for periods during 2020 and 2021 (for infection control reasons) the Irish Prison Service ensured that suspension of physical visits was lifted as soon as it was deemed safe to do so. The Service has continued to unwind restrictions on physical visits with visits now permitted every fortnight and no restrictions on capacity. It is expected to return to weekly visits in Q3 2022 subject to available resources. | ||
08/09/2021 | Midlands Prison | COVID-19 | Access to Showers | MDCT13 | In line with the Revised European Prison Rules Rule 19.4 and the CPT Decency Threshold for Prisons, prisoners in quarantine/isolation must be permitted to shower, if not daily, at a minimum, two times in a seven-day period. | Health & Wellbeing | Accepted | 07/10/2021 | The Infection Control Guidance on the provision of showers for prisoners in Quarantine/Isolation was updated in July by the NICT to allow for two showers in a seven day period – where operationally feasible. All prisoners confined to their cell for the purpose of quarantine have access to hot water and soap to maintain adequate hygiene. This is in line with the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT), Statement of Principles relating to the treatment of persons deprived of their liberty in the context of the Coronavirus disease. Any prisoner required to quarantine or isolate in Midlands Prison is also provided with a pack that includes hygiene and cell cleaning products. | The Infection control Guidance on the provision of showers for prisoners in Quarantine/Isolation was updated in July to allow for two showers in a seven day period – where operationally feasible. | Care and Rehabilitation; Human Resources | Completed | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | The Irish Prison Service introduced a new Standard Operating Procedure (10/08/2022) setting out the correct procedures for the showering of prisoners in quarantine/isolation. It was agreed to allow prisoners up to 2 showers in a seven day period. | |
08/09/2021 | Midlands Prison | COVID-19 | Isolation/Quarantine Fresh Air | MDCT14 | Prisoners in quarantine/isolation must have at least one hour in the open air each day. | Health & Wellbeing | Not Accepted | 07/10/2021 | Prisoners in quarantine have restricted out of cell time, in accordance with Rule 32A of SI 250/2020 Prison Rules 2020. Prisoners are fully informed of the quarantine rules on committal by the Governor on parade. In 2021, an average of 17 prisoners per day are subject to Rule 103 Quarantine or Rule 103 Isolation. This means that around 2% of the Midlands prison population are affected by Covid 19 restrictive measures on a daily basis. Restrictions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. | NA | NA | NA | 7-Mar-23 | IPS - Complete | New committals are tested on day one and if negative, can enter general population. The isolation period for positive Covid cases is consistent with public health advice. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | It was not possible to allow prisoners in isolation or quarantine out of cell time to prevent the spread of infection. The Irish Prison Service continued to review the Standard Operating Procedure for quarantine and isolation throughout the pandemic. This included the reduction of the isolation period in line with guidance from the Health Authorities. As a result all new committals are now tested on day one of committal and, if the return a negative test, they may enter general population on day 4. | ||||
08/09/2021 | Midlands Prison | COVID-19 | Mental Healthcare | MDCT15 | Measures must be taken to mitigate the detrimental effects of isolation or quarantine, including psychological support during and after quarantine/isolation in order to assist prisoners in coping with the impact of COVID-19 and subsequently imposed restrictive measures. | Health & Wellbeing | Accepted | 07/10/2021 | A Covid outbreak-specific mental health protocol has been put in place by the IPS Psychology Service. The approach incorporates a three-tiered layered care model which includes preventative, enhanced and acute mental health care interventions. This includes the use of tablets to proactively engage people on significantly restrictive measures, where required. | Completed | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | A Covid outbreak-specific mental health protocol has been put in place by the IPS Psychology Service. | |||
08/09/2021 | Midlands Prison | Restricted Regime | Out-of-Cell Time | MDCT16 | The Inspectorate urges Midlands Prison to consider all available ways to increase out-of-cell time and maximise access to services for prisoners accommodated under Rule 63 of the Irish Prison Rules. | Rehabilitation & Development | Part Accepted | 07/10/2021 | Every effort is made by prison management to provide maximum out of cell time for prisoners on restricted regime for protection reasons. The Irish Prison Service has introduced new technologies to support those who are more confined to their cells and these technologies will allow greater levels of access to regimes and services post covid-19. These include in-cell telephones and the Prisoner TV/Information Channel. Midlands Prison have submitted a business case to split exercise yards in order to facilitate further out of cell time for Rule 63 prisoners. Providing enhanced regimes for restricted prisoners is being considered as part of the development of an in-cell learning plan. The operation of Rule 63 is also being reviewed by the Irish Prison Service as part of the Review of the Prison Rules, 2007. The aim of the Irish Prison Service is to reduce the number of prisoners confined to their cells under Rule 63. | Review of Rule 63 to be completed as part of Review of Prison Rules | Operations Directorate | Q2 2022 | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service Review of the Prison Rules is ongoing. The Midlands Prison is implementing a regime to prisoners on Rule 63 that is possible with the allocated resources. Midlands Prison have requested a Joint Task Review which HR Directorate will undertake in Q3 2024. | 14-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service commenced a review of Prison Rules in 2020 following the publication of the revised European Prison Rules by the Council of Europe. Progress on the Review was delayed due to challenges presented by the Covid-19 pandemic. However, work on the Review restarted in 2022 and significant progress has been achieved on the development of a working document. This includes the development of draft amendments to give effect to the provisions of the European Prison Rules 2020, amendments suggested from within the Irish Prison Service and amendments arising from the public consultation phase. The working document is currently being considered by the Irish Prison Service, and once this is completed, the Irish Prison Service will be engaging with officials in the Department on the next steps. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The review of prison rules is ongoing. It is intended to bring forward the review of a number of priority rule changes in 2023 and it is intended to consider the operation of Rule 63 in this regard. Every effort is made by the Irish Prison Service to ensure the safety of all those accommodated in prisons. Prisoners who are accommodated on restricted regimes can be limited in their ability to engage with important rehabilitative services. The Irish Prison Service has introduced new technologies to support those who are more confined to their cells and these technologies will allow greater levels of access to regimes and services post covid-19. These include in-cell telephones and the Prisoner TV/Information Channel. | |
08/09/2021 | Midlands Prison | Education | Digital Learning | MDCT17 | To meet the education needs of prisoners (European Prison Rule 28.1), which include facilitating more substantive engagement with education (and other services), the Irish Prison Service should make digital tablets available for prisoner use. These digital tablets could be pre-loaded with education materials. | Rehabilitation & Development | Under Review | 07/10/2021 | The Irish Prison Service is developing an in-cell learning strategy to enhance learning from prison cells. A new prisoner TV Channel has been developed and is being rolled out across the estate. This allows for the broadcasting of local and national information and for the provision of educational material. CDETB have developed a substantial quantity of audio-visual course materials to be viewed on the TV channel and will provide accompanying supporting hard copy documentation to facilitate blended learning. | A large volume of in-cell audio-visual and printed material has now been produced by the ETBs. Director of Care and Rehabilitation continues to engage with the staff representative association on the introduction of blended learning and progress is anticipated in the immediate future. | Care and Rehabilitation | Q4 2021 Q4 2021 | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | A programme of incell learning was developed by CDETB. It is shared with other ETB's and runs regularly on the incell tv channel. Further technology enhancements are beng developed through the Building Bridges Programme and these will come on stream late in Q4 2023 and throughout 2024. The IPS continues to explore new technology and will examine potential options in line with the IPS. | 2-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | In-cell TV information channel was developed in 2022 with educational content in place in all prisons. Specific in-cell blended learning is in place in Dublin prisons. The Building Bridges Project in late 2022 prioritised €500,000 SOLAS allocated funding. ETBs included Cork ETB, Limerick Clare ETB, Laois Offaly ETB and City of Dublin Education and Training Board (CDETB). Funding was primarily expended on technological enhancements in the prison schools for the teaching of prisoners engaging in education. The Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science has allocated further funding of €5m in 2023. The project will be expanded to include all seven ETBs. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service is reviewing the enhanced use of technology to facilitate in-cell learning. A new Prisoner TV Channel has been introduced and is supporting in-cell learning. The Service is engaging with other prison services who have enhanced use of in-cell technology with a view to enhancing in-cell learning and service provision. This action remains under review. | |
08/09/2021 | Midlands Prison | Library | Access | MDCT18 | In line with Rule 110 of the Irish Prison Rules and on par with public health guidelines in the community, Midlands Prison should pro-actively consider the re-opening of library services in the prison. | Rehabilitation & Development | Accepted | 07/10/2021 | The library at Midlands Prison has re-opened. Closures may occur where resources are reassigned in line with Midlands’ Regime Management Plan. | Care and Rehabilitation are undertaking a review of Library Services across the Prison Estate. | Care and Rehabilitation | Dec-21 | Q2 2024 | IPS - Complete | Covid-19 restrictions on the opening of prison libraries have been wound down. Closures of libraries may be experienced in line with the prison Regime Management Plan. The Local Government Management Agency commissioned a review of Prison Libraries and the Report was published in Q3 2022. Recommendations from this report are being implemented during 2023 and 2024. Midlands Prison awaits appointment of new librarians from the local authority. | 2-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | Access to prison libraries have been restored however, closures of libraries may be experienced in line with the prison Regime Management Plan. The Local Government Management Agency has completed a review of Prison Libraries and work is underway to implement the recommendations from that report with a view to completing during 2023 and 2024. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | Access to prison libraries have been restored however, closures of libraries may be experienced in line with the prison Regime Management Plan. The Local Government Management Agency has commissioned a review of Prison Libraries and the Report of the group is to be published in Q3 2022. | |
08/09/2021 | Midlands Prison | COVID-19 | Mitigate 2020 Rule Amendments | MDCT19 | In line with the requirement to ensure “meaningful human contact,” the Inspectorate recommends that Midlands Prison develop and implement measures designed to mitigate the impact of restrictions imposed on prisoner exercise and interactions by Rule 32A of the Irish Prison Rules; this should be done in consultation with prisoners and staff working in the prison. | Rehabilitation & Development | Part Accepted | 07/10/2021 | Rule 32A is implemented, when necessary, as a measure to ensure the health and safety of all prisoners and staff working in prisons. Prisoners are fully informed of the quarantine rules on committal by the Governor on parade. Restrictions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | The introduction of rotational or landing unlock resulted in reduced out of cell time for prisoners during certain periods of restrictions in 2020 and 2021. As part of the unwinding of prison restriction divisional unlock was reintroduced in July 2021 across the estate. | ||||
08/09/2021 | Midlands Prison | Activities / Services | Access | MDCT20 | Midlands Prison should consider maximising the capacity of activities and services in the prison, in accordance with social distancing guidelines. In particular, access to activities that allow for safe social distancing, such as horticulture, should be increased. | Rehabilitation & Development | Part Accepted | 07/10/2021 | Covid 19 related restrictions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Current numbers attending horticulture have been agreed to ensure staff safety. The number of participants will be kept under review, in line with the unwinding of infection control measures. | Subject to ongoing review | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | The requirement for social distancing has been removed and capacities have returned to pre-pandemic levels. | |||
08/09/2021 | Midlands Prison | Work Training | Prisoner Certification | MDCT21 | In line with the Revised European Prison Rules (2020), Rule 26.7, Midlands Prison should ensure wherever possible that prisoners are provided with opportunities to achieve formal accreditation, particularly in areas that may assist in gaining employment upon release from prison. | Rehabilitation & Development | Accepted | 07/10/2021 | In line with the Revised European Prison Rules (2020), Rule 26.7, Midlands Prison should ensure wherever possible that prisoners are provided with opportunities to achieve formal accreditation, particularly in areas that may assist in gaining employment upon release from prison. The Irish Prison Service places a strong emphasis on the provision of vocational training activities for prisoners to prepare them for employment post-release. Work and Training section oversees the provision of accredited training to prisoners, provision of essential services to the prison (such as catering, laundry, industrial cleaning and waste management) to meet compliance standards and supports the provision of other constructive activities such as gyms, work parties and charitable work. A wide range of training workshops operate within the institutions, e.g. printing, computers, Braille, woodwork, metalwork, construction, craft and horticulture. In addition, essential services for the prisons i.e. catering, laundry services and industrial cleaning are provided through accredited work training. Courses are externally accredited by City & Guilds, the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA), Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI), ECDL and other certifying bodies. A review of the Irish Prison Service work and training programme is currently being undertaken by the Irish Prison Service. | Programme under review | Care and Rehabilitation | Q1 2022 | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | The Review of Work and Training has completed. This review relies on the development and implementation of a prisoner progression plan to fully implement the recommendations contained in that review. Given the increase in prisoner population and overcrowding across the estate, the prisoner progression plan is still under development. Specifically by way of update for Midlands Prison, the Q1, 2023 note appears to be accurate. The work training area has been reviewed to expand accredited training in conjunction with Mount Lucas. The availability of workshops is locally dependent on the availability of appropriate staff and the requirement of the prison to implement the RMP. The prison has an identified requirement for 71 staff in the work training area, of which 68 are assigned (WTO grade or Higher Duties to WTO grade). There is a mix of accredited training and holistic courses available to prisoners as it is acknowledged that not all prisoners want to participate in accredited training. The Care & Rehabilitation Directorate identify accredited courses which directly relate to employment options for post release prisoners. Any changes in offering are referred back to the JTR team for consideration. It is the position that the JTR team will review the change at Midlands Print/Computer function, this should happen during Q4, 2023/Q1 2024. | 2-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | Task Reviews are required for each work and training area following completion of the Report. The Task Review for Midlands is expected to be completed by end Q4 2023. A renewed emphasis is being placed on accredited training with emphasis on Catering, Laundry, Industrial Cleaning, Waste management, and Gym in 2023 Discussions are taking place with Mount Lucas, the National Construction Training Campus to examine the introduction of the NZEB (Nearly Zero Energy Building) training course into prisons. This is a recognised industry standard and the course would be a stepping stone to acceptance to the full NZEB programme run by Mount Lucas. It is intended to progress in Q3 2023. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The Review of Work and Training has been completed. Task Reviews are required for each work and training area following completion of the Report and these have been deferred due to the management of Covid-19. The process will recommence at the end of August 2022. | |
08/09/2021 | Midlands Prison | Activities / Services | Closures | MDCT22 | The Inspectorate urges the Irish Prison Service and Midlands Prison to put in place resources to ensure the print shop is operational, especially because provision of timely information is integral to the unwinding of COVID-19 restrictions in the prison. | Rehabilitation & Development | Accepted | 07/10/2021 | The Midlands Prison Print shop is currently closed due to a long term absence of the post holder. Prison management are looking at interim solutions to support the printing of material pending the return of the post holder. The long term operation and staffing of the Print Workshop is being considered as part of the review of work and Training. | Ongoing | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | [The Print Shop in Midlands has been closed and a new replacement fabric workshop is due to open by Q1 2024. | 17-Feb-23 | IPS - Ongoing | The Midlands Prison recognises the contribution the Print Shop makes to communications among stakeholders within the organisation. Task Review ongoing. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The Midlands Print shop has been reopened. The future management and staffing of the print shop is being considered under the Task Review arising from the Review of Work Training. | |||
08/09/2021 | Midlands Prison | Environment | Green Space | MDCT23 | The Inspectorate recommends that efforts be made to include green spaces in and around the yards. | Rehabilitation & Development | Part Accepted | 07/10/2021 | Consideration will be given to enhancing the aesthetics of the prison yards. Security considerations will be taken into account when considering any enhancement to the prison yards. | Prison Management; Finance & Estates Directorate | End 2021 | NA | NA | NA | 8-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | The IPS has commenced a program of yards upgrades including the installation of graphic packages to enhance the aesthetics of prison yards. Works have been completed in Cork Prison and the Training Unit. A tender is under way for a graphics package for Castlerea and Cloverhill with works to be completed in both locations before the end of Q4. Additional works are planned for the Portlaoise A Yard, Cloverhill B Yard and new Unit based yards in Wheatfield, and graphic packages will be included in these works. It is hoped to complete works in Portlaoise in Q4 2023 with works in Wheatfield and Cloverhill progressing in the first half of 2024. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service intends to enhance the aesthetics of prison yards through its ongoing maintenance programme. Enhancement to prison yards will be subject to security considerations which are paramount. | ||
08/09/2021 | Midlands Prison | Psychology | BBL Programme | MDCT24 | In line with ICCPR Article 10 (3) and the need to ensure prisoners have continued access to rehabilitative services, the Inspectorate recommends the Irish Prison Service continue to assess and revise / replace the Building Better Lives programme to ensure effective and timely engagement. This may include augmenting resources for the psychology service across Midlands Prison (and Arbour Hill Prison) to ensure an adequate number of staff are available to provide a service to all people convicted of a sexual offence. | Rehabilitation & Development | Accepted | 07/10/2021 | Midlands Prison rehabilitative services were provided virtually and maintained virtually insofar as was possible throughout the pandemic. In line with the unwinding of restrictive measures across the Estate, Midlands is now providing increased levels of access to services in line with the unwinding of restrictive measures. Release requirements were met, including requirements for release of people convicted of a sexual offence. The BBL programme has resumed face to face meetings within the past month. Psychology Services at Midlands Prison have also been provided with an additional group room to facilitate further engagement. The Irish Prison Service is reviewing its approach to the management of prisoners convicted of sexual violence and the operation of the Building Better Lives Programmes. In this regard, the Irish Prison Service has submitted a business case for the provision of additional resources for the treatment of sexual violence via the 2022 Estimates Process. | Business case submitted as part of Estimates Process | Q1 2022 | Q2 2024 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service have recruited additional resources in line with the partial funding provided. All posts have now been assigned at Staff Grade Psychologist & Senior Psychologist level. The Principal Specialist Psychologist vacancy has been recently filled on an acting up basis. The team across both sites currently consists of a Principal Specialist Psychologist, 1 Senior Psychologist, 2 Senior Psychologist (Sexual Violence), 1 Staff Grade Psychologist and 1 Assistant Psychologist. A review of the programme has been completed, and we have received a draft report with recommendations from Professor Liam Marshall. Following finalisation of the report, it is anticipated that the Psychology Service will develop an implementation plan that will ensure effective and timely engagement. There have already been efforts to screen people for suitability for the BBL programme as soon as possible upon committal. The Psychology Service are currently running a new Consent and Healthy Sexuality group in Arbour Hill for men who have sexually offended. The group is a 6-week education programme exploring the concept of consent, sexual consent and communicating consent. | 28-Jun-23 | IPS - Ongoing | The Irish Prison Service (IPS) is reviewing its approach to the treatment of people convicted of sexual violence with the support of an international expert in the field. This expert has reviewed the Building Better Lives Programme as it currently stands (Feb 2023) and the IPS awaits the outcome of this review. Recruitment of some additional Psychologists to support an increased number people convicted of sexual violence is ongoing with a recruitment campaign scheduled for 29th June 2023. Funding was secured through the Estimates 2022 process but the 2022 recruitment campaign did not witness an increase in staffing for the Building Better Lives Programme. It is anticipated that updated interventions will include risk assessment at an early stage in sentence to inform sentence management and treatment options, working with people who deny and minimise their offence(s), working with people with mental disorders who have been sexually violent, and provision of treatment for people in all risk categories and with shorter sentences. Through personal communication with the expert reviewer, it is anticipated that the review will highlight the need for more senior, experienced staff to work in such a specialist area of psychological intervention. | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Ongoing | As per AHCT16 The Irish Prison Service submitted a business case for additional resources to staff a programme for sexual violence treatment. This would see up to 80% of people convicted of sexual violence engaging in in risk and needs led assessment treatment. The Service was successful in achieving partial funding for this programme and has submitted a business case through the estimates process 2023 for the remaining funding. An advertising campaign for suitable staff closed on 9th August 2022 with interviews in Sept 2022. A procurement process is also underway to secure the support required to make significant changes to the current treatment programme for sexual violence. This will include risk assessment at an early stage in sentence to inform sentence management and treatment options, working with people who deny and minimise their offence(s), working with people with mental disorders who have been sexually violent, and provision of treatment for people in all risk categories and with shorter sentences. | ||
08/09/2021 | Midlands Prison | Parole Board | MDCT25 | The Inspectorate recommends that the Irish Prison Service put appropriate arrangements in place to ensure that prisoners are able to engage with services required in order to fulfil Parole Board requirements. | Rehabilitation & Development | Accepted | 07/10/2021 | Appropriate arrangements are in place to facilitate engagement with services as required by the Parole Board. These services must be provided in line with current public health guidelines. | Operations | Ongoing | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | Covid-19 restrictions have been lifted and prisoners are in a position to engage with the necessary services in line with Parole Board recommendations. The Irish Prison Service is engaging with the new Parole Board with regard to the management of life sentence prisoner cases under the new Parole Board structures. | |||
08/09/2021 | Midlands Prison | Integrated Sentence Management | Resources | MDCT26 | In line with the Mandela Rules and the European Prison Rules, the Irish Prison Service should strengthen, operationalise and apply the Integrated Sentence Management process so that all prisoners are actively engaged and contributing to their sentence and re-integration plan and have regular meetings with the ISM officer per year. Prisoners should be provided with a written copy of their sentence plan. | Resettlement | Accepted | 07/10/2021 | The WTO-ISM Coordinator is required to conduct an interview with an ISM-Eligible prisoner within 7 days of committal or transfer to establish the need for referrals to services. The WTO-ISM creates the referrals to the services and invites the services to make recommendations for a sentence plan. The sentence plan is required to be reviewed annually or at intervals determined by the needs of the prisoner. Within 12 months of the remission date the WTO- ISM Coordinator is required to conduct a Community Integration Interview with the prisoner. The Community Integration Interview is then discussed with the prison-based multi-disciplinary team and a plan for preparing for release should be prepared and discussed with the prisoner. A new ICT system has been built and introduced in Summer 2021 to help guide and record activity across this ISM process. This new ICT system provides the ability to print and provide the prisoner with a copy of their multi-disciplinary sentence plan which is called the ‘Personal Implementation Plan’ (PIP). As part of the introductory phase of this new ICT system the WTO-ISM Coordinators have concentrated on completing the initial ISM interviews. Over 700 interviews have been conducted with prisoners in Midlands Prison since 5th July 2021. The WTO-ISM, Governor and prison-based multi-disciplinary team are now moving to the second phase of Personal Implementation Plan (PIP) development for prisoners in Midlands Prison. The phased introduction of the new ISM ICT system is underway across the prison estate and a total of 3140 ISM interviews have been completed with ISM-eligible prisoners and a total of 537 plans commenced or completed between 5 July 2021 and 1 October 2021. These figures do not include prisoners who have been released in the same time period. | Care and Rehabilitation | Ongoing | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | The Irish Prison Service secured funding in the 2022 Estimates process to facilitate the purchase of Tablet computers for use by ISM co-ordinators. Enabling works are required out to facilitate the necessary technical access to support same and work is underway in this regard. It is hoped that the necessary enabling work will be completed when technical components have been delivered and are installed. Delivery has been delayed due to global supply chain issues however it is anticipated that the necessary components will be delivered in November at which point enabling works will be progressed. | ||
27/09/2021 | Loughan House | COVID-19 | Provision of Framework/ Unwinding Restrictions to Prisoners | LHCT1 | The Irish Prison Service should provide prisoners with a written copy of the Framework for Unwinding of Prison Restrictions. Prisoners should be consulted, and updated on future plans relating to family visits, regimes, and sentence progression as COVID-19 restrictions unfold. | Respect & Dignity | Part Accepted | 16/11/2021 | The Irish Prison Service has completed significant unwinding of prison restrictions in line with the roll out of the covid-19 vaccination programme in all prisons. Extensive communication with prisoners is undertaken at all times to raise awareness of changes to restrictive measures. Loughan House management continue to brief prisoners on changes via Governor’s Parade and class officers are available to communicate with prisoner at all times. The Red Cross volunteer prisoners continue to develop information booklets and arrange regular information leaflet cell drops. The Prisoner TV channel is also updated as the Covid-19 situation evolves. | Newsletter Edition 39 completed with comprehensive information on latest easing of restrictions. Specific Prisoner Information Leaflet on the Physical visits issued to all prisoners | Communications Group | Completed | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 01/09/2022 | IPS - Complete | The Prison Service introduced a framework for restrictive measures, (five levels) in line with the Government Framework for living with Covid-19. In 2021 the Service moved to link the unwinding of prison restrictions with the roll out of the covid-19 vaccination. In addition, the Service developed and utilised a Contingency Plan for the Management of Covid-19 Outbreaks which set out the actions to be taken for the management of an outbreak in a prison setting. In 2022, the Service moved to the management of outbreaks using a contact tracing model. The Service is currently developing a new Covid-19 Management Framework centred on the maintenance of services during possible outbreaks and support to mitigate against restrictions should enhanced restrictions be required. | |
27/09/2021 | Loughan House | Food | Meal Scheduling | LHCT2 | In line with the Nelson Mandela Rules (Rule 22.1), and European Prison Rules, (Rule 22.4), the Inspectorate recommends that the scheduling around meal times be amended to ensure meals are served at reasonable intervals and at usual times reflected in the community: breakfast (morning), lunch (midday) and dinner (evening). | Respect & Dignity | Accepted | 16/11/2021 | In 2019, the Irish Prison Service introduced a pilot alteration to the schedule of meal times in Castlerea and Mountjoy Prison (Progression Unit). The purpose was to examine the impact of providing the main daily meal in the evening. The results of the pilot were positive and the IPS decided, in 2019, to roll out this meal schedule to all prisons. The Irish Prison Service has been engaging with the staff representative association with regard to implementing this change across the prison system. The Irish Prison Service has identified the review of prisoner mealtimes as a priority action in the Public Service Agreement 2021/2022 and continues to engage with the staff representative association in this regard. | The Irish Prison Service will continue to engage with the staff representative association with regard to the alteration of the existing prisoner meal schedule The Irish Prison Service has reintroduced full prison unlock across all prisons as part of the unwinding of restrictions. | Care and Rehabilitation | Ongoing | Q2 2024 | IPS - Complete | A review of Prisoner meals was undertaken in 2022/2023. A new prison 28 day menu was rolled out to male prisons in August 2023. A review of the female 28 day menu is due for completion in Q4 2023. An enhanced evening meal is now standard across all male prisons.] | 2-Mar-23 | IPS - Ongoing | A Steering Committee gave oversight to the review process. A sub-committee comprising 2 members from Care & Rehabilitation and 2 members from the Staff representative association carried out the review in 2022 by visiting 4 prisons; Castlerea Prison, Cork Prison, Wheatfield and the Progression Unit. The review was limited to reviewing the practicality of changes to the scheduling of the main daily meal, no changes are being proposed to the serving times or intervals between meals in prisons. The following were the recommendations from the review a |